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[Info | 10:52:09 AM] [Medal Log Init] 3.643.0.

0 - 4/1/2023 10:52:09 AM

[Info | 10:52:10 AM] Honeycomb init successfully

[Info | 10:52:10 AM] Found available electron port 10603
[Info | 10:52:10 AM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 10:52:10 AM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 10:52:10 AM] Server running at
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE.
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] Remote config saved
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] User saved as 171285640 - Opar136
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 10:52:11 AM] Backup clips folder is D:\Medal
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Username is base64 translated to Opar136
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] User updated 171285640 - Opar136
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] job.respond 4e1af337-6062-481c-99e5-2fe611c7b821
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Initial app settings - Trigger key is F8 - FPS setting is 30 -
Resolution setting is 1280x720 - Clip length is 30 - Detect all games setting is
False - Encoding setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True -
Full Session Sound Alerts setting is True - Mic input setting is False - Mic gain
is 0.5 - Game sound gain is 0.5 - Auto upload setting is False - Auto upload state
setting is 0 - environment setting is production - WindowsGameMode setting is False
- Clip Folder is C:\Medal - Bitrate setting is 10 - Controller trigger key is
select - Saving Trigger Key Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller Trigger Key
Enabled setting is True - Saving mouseTriggerEnabled setting is False -
mouseTrigger is Middle - Selected audio device is Auto - Selected mic device is
Auto - Full Session Mode Enabled setting is True - DevelopmentModeEnabled setting
is False - Mono audio setting is False - Selected webcam device is <None> -
WebcamEnabled setting is False - Switch game trigger key is F10 - Show Cursor
setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is True - In Memory Buffer setting is
True - Mic noise gate enabled setting is False - Mic noise gate open threshold is -
100 - Mic noise suppression enabled setting is False - Audio Notifications setting
is False - Hold-To-Record setting is False - IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True
- Aspect Ratio is Custom - Advanced Window Capture setting is False - Recording
Enabled setting is False - Voice Clipping Enabled setting is False - Voice Clipping
Phrases setting is - AdvancedOverlaySetting is False - ICYMI setting is True -
ICYMI setting: { enabled: [Rocket League, League of Legends, CS:GO, Fortnite, War
Thunder, Apex Legends, Splitgate: Arena Warfare, Valorant, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel],
disabled: [] } - ICYMI Clip length is 30 - ICYMI Sound setting is True - ICYMI use
Overwolf setting is False - Push to talk enabled setting is False - Push to talk
trigger key is Tab - Output Format setting is matroska, Extension .mkv - Multiple
Audio Streams setting is False - Push To Talk Mouse Trigger is None - BFrames
Enabled setting is False - UseStringID is False - Push to talk Controller trigger
key is None - Screenshot trigger key is NoName - External File Sources setting is
{"label":"OBS","value":"obs","enabled":false,"freeUpSpace":false}],"folders":[]} -
Quality Preset setting is Performance - Selected GPU device is Auto - Controller
key logging enabled setting is True - Screen Capture Clip Mode setting is Disabled
- Monitor Device Name setting is - Broadcast Target is hidden - Broadcast setting
is Disabled - AlwaysOn Screen capture setting is False - Progressive uploads
setting is False
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] request user
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] request environment
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Checking hardware encoders
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Username is base64 translated to Opar136
[Debug | 10:52:12 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Saving environment production
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] User updated 171285640 - Opar136
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] job.respond bd2ea634-6ef5-440c-bb22-eefaacf49911
[Debug | 10:52:12 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:12 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"4e1af337-6062-481c-99e5-
[Debug | 10:52:12 AM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 10:52:12 AM] job.respond babfd2db-dca0-4a80-8301-14936624ed83
[Debug | 10:52:12 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'babfd2db-dca0-4a80-8301-
[Debug | 10:52:12 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond 667d7adc-3003-43d6-ba2b-5563915b75e2
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Selected mic device Auto
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond 6131a747-d07f-49ce-9a14-f037de0316df
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond 9681530f-6d31-4a9c-a4c8-6c26bf86e8b5
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled True
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond 9b0785c0-1bbf-408d-8a44-25472c3eb08d
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] Executing Request: set.fullSessionModeEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled True
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond 46dd3f5c-54d3-45f9-b2b1-693ccc58bc50
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'667d7adc-3003-43d6-ba2b-
[Debug | 10:52:13 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:13 AM] Found encoder: NVIDIA NVEnc H.264 Encoder
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 10:52:14 AM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Set process priority to High
[Warning | 10:52:14 AM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Warning | 10:52:14 AM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Debug | 10:52:14 AM] Executing Request: - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Set security permissions for C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\
[Warning | 10:52:14 AM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] job.respond a3954e13-e46a-4cd6-bc47-d62ba3989054
[Debug | 10:52:14 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a3954e13-e46a-4cd6-bc47-
[Debug | 10:52:14 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Output Mode: Session Output
[Info | 10:52:14 AM] Process watcher started
[Debug | 10:52:15 AM] Executing Request: - {
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] job.respond a9237c9e-cf82-4e9d-b5dd-e2647f3984f0
[Debug | 10:52:15 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a9237c9e-cf82-4e9d-b5dd-
[Debug | 10:52:15 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] MedalWriter Created
[Warning | 10:52:15 AM] Screenshots are disabled!
