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Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37


Management of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS) and Intestinal Failure

Mark Radetic1   · Amir Kamel2 · Mark Lahey2 · Michelle Brown3 · Anil Sharma1

Received: 2 April 2022 / Accepted: 2 November 2022 / Published online: 25 November 2022
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a chronic disease whose natural history requires a changing array of management strategies
over time. Chief amongst these is the chronic use of parenteral nutrition (PN) to ensure adequate nutritional intake. With
time and appropriate management, approximately half of all SBS patients will successfully regain a functional, baseline level
of intrinsic bowel function that will allow for them to achieve PN independence. However, the other half of SBS patients
will progress into chronic intestinal failure which warrants a change in therapy to include more aggressive medical and
potentially surgical measures. This review examines the evolving treatment strategies involved in the management of SBS
as well as intestinal failure.

Keywords  Short bowel syndrome · Short gut syndrome · Intestinal failure · Teduglutide · Gastrointestinal reconstruction
procedures · Intestinal transplantation

Introduction as a profuse, watery diarrhea that results in dehydration,

electrolyte derangements, and malnutrition. In this article,
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is characterized by the mal- we review the pathophysiology of SBS, explore current
absorption of fluid, electrolytes, and nutrients that develops management options, and discuss some future directions in
following the loss of a significant quantity of small intes- therapeutics.
tine—typically appearing in patients with less than 180 cm
of small bowel [1, 2]. The spectrum of disease ranges from
compensated intestinal insufficiency to complete intestinal Pathophysiology
failure requiring parenteral nutritional support with factors
such as the total length of remnant small bowel, the site of The average adult has 300–800 cm of small intestine consist-
bowel resection, and the presence or absence of the colon ing of duodenum (25–30 cm), jejunum (200–300 cm), and
dictating disease severity [1, 3]. ileum (300–400 cm) [5–7]. Short bowel syndrome arises
Typically, SBS is a post-surgical disease that arises in the when total small intestinal length is reduced to less than
aftermath of significant small intestinal resection which can 180 cm which results in the development of significant intes-
occur in patients with extensive Crohn’s disease, mesenteric tinal malabsorption with subsequent malnutrition and an
ischemia, malignancy, or abdominal trauma [4]. It presents osmotic diarrhea produced by the unabsorbed intra-luminal
solutes [1, 2]. The true prevalence of SBS is unknown but
estimated to affect up to 15% of adults undergoing bowel
* Mark Radetic resection [8]. Physiologically, SBS is split into an acute phase and an
adaptation phase with therapeutic goals differing somewhat
Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition,
University of Florida Health, 1600 SW Archer Rd,
between the two phases. The acute phase begins immedi-
Gainesville, FL 32608, USA ately following small bowel resection and lasts approxi-
Department of Pharmacy, Nutrition Support/Critical
mately 1 month [9]. It is characterized by the sudden devel-
Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, University of Florida, opment of nutrient malabsorption with high intestinal fluid
Gainesville, FL, USA losses and metabolic derangements resulting from the abrupt
Department of Food & Nutrition Services, University loss of absorptive intestinal surface area. The primary goals
of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA


