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My childhood home

Three stories, tall and proud

A sentry, perched atop a hill
A triumphant solider, that held its head high
The guardian of my childhood

Its skin, a pristine white

Its walls, marruised by crayon drawings (marred and bruised)
Littered with scars of a happier time
Marked by the dents and bumps of parkour

My house oozed comfziness and joy (comfort and coziness)

Like a mother’s embrace, it filled me with warmth
Nurturing blisserful smiggles (blissful and cheerful) (smiles and giggles)
Engulfed by harmodious laughter (harmonious & melodious)

Memories of afternoons spent skipprolling through green lawns (skipping and strolling)
While the flamboyant sun glowzed up above; illuminating our day (glowed and blazed)
The scent of pure, untainted happiness was always prominent
My house was a magical book, that held chapters of my life

My home
My refuge
My safe heaven
My protector

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