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] Contains args: True
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] SDK feature flags--
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] correct_start_ts is false - mdelay_store_video is false -
dx_pipeline_reusable is false - audio_mixing is false -
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 10:52:15 AM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:16 AM] Executing Request: - {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Info | 10:52:16 AM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Info | 10:52:16 AM] job.respond ce75d43f-f42c-40bd-8230-8bef42fc4d08
[Debug | 10:52:16 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ce75d43f-f42c-40bd-8230-
[Debug | 10:52:16 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[{"id":"e2eSoft iVCam","label":"e2eSoft iVCam","value":"e2eSoft iVCam"},
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Sending available GPU devices NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti
[Debug | 10:52:17 AM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[{"id":"e2eSoft iVCam","label":"e2eSoft iVCam","value":"e2eSoft iVCam"},
[Debug | 10:52:17 AM] SendAvailableGPUDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.643.0\DLLs\MServer.exe - profile not found
[Debug | 10:52:17 AM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] job.respond 681cc33e-6080-43e0-8dcc-1878a28addcb
[Debug | 10:52:17 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'681cc33e-6080-43e0-8dcc-
[Debug | 10:52:17 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.643.0\MedalEncoder.exe - profile not found
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] GPU Scheduling registry exists
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Initializing DirectX overlay
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Initializing Injection overlay
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\deria\AppData\
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Removed existing vulkan registry info [C:\Users\deria\AppData\
[Info | 10:52:17 AM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Running as admin False
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] System supports GAO.
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Saving Output Format mkv
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Checking for new version from
[Debug | 10:52:18 AM] Executing Request: set.switchGameTriggerkey - {
"key": "F10",
"key.base64": "RjEw"
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Saving switch game key settings RjEw
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Key setting is base64 translated to F10
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] job.respond ab58cca8-92bc-461d-8d5b-767a3e399d98
[Debug | 10:52:18 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Remote Info:
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Local Info:
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] No update is available.
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] job.respond 84a166d7-822f-40f2-853b-25f277bf374e
[Debug | 10:52:18 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"ab58cca8-92bc-461d-8d5b-
[Debug | 10:52:18 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] Custom database location is C:\Users\deria\AppData\Roaming\
[Info | 10:52:18 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Debug | 10:52:18 AM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti","1
Status":"OK","1 Caption":"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti","1
DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterDACType":"Integrated RAMDAC","1
Monochrome":"False","1 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\
DriverVersion":"","1 VideoProcessor":"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti","1
VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2","1 AdapterRAM":"8.0
GB"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive C:\\","C:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume
label":"Windows","C:\\ File system":"NTFS","C:\\ Available space to current
user":"178.8 GB","C:\\ Total available space":"178.8 GB","C:\\ Total size of
drive":"476.1 GB","C:\\ Root directory":"C:\\","D:\\ Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive
type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume label":"DATA","D:\\ File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available
space to current user":"931.4 GB","D:\\ Total available space":"931.4 GB","D:\\
Total size of drive":"931.5 GB","D:\\ Root directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"AMD
Ryzen 5 5600G with Radeon Graphics ","1 DeviceID":"CPU0","1
Manufacturer":"AuthenticAMD","1 CurrentClockSpeed":"3901","1 Caption":"AMD64 Family
25 Model 80 Stepping 0","1 NumberOfCores":"6","1 NumberOfEnabledCore":"6","1
NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"12","1 Architecture":"9","1 Family":"107","1
ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"252","1 AddressWidth":"64"},"Memory":{"1
TotalPhysicalMemory":"15.8 GB","1 FreePhysicalMemory":"8.0 GB","1
TotalVirtualMemorySize":"17.3 GB","1 FreeVirtualMemory":"7.2 GB","1
TotalVisibleMemorySize":"15.8 GB","1 FreeSpaceInPagingFiles":"1.5 GB"},"OS":{"1
Caption":"Microsoft Windows 11 Home","1 WindowsDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS","1
ProductType":"1","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32","1
CountryCode":"44","1 CurrentTimeZone":"60","1 Locale":"0809","1
EncryptionLevel":"256","1 OSArchitecture":"64-bit","1 OSLanguage":"2057","1
OSType":"18","1 Version":"10.0.22621"},"Monitors":{"1 Name":"OMEN 27c","1
BitsPerPixel":"32","1 ScreenWidth":"2560","1 ScreenHeight":"1440","1
Primary":"True"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"USB Audio Device","1 ProductName":"USB Audio
Device","1 DeviceID":"USB\\VID_1532&PID_054E&MI_01\\7&B78B486&0&0001","1
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2
Name":"NVIDIA High Definition Audio","2 ProductName":"NVIDIA High Definition
Audio","2 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3","3
Name":"NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)","3 ProductName":"NVIDIA
Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)","3 DeviceID":"ROOT\\UNNAMED_DEVICE\\
0000","3 PowerManagementSupported":"False","3 Status":"OK","3 StatusInfo":"3","4
Name":"Realtek High Definition Audio","4 ProductName":"Realtek High Definition
Audio","4 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","4 Status":"OK","4 StatusInfo":"3","5
Name":"Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)","5 ProductName":"Voicemod Virtual Audio
Device (WDM)","5 DeviceID":"ROOT\\MEDIA\\0000","5
PowerManagementSupported":"False","5 Status":"OK","5 StatusInfo":"3","6
Name":"e2eSoft iVCam","6 ProductName":"e2eSoft iVCam","6 DeviceID":"ROOT\\MEDIA\\