30 Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37

of therapy during the acute phase are to offset the intesti- 22]. This is substantiated by the fact that individuals with an
nal fluid and electrolyte losses while providing nutritional end jejunostomy have little to no probability of recovery via
support in the form of parenteral nutrition (PN). Following intestinal adaptation [19, 23]. Thus, retention of the ileum
the acute phase, the residual bowel will begin to undergo a confers many advantages in patients with SBS.
series of structural and physiological changes which func-
tion to slow intestinal transit and maximize nutrient absorp-
tion in an attempt to compensate for lost intestinal function.
Collectively, this process is referred to as “intestinal adap- Management
tation” and marks the beginning of the adaptation phase of
SBS—which can last up to 2 years [9]. During this phase, The primary goals of therapy in SBS depend, to some extent,
therapeutic goals center on supporting intestinal adaptation on whether the patient is in the acute or the adaptive phase.
with the end goal of restoring intestinal function to baseline During the acute phase (1st month) of SBS, manage-
“pre-resection” levels. ment focuses on repleting the significant fluid and electro-
The clinical course of SBS is influenced by several fac- lyte losses and providing nutritional support. Fluid losses
tors including: the presence/absence of the colon in conti- should be closely monitored during the post-operative period
nuity with the small intestine, the total length and health of to determine daily intravenous (IV) fluid requirements and
remaining small intestine, and which bowel segments were serum electrolytes should be checked daily and repleted as
resected [9, 10]. The presence of a colon in continuity with necessary [9, 24]. Extensive small bowel resections typi-
the remnant small intestine offers a significant advantage cally result in a reduction in the intestinal negative feedback
to SBS patients as the colon is able to absorb much of the mechanisms that inhibit gastric acid secretion [25–27]. The
unabsorbed fluid that comes pouring out of the shortened loss of this regulatory function leads to increases in the vol-
small intestine. A fully intact colon can absorb up to 6 L ume and acidity of gastric secretions which adds to the total
of excess fluid each day, thus limiting diarrheal fluid losses volume of gastrointestinal fluid losses and causes further
and mitigating the risk of dehydration [11]. Furthermore, the intestinal malabsorption through the inactivation of pancre-
colon can contribute in nutrient absorption to an extent— atic enzymes by the increased gastric acidity. This gastric
mostly through the absorption of carbohydrates produced “hypersecretory state” is particularly common during the
from intra-colonic bacterial metabolism [9, 12]. As a result, early stages of SBS and can result in erosive esophagitis
having an intact and continuous colon is functionally equiva- and peptic ulcer disease [10]. Thus, all SBS patients should
lent to having approximately 50 cm of “additional” small be started on a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) post-operatively
intestine [13]. Total intestinal length is of critical importance in order to suppress gastric hypersecretion [28, 29]. PPI
as well, as individuals with less than 120 cm of small bowel therapy should be continued for 6 months after which dis-
(without a colon in continuity) or those with less than 60 cm continuation can be considered given their increased risk
of small bowel (with colon in continuity) usually develop for causing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) in
permanent intestinal failure that will require lifelong PN [2, patients who are already prone to developing the condition.
14, 15]. In addition to managing fluid and electrolyte requirements
The final factor that ultimately dictates the course of and starting PPI therapy, the mainstay of management during
SBS is the success (or lack thereof) of intestinal adapta- the acute phase is nutritional support. SBS patients should
tion in achieving a return of intestinal function to baseline be started on PN which will provide the primary source of
levels. The success of adaptation depends, in part, on which nutrition [9]. Enteral nutrition (usually via a feeding tube
bowel segments remain as each intestinal segment possesses initially) should also be started as soon as possible after
slightly different structural and functional properties as well bowel resection [30, 31]. The goal of early enteral feeding,
as adaptation potential [16]. The changes that occur during however, is not to try to avoid PN, but rather to stimulate the
intestinal adaptation include both microscopic changes such process of intestinal adaptation as the most potent stimulant
as enterocyte hyperplasia, lengthening of villous surface of adaptation is the presence of nutrients within the intes-
area, and increases in brush border enzymes and transport tinal lumen [30–32]. Several nutrients, in particular, have
proteins as well as macroscopic changes that result in dila- been shown to play an important role in the stimulation of
tion and elongation of the residual small bowel [17–19]. Of intestinal adaptation. These include the amino acid arginine,
all the small intestinal segments, the ileum has the “tight- citrulline, long-chain triglycerides, and omega-3 fatty acids
est” intercellular junctions which, in combination with its among others [33, 34]. Many of these nutrients stimulate the
central role in bile acid re-absorption, make it the most fluid production and release of intestinotrophic hormones such
absorptive intestinal segment [20]. The ileum is also the as glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) from neuroendocrine
most “adaptable” small bowel segment which allows it to L-cells residing within the ileum and colon [35]. Continu-
mitigate the losses of other small bowel segments [16, 21, ous tube feeding is usually preferred over bolus feeding as

Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37 31

it is generally more easily tolerated and achieves maximal jejunostomy [9, 23]. Additionally, patients should follow a
“around-the-clock” intestinal stimulation [36]. diet that is high in complex carbohydrates with moderately
Parenteral nutrition (PN) should be started early in the restricted fat intake in order to minimize steatorrhea [23].
post-operative period and optimized during the hospitaliza- A diet high in complex carbohydrates is particularly helpful
tion in order to allow for a successful transition to home in those with a colon in continuity given the colon’s ability
PN on discharge. In order to minimize its impact on normal to partake in nutrient breakdown and absorption [37, 38].
day-to-day living, home PN is typically infused overnight. However, those with a colon should take care to minimize
It is usually tapered on/off at half its target rate during the dietary oxalate due to an increased risk for developing cal-
first and last hours of infusion, which is done to help mini- cium oxalate nephrolithiasis from excessive oxalate absorp-
mize rapid electrolyte shifts and prevent hyperglycemia fol- tion [10, 23].
lowed by rebound hypoglycemia. Prior to hospital discharge, The mainstay of pharmacological therapy involves the use
patients should be instructed on the basics of proper care and of anti-diarrheal medications to reduce fluid losses and slow
hygiene of the central line, how to store and administer PN, intestinal motility to maximize the available time for nutrient
basics of pump operation and troubleshooting, and should absorption (Table 1). First-line anti-diarrheal agents include
be educated on some of the potential complications that loperamide and/or diphenoxylate—both of which should be
can arise from PN use. Home health nursing visits are typi- taken 30 minutes before meals and at bedtime [39, 40]. In
cally arranged in the beginning to ensure appropriate home patients with persistent diarrhea despite maximal therapy
management of PN by patients and their families. Routine on first-line anti-diarrheals, second-line medications such as
outpatient lab monitoring is essential—electrolytes should codeine and/or tincture of opium can be added as adjuncts
be checked 1–2 times per week and repleted as necessary, to treatment [39]. Other commonly used anti-diarrheals
whereas micronutrients can be monitored more periodically such as cholestyramine or octreotide should generally be
(i.e., every 3–4 months). avoided in these patients. SBS patients often develop a bile
During the adaptation phase of SBS, the primary focus of acid deficiency—particularly those who have undergone
management shifts towards using pharmacological therapy resections of the terminal ileum. The use of cholestyramine
to maximize intestinal absorption and gradually weaning will only further exacerbate this bile acid deficiency and
PN with the goal of liberating the patient from parenteral result in impairments to fat absorption which, paradoxi-
nutrition. The optimization of intestinal absorption involves cally, will worsen the diarrhea while increasing oxalate
a combination of lifestyle changes as well as the introduction absorption which places the patients at-risk for developing
of anti-diarrheal medications to slow gastrointestinal transit calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis [40]. The use of octreotide
in order to maximize the amount of time the intestines have as an anti-diarrheal should also be avoided in SBS patients
to absorb luminal contents. Patients should avoid hypertonic as it acts to stunt the process of intestinal adaptation due
fluids (fruit juice, soda, etc.) as they will exacerbate diar- to decreased splanchnic blood flow [39, 41, 42]. A trial of
rheal fluid losses—especially in individuals with an end octreotide can be considered, however, in patients outside of

Table 1  Common medications used in the management of short bowel syndrome

Dosing Comments

Proton pump inhibitors (PPI)

 Pantoprazole 40 mg PO/IV twice daily PPI therapy should be continued for the first 6 months after which it
should be discontinued (if able)
 Omeprazole 40 mg PO twice daily As above
Anti-diarrheal agents
 Loperamide 2–4 mg PO four times daily Should be given 30 min before meals and at bedtime
The typical daily maximum of loperamide is 16 mg but patients with
SBS may require higher doses of up to 64 mg per day
 Diphenoxylate-atropine 5 mg PO four times daily Should be given 30 min before meals and at bedtime
Daily maximum of 20 mg per day
 Tincture of opium 3–10 mg PO four times daily Should be given 30 min before meals and at bedtime
Comes in liquid form with a morphine concentration of 10 mg/mL
 Codeine 15–60 mg PO four times daily Should be given 30 min before meals and at bedtime
Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) analog
 Teduglutide 0.05 mg/kg SQ once daily Contraindicated in patients with an active gastrointestinal malignancy

