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In Search of Peace and Freedom

ac livid
In Borneo, long, long ago, there lived a very heartless king. The
people were unfree. They were joyless. So ten Malay datus
decided to leave the place.

ac Let’s
“Let us look for a land where we can live in peace and freedom,”
said Datu Puti, the leader. ac readly

“Yes, let’s do that for the sake of our children,” the others readily
agreed. Nobody disagreed. ac Pa-nay

At last they came upon a land known as Panay. They did not just
seize it but bought from the king of the island.
ac fearless, and ac undistur-bed

The malays lived fearless and undisturbed in the land they had
ac but ac nipay
bought. They built houses of bamboo, nipa, and wood. They
planted food crops. They raised animals, too.

As time passed, communities grew. The Malays formed their

government. They called their unit of government barangay, after
the boat that had carried them through the seas—balangay.
c 1. Mala 2. Malay’s and ac fufilled
At last, the Malays’ dream of living peacefully^was fulfilled.

Source: Fun in English (Reading) pp. 3-4

The Life Cycle of Frogs

Amphibians are animals that spend their lives in two distinct

places. They begin their lives in the water, then move on to land
where they make their homes.

The frog is an amphibian. The female frog lays hundreds of eggs
in fresh shallow water. The eggs are covered and protected by a
gelatin-like coating. In a few days, the eggs hatch into larvae. The
ac yow
larvae breathe by means of gills like the fish. They live on the yolk
ac becomes
of the egg from which they come from. Soon the larvae become
c 1. li 2. lives

The tadpole breathes through gills and lives in the water, and its
c 1. A 2. As
long tail gives it a fish-like appearance. As the tadpole grows, the
c 1. gradua 2. gradually
tail gradually disappears, and its hind legs appear. The gills are
replaced by lungs, and short front legs take shape.

c 1. pair 2. pairs
With two pairs of legs and with lungs finally developed, the
tadpole becomes an adult frog. It moves into land. The frog may
live near the water but, will not and cannot make its home in the

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