0001","6 PowerManagementSupported":"False","6 Status":"OK","6 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 10:52:19 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 10:52:19 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:19 AM] Executing Request: set.screenshotTriggerKey - {
"key": "NoName",
"key.base64": "Tm9OYW1l"
[Info | 10:52:19 AM] Saving screenshot key settings Tm9OYW1l
[Info | 10:52:19 AM] Key setting is base64 translated to NoName
[Info | 10:52:19 AM] job.respond 70c527d5-ce1b-46fc-8ec2-c4a3dac352a6
[Debug | 10:52:19 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Debug | 10:52:19 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:19 AM] job.respond 05138c52-4e8c-45c5-b632-c1b3614d301a
[Debug | 10:52:19 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'70c527d5-ce1b-46fc-8ec2-
[Debug | 10:52:19 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:20 AM] Executing Request: set.triggerkey - {
"key": "F8",
"key.base64": "Rjg="
[Info | 10:52:20 AM] Saving key settings Rjg=
[Info | 10:52:20 AM] Key setting is base64 translated to F8
[Info | 10:52:20 AM] job.respond c6b8a803-9603-48be-b648-cb82dc5e36fe
[Debug | 10:52:20 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c6b8a803-9603-48be-b648-
[Debug | 10:52:20 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:21 AM] Executing Request: set.triggerKeyEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 10:52:21 AM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 10:52:21 AM] job.respond 949b44e1-2755-4baa-873b-3d2971395e71
[Debug | 10:52:21 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'949b44e1-2755-4baa-873b-
[Debug | 10:52:21 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:22 AM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkTriggerKey - {
"key": "Tab",
"key.base64": "VGFi"
[Info | 10:52:22 AM] Saving key settings VGFi
[Info | 10:52:22 AM] Key setting is base64 translated to Tab
[Info | 10:52:22 AM] job.respond 82df4c44-6c99-4dc2-96c3-7d64c3885d72
[Debug | 10:52:22 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'82df4c44-6c99-4dc2-96c3-
[Debug | 10:52:22 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:23 AM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkMouseTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"index": -1
[Info | 10:52:23 AM] Saving push to talk mouse settings None
[Info | 10:52:23 AM] job.respond 3181db11-a6bd-42ee-a8c8-2cc7f0756046
[Debug | 10:52:23 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3181db11-a6bd-42ee-a8c8-
[Debug | 10:52:23 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:24 AM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkControllerTriggerKey - {
"name": "None",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "None",
"playstation": "None"
[Info | 10:52:24 AM] Saving push to talk controller key settings None
[Info | 10:52:24 AM] job.respond 28bb7f2c-92fb-4a28-9995-4692bff3dec9
[Debug | 10:52:24 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'28bb7f2c-92fb-4a28-9995-
[Debug | 10:52:24 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:25 AM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:52:25 AM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 10:52:25 AM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 10:52:25 AM] job.respond 2aa9ca03-820c-48d4-b066-8de6fb2d7e18
[Debug | 10:52:25 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'2aa9ca03-820c-48d4-b066-
[Debug | 10:52:25 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:26 AM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {
"trigger": {
"name": "Middle Click",
"index": 1
[Info | 10:52:26 AM] Saving mouseTrigger settings Middle Click
[Info | 10:52:26 AM] job.respond 9929c3e4-0b11-4f37-8b33-53573f10db67
[Debug | 10:52:26 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9929c3e4-0b11-4f37-8b33-
[Debug | 10:52:26 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:27 AM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 10:52:27 AM] Saving mouseTriggerEnabled Enabled False
[Info | 10:52:27 AM] job.respond f6e28052-515f-48d2-88f6-de91f934360e
[Debug | 10:52:27 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f6e28052-515f-48d2-88f6-
[Debug | 10:52:27 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:28 AM] Executing Request: set.controllerTrigger - {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Info | 10:52:28 AM] Saving controller key settings select
[Info | 10:52:28 AM] job.respond ef08b8b6-d1fe-4636-9115-36fb3d5fbfc1
[Debug | 10:52:28 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ef08b8b6-d1fe-4636-9115-
[Debug | 10:52:28 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:29 AM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 10:52:29 AM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 10:52:29 AM] job.respond d515d112-009d-4e43-91f8-145306ba1bae
[Debug | 10:52:29 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d515d112-009d-4e43-91f8-
[Debug | 10:52:29 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:30 AM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 10:52:30 AM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 10:52:30 AM] job.respond 7bab4674-7de8-43e9-808a-341684d1dab3
[Debug | 10:52:30 AM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "30"
[Debug | 10:52:30 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:30 AM] Saving clip length 30
[Info | 10:52:30 AM] job.respond 3dff2207-7c09-4454-b234-4dab1d2e5395
[Debug | 10:52:30 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:30 AM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 10:52:30 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'7bab4674-7de8-43e9-808a-
[Debug | 10:52:31 AM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 10:52:31 AM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 10:52:31 AM] job.respond 1d42f248-5463-4d1b-a706-6338aff3b7b3
[Debug | 10:52:31 AM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Debug | 10:52:31 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:31 AM] Saving ICYMI clip length 30
[Info | 10:52:31 AM] job.respond e50d8b74-07e0-4e19-bf44-ebe344e3f24f
[Info | 10:52:31 AM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 10:52:31 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1d42f248-5463-4d1b-a706-
[Debug | 10:52:31 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:32 AM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 10:52:32 AM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 10:52:32 AM] job.respond 0dc432ec-7426-45fa-92d2-e68d702fef19
[Info | 10:52:32 AM] [ESM Event] - Already queued! - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 10:52:32 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0dc432ec-7426-45fa-92d2-
[Debug | 10:52:32 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond dcb271d4-38f1-4845-b47b-f6190dcbc82f
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "30"
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving FPS 30
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Hook data extracted