PO per os or “by mouth”, IV intravenous, SQ subcutaneous


32 Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37

the “adaptation window” (i.e., 2 years) who have continued, intestinal failure [2, 14, 15]. The serum citrulline level has
profuse diarrhea with IV fluid requirements exceeding 3 L also been shown to be predictive of long-term PN use with
per day while on maximal anti-diarrheal therapy [19]. levels < 15 µmol/L being associated with permanent PN-
In the weeks following the initial bowel resection, many dependence [43].
patients are able to gradually transition from enteral intake Treatment options for intestinal failure are limited, but
via feeding tube to regular oral intake. As intestinal adapta- include both medical and surgical options. The mainstay of
tion unfolds and the remnant small intestine increases its medical management is the medication teduglutide which
baseline function, parenteral nutritional requirements will is an analog of glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2)—an enter-
begin to decline in patients who are able to tolerate oral oendocrine hormone that stimulates the growth and prolif-
nutrition. Over time, as enteral nutritional intake rises, it is eration of enterocytes in the small intestine and colon [44,
appropriate to begin to wean down PN proportionate to the 45]. Teduglutide is used to “force” intestinal adaptation
oral intake in order to keep the daily caloric intake constant. to continue with the goal of achieving PN independence
SBS patients are at the greatest risk for developing nutri- for patients with intestinal failure [46–50]. The intestino-
tional and vitamin deficiencies during the process of PN trophic properties of teduglutide also provide the basis for its
weaning so electrolyte and vitamin levels should be closely adverse effects—namely an increased risk for polyp forma-
monitored during this process. Figure 1 summarizes the tion and colorectal cancer in those with a residual colon due
management strategies during the various phases of SBS to increased stimulation of colonic cellular growth and pro-
(Fig. 1). liferation. Thus, colorectal cancer screening is of particularly
high importance for those on teduglutide therapy. Patients
should undergo a baseline screening colonoscopy 6 months
Intestinal Failure prior to the initiation of teduglutide, a repeat colonoscopy
after 1 year of therapy, and then surveillance colonoscopies
After 2 years, approximately 50% of SBS patients will every 5 years thereafter (while on teduglutide) for regular
recover enough intestinal function through adaptation that surveillance [51]. Likewise, the main contraindication to
they will be able to come off of PN entirely [10, 14]. How- teduglutide use is the presence of an active gastrointestinal
ever, the other half of patients will progress to permanent malignancy due to the medication’s potential to stimulate
intestinal failure requiring lifelong PN. Several predic- tumor proliferation in those with an underlying malignancy
tive factors can identify which patients are at high-risk for [51]. Longer-acting GLP-2 analogs such as glepaglutide and
developing permanent intestinal failure. The most notable of apraglutide are currently in development as well [52, 53].
these is total intestinal length with individuals having less Surgical options in the treatment of intestinal failure
than 120 cm of small bowel (without a colon in continuity) include gastrointestinal reconstruction procedures as well
or those with less than 60 cm of small bowel (with colon as intestinal transplantation. Reconstructive surgeries aim
in continuity) being highly likely to develop permanent to surgically manipulate the remnant intestines in order