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond a20edac3-54ca-4a7b-9e60-6c28a970c99f
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 0
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Mic Input False
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond a9a541c6-66cb-47ad-83e6-dfc44a6427d6
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond 2ce6ecb2-6dd0-4403-9fb0-f3bd81497d7a
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond 8a322f34-eff7-42b7-ba0a-ce663cb7e490
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond 0398fc56-d4eb-4cd2-a13a-23e6a2e002ee
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Full Session Sound Alerts True
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond 5e883937-1476-496b-82c9-586f6556e218
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond a155bbf8-deaa-478c-9572-4ee775a8e70c
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond ac404d7b-1dc4-4f56-b8a2-a9fb2d2c6657
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond d5ddb086-061d-4ed6-b619-0c4d3421a3f7
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Medal%path.sep%",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcTWVkYWxc"
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Medal\
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] C:\Medal\ - folder verified
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond 16e2174f-86fc-494d-b000-53d34b029ef5
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Debug | 10:52:33 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:33 AM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond d428b0bb-9666-42eb-94b2-7f8b2d6b9e89
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {
"autoUploadState": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Auto Upload State 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond f3fd2bb1-304c-4053-a8e0-3dcddaa26837
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 8c26241d-cfe3-48c9-b3ac-377881467e7f
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: get.availableMicDevices -
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond aab342bb-fed2-489f-b1bb-c12a6969dbbc
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: get.availableAudioDevices -
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High
Definition Audio), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 48ed5591-e6a2-486f-9592-8e0479ef7b4e
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: get.micAudioDevice -
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond e8dbf112-bd22-4edd-a3a6-080e3d9fdd16
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: get.gameSoundAudioDevice -
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 4d9e6a2d-7dda-4783-8ffd-a1d5f96cb893
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 370b32d9-1074-444d-a76d-fd099bd823fd
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 50
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving mic gain 50
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 9cad9c6d-099e-4175-9609-5c6bf629b754
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Game Audio Only 1
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 706b368d-5795-4e48-b765-06324e3289b7
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.setVoiceClipping - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Voice Clipping Enabled 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 3cfbf2c5-c832-40ad-83e8-e63680f59659
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.multipleAudioTracks - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Multiple Audio Streams 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 71ccce39-c460-4bf6-83d5-43c518f736fd
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedNoRestart
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 41dfd387-cf39-4fbe-ad90-5bd6e8137284
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Hold-To-Record enabled: False
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond db061be7-0ed6-4d00-8afb-c9e19b76ff78
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving ICYMI True
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond d17f7c97-b2a6-472b-b5ce-1a2473eb0a63
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond a1a5c424-bdd8-4063-b6d4-4f636013fb82
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Advanced Window Capture 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 60294965-0b67-4387-be77-36c3bf87d6b2
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving Recording Enabled 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] [ESM Event] - Queued - DisableRecording
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 3e7e712d-bf93-4321-a709-a657bef0b596
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 48009cbb-fe1e-40b6-90d0-84dce7232f8f
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 5f8d40c6-51b3-4658-871e-e6a3b4b869ea
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond c35dd9ea-05c5-4efc-b7a8-73bfea41c08f
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond d5b0578c-e844-4b50-9d9b-c25fd7619d88
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] Executing Request: set.advancedOverlayEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] Saving AdvancedOverlaySetting False
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond 69029d64-5a45-44b5-b02b-bd406a015943
[Info | 10:52:34 AM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:52:34 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'dcb271d4-38f1-4845-b47b-
[Info | 10:52:37 AM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - DisableRecording
[Info | 10:52:37 AM] [ESM Event] - DisableRecording
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 262318
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 10:55:04 AM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] Added Mouse Device: Mouse
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] Game recording not running
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 10:55:05 AM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:55:05 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] job.respond 4736ee8e-ae0f-45d5-96bb-319ee3e7c133
[Debug | 10:55:05 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] Notification message received
[Info | 10:55:05 AM] job.respond 6dccc3ec-5a0e-4a46-b8ee-6fa63f3d9332
[Debug | 10:55:05 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:55:09 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:55:49 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:55:54 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:58:09 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:58:24 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:58:44 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:58:49 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:59:49 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:59:54 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:06:45 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:07:20 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:08:55 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:10:50 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:13:05 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:13:20 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:13:50 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:14:05 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:16:15 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:16:25 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:17:10 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:17:15 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:18:25 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:18:30 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:18:55 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:19:15 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:22:41 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:22:46 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:22:51 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:23:06 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:23:11 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:23:16 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:23:21 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:23:26 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:24:11 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:24:16 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:25:31 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:25:36 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:26:46 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:26:51 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:29:51 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:29:56 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:31:21 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:31:26 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:32:56 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:33:01 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:34:26 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:34:31 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:36:36 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:36:41 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:37:32 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:38:42 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:45:37 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:45:42 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:52:40 AM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 11:52:40 AM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:52:40 AM] Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 11:52:40 AM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Info | 11:52:40 AM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 11:52:40 AM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:52:40 AM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:52:47 AM] Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 11:52:47 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:52:48 AM] Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 11:54:37 AM] 1 logs of- Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 11:54:37 AM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 11:54:37 AM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Info | 11:54:37 AM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 11:54:37 AM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 11:54:37 AM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:54:37 AM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 11:54:38 AM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High
Definition Audio), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Debug | 11:54:38 AM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 11:54:38 AM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:54:38 AM] 1 logs of- Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:54:38 AM] Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 11:54:42 AM] 2 logs of- Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 11:54:42 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:58:17 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 11:59:18 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:00:18 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:00:28 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:01:18 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:01:23 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:01:58 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:02:03 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:03:48 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:03:53 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:08:33 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:09:33 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:13:08 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:13:18 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Window object destroyed: -- 262318
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:15:34 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:15:34 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:15:35 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:15:35 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:15:35 PM] job.respond bbe17985-86c4-4fb9-ac49-e00e7f45cd97
[Debug | 12:15:35 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:15:35 PM] job.respond c067e72b-eaa5-419c-8a9d-f6f0a32d2e6a
[Debug | 12:15:35 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'bbe17985-86c4-4fb9-ac49-
[Debug | 12:15:35 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:15:35 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 12:15:36 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.02s)
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 526264
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:15:45 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:15:46 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:15:46 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:15:46 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:15:46 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:15:46 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:15:46 PM] job.respond 0b82531a-2548-48b0-8e18-abfeeebced23
[Debug | 12:15:46 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0b82531a-2548-48b0-8e18-
[Debug | 12:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:15:46 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 526264
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Debug | 12:18:16 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] job.respond 1093febc-aee1-4e1a-8978-0f3321dc58ca