Fig. 1  Summary of the mainstays of management of short bowel syndrome

Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37 33

to maximize absorption potential and minimize diarrheal losses will worsen fat malabsorption and cause steatorrhea.
fluid losses. These surgeries are technically very challeng- In those with a colon, unabsorbed fatty acids will bind to
ing and are only performed in carefully selected patients at luminal calcium which leaves oxalate free to be absorbed
highly specialized academic medical centers with expertise into the bloodstream, get filtered in the kidney, and then
in gastrointestinal reconstruction. Examples of reconstruc- precipitate out of solution to form calcium oxalate stones
tive procedures include intestinal lengthening, serial trans- resulting in nephrolithiasis [61]. Thus, a low-oxalate diet is
verse enteroplasty, and segmental reversal of the small bowel recommended in patients with a residual colon in continuity.
or colon (Fig. 2) [10, 54]. Intestinal lengthening involves The gastric hypersecretory state that develops after exten-
cutting the small intestine in half longitudinally and then sive small bowel resection predisposes patients to develop-
re-connecting the divided intestines in an end-to-end fash- ing esophagitis and peptic ulcer disease in addition to further
ion to increase total small bowel length in order to increase exacerbating diarrheal fluid losses. Thus, twice daily PPI
small bowel transit time. In serial transverse enteroplasty, a therapy is recommended during the first 6 months of SBS
“zig–zag” pattern is cut into the small intestine in order to to mitigate gastric hypersecretion [62]. SBS patients are also
increase total absorptive surface area. Segmental reversal of at-risk for developing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
the small bowel or colon involves removing a bowel segment (SIBO) which presents with bloating, flatulence, and an
and then re-attaching it in the same spot but “backwards” acute worsening of diarrhea. Risk factors for SIBO include
so that the reversed segment undergoes peristalsis in the loss of the ileocecal valve (which normally acts to prevent
“wrong” direction (upstream rather than downstream) in bacterial reflux from the colon into the small intestine) and
order to help slow intestinal motility [55, 56]. long-term usage of PPIs and anti-motility agents which are
The final treatment option for patients with persistent staples of medical management in SBS.
intestinal failure is intestinal transplantation which is typi- Finally, chronic PN use places patients at-risk for experi-
cally only indicated in patients on lifelong PN who develop encing catheter-related complications such as line-associated
irreversible complications of chronic PN use such as fre- infections or thrombosis. Moreover, long-term PN predis-
quent central line complications (infection, thrombosis), poses patients to the development of a fatty liver as well
chronic liver disease, or persistent malnutrition despite being as cholestasis from diminished gallbladder activity due to
on PN (Table 2) [57–60]. decreased utilization of the gastrointestinal tract. The risk
of cholestasis is even higher in those with resections of the
terminal ileum as diminished bile acid re-absorption changes
Complications the composition of bile in the gallbladder—causing it to
become supersaturated with cholesterol which increases the
The intestinal malabsorption, diarrhea, and need for par- risk for forming cholesterol gallstones.64
enteral nutrition places SBS patients at-risk for develop-
ing several complications—the most obvious of which
involve sequelae of nutritional and vitamin deficiencies. Conclusion
Early PN use can circumvent many of these deficiencies,
but they can resurface later on in the disease course as PN SBS is a chronic disease that requires long-term manage-
is being weaned. For this reason, electrolyte and vitamin ment strategies that evolve over time. Initial management
levels should be closely monitored (i.e., every 3–6 months) during the acute phase involves aggressive repletion of
to ensure adequate levels. IV fluids and electrolytes to replace diarrheal losses, PPI
The most common deficiencies are in fat-soluble vitamins therapy to blunt gastric hypersecretion, initiation of PN for
(ADEK), essential amino acids, and vitamin B12 which nutritional support, and early enteral nutrition to stimulate
develops in patients who have lost more than 60 cm of ter- the process of intestinal adaptation. As patients stabilize and
minal ileum [61]. Impaired vitamin D absorption places transition into the adaptation phase, therapeutic goals shift
patients at-risk for developing osteopenia/osteoporosis, so towards maximizing residual intestinal function with the
yearly screening with a bone mineral density scan is rec- aim of achieving PN independence. This is accomplished
ommended [62]. In the rare patients with duodenal resec- through dietary modifications and the use of anti-diarrheal
tions, there will also be decreased absorption of calcium, medications to minimize fluid losses, slow gastrointestinal
iron, and folate which can result in metabolic bone disease motility, and maximize intestinal absorption.
and anemia, respectively. Bile acid deficiency can occur in After 2 years of intestinal adaptation, approximately 50%
those who have lost more than 100 cm of terminal ileum of SBS patients will achieve PN independence. For those
which results in a disruption in enterohepatic circulation with persistent intestinal failure, the use of GLP-2 analogs
with bile acid losses exceeding bile acid production by the such as teduglutide can induce further intestinal growth,
liver [63]. In turn, insufficient bile acids from continual fecal improve intestinal function, and lead to PN independence


34 Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37

Fig. 2  Gastrointestinal
reconstruction procedures. A
Intestinal lengthening. B Serial
transverse enteroplasty (STEP).
C Segmental reversal of the
small intestine or colon

Digestive Diseases and Sciences (2023) 68:29–37 35

Table 2  Indications for intestinal transplantation

Conditions related to parenteral nutrition failure or associated complications

 Development of chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) secondary to chronic cholestasis from long-term parenteral nutrition use
 Thrombosis of at least 3 of the 4 upper torso central veins (internal jugular and subclavian veins) OR either brachiocephalic vein—making
these sites inaccessible for central line placement that is required for long-term parenteral nutrition use
 Two or more yearly episodes of cardio-pulmonary failure requiring an ICU admission and level of care (mechanical ventilation, pressor sup-
port) attributable to the underlying bowel disease or central line-associated complications (line-associated septic shock, dehydration with
hypovolemic shock, severe metabolic derangements)
Conditions NOT related to parenteral nutrition
 Invasive intra-abdominal desmoid tumors
 Acute mesenteric ischemia with diffuse intestinal infarction AND liver failure when initial attempts at revascularization are unsuccessful
 Failure of first intestinal transplant

in some patients. Alternative options include gastrointesti- Declarations 

nal reconstruction procedures as well as intestinal transplan-
tation—both of which should only be offered to carefully Conflict of interest  The authors do not have any financial disclosures
or conflicts of interest.
selected patients.
Ethical approval  Ethical approval was not necessary as this is a review
article that does not directly involve experimentation with human or
animal subjects.
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