[Debug | 12:18:16 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1093febc-aee1-4e1a-8978-
[Debug | 12:18:16 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:18:16 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:18:16 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:18:17 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:18:17 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:18:17 PM] job.respond cacaa412-fc03-43b9-ac42-59df9362c3bd
[Debug | 12:18:17 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'cacaa412-fc03-43b9-ac42-
[Debug | 12:18:17 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 526616
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:18:26 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:18:27 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:18:27 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:18:27 PM] job.respond 0d046381-2cd8-4dd6-9025-14136ff838e7
[Debug | 12:18:27 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0d046381-2cd8-4dd6-9025-
[Debug | 12:18:27 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:18:31 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:31:12 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:34:17 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 526616
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:35:29 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:35:29 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:35:30 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:35:30 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:35:30 PM] job.respond ccadc720-fc3a-40a6-a9a8-8d5dd80ff828
[Debug | 12:35:30 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:35:30 PM] job.respond 1bf5e70a-81ca-4c83-87dc-bcd86ac55d7b
[Debug | 12:35:30 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ccadc720-fc3a-40a6-a9a8-
[Debug | 12:35:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:35:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 526696
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:38:19 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:38:20 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:38:20 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:38:20 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:38:20 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:38:20 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:38:20 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:38:20 PM] job.respond a4495c19-b036-45b8-b800-5d1b9df25e31
[Debug | 12:38:20 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a4495c19-b036-45b8-b800-
[Debug | 12:38:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:38:29 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 526696
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:38:37 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:38:37 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] job.respond 08eca5f4-864b-4aab-8874-321a92f9dd0a
[Debug | 12:38:37 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:38:37 PM] job.respond 930aa16a-133d-4f31-8d26-a9d3c4b85c44
[Debug | 12:38:37 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:38:37 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'08eca5f4-864b-4aab-8874-
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'08eca5f4-864b-
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 788768
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:39:07 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:39:07 PM] job.respond 8822d757-17bf-4bab-a5b0-b41c13a9f847
[Debug | 12:39:07 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'8822d757-17bf-4bab-a5b0-
[Debug | 12:39:07 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:39:08 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 12:39:12 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 788768
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:53:32 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:53:32 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:53:33 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:53:33 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:53:33 PM] job.respond 380ba312-6ba6-4f89-9042-7a3e810ceed9
[Debug | 12:53:33 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:53:33 PM] job.respond d5da6397-bbee-45e3-a91b-0a306baf540c
[Debug | 12:53:33 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'380ba312-6ba6-4f89-9042-
[Debug | 12:53:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:53:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 919930
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:55:49 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:55:50 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:55:50 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:55:50 PM] job.respond a4ac0e83-eb68-4126-9c47-ed1e306ab402
[Debug | 12:55:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a4ac0e83-eb68-4126-9c47-
[Debug | 12:55:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:56:09 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:56:19 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:56:29 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:59:29 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:59:44 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:59:59 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:00:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:06:00 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:06:05 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:06:10 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:06:15 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:06:50 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:07:10 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 919930
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:09:30 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:09:31 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:09:31 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:09:31 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:09:31 PM] job.respond 0888baab-6f73-487b-87c7-12a1733df1c4
[Debug | 1:09:31 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:09:31 PM] job.respond fb11765f-6afc-4113-8d70-bc5a5d8802f4
[Debug | 1:09:31 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0888baab-6f73-487b-87c7-
[Debug | 1:09:31 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:09:31 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1509638
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:13:14 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:13:14 PM] job.respond 935de89f-a5ce-49be-809c-f565eaee3edc
[Debug | 1:13:14 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'935de89f-a5ce-49be-809c-
[Debug | 1:13:14 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:13:14 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 1:13:19 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:13:29 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1509638
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:15:50 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:15:50 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] job.respond cc4c9697-a513-47d3-86c7-d8121ad4e69b
[Debug | 1:15:50 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:15:50 PM] job.respond 3e7fe42e-414a-4cd8-8307-880ea04c59d3
[Debug | 1:15:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'cc4c9697-a513-47d3-86c7-
[Debug | 1:15:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:15:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 788376
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:16:20 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:16:20 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:16:20 PM] job.respond bafc4e1e-4fa0-4fd1-a47d-e11542e8e6b9
[Debug | 1:16:20 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'bafc4e1e-4fa0-4fd1-a47d-
[Debug | 1:16:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 788376
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:20:41 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:20:42 PM] job.respond a85b8398-b997-4ec0-bbc2-6a1150dee515
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:20:42 PM] job.respond ade60799-e41c-4a39-9c33-0d6d9ea5d03c
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a85b8398-b997-4ec0-bbc2-
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:20:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 919450
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:21:27 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:21:28 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:21:28 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:21:28 PM] job.respond e44af603-27f1-46bf-b3af-8bf5ce55e401
[Debug | 1:21:28 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e44af603-27f1-46bf-b3af-
[Debug | 1:21:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:21:32 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:21:42 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:21:57 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 919450
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:24:16 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:24:16 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] job.respond 30f2ac89-6217-40a3-85c7-a5b70359b625
[Debug | 1:24:16 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:24:16 PM] job.respond cfd4cf49-75fa-4a28-91ee-c3167acf2cdf
[Debug | 1:24:16 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:24:16 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'30f2ac89-6217-40a3-85c7-
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'30f2ac89-6217-
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1115910
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:24:38 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:24:38 PM] job.respond 1d65efe9-73a9-4bdb-ab39-d65e9dd32e56
[Debug | 1:24:38 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1d65efe9-73a9-4bdb-ab39-
[Debug | 1:24:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:24:38 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 1:24:43 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:25:08 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:25:13 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:26:28 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:26:33 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:26:48 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:27:03 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:29:13 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:29:33 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1115910
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:30:52 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:30:52 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:30:53 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:30:53 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:30:53 PM] job.respond 495f726e-9aad-4650-a1ea-4bc190a893e1
[Debug | 1:30:53 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:30:53 PM] job.respond 55d9784a-258c-46a7-9fb1-071b868abe88
[Debug | 1:30:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'495f726e-9aad-4650-a1ea-
[Debug | 1:30:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:30:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1509214
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:32:08 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:32:09 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:32:09 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:32:09 PM] job.respond cb3e9428-5299-4b0d-b31d-e448f94ced5a
[Debug | 1:32:09 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'cb3e9428-5299-4b0d-b31d-
[Debug | 1:32:09 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:32:18 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:32:23 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:32:48 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:33:33 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:33:48 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1509214
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] job.respond 25fbe541-3d95-4465-936b-bc9f0890bd6a
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:33:51 PM] job.respond c7c081cc-90fb-41f6-aa08-7bd48f114644
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'25fbe541-3d95-4465-936b-
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:33:51 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1247036
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] InputManager starting...
[Debug | 1:34:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] job.respond 1a888ef4-5024-473c-addb-5097107e2882
[Debug | 1:34:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1a888ef4-5024-473c-addb-
[Debug | 1:34:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:34:08 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:34:09 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 1:34:13 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:34:48 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:35:08 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:35:33 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:35:53 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:36:18 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1247036
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Warning | 1:37:18 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.03s)
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:37:18 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:37:18 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:37:19 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:19 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:37:19 PM] job.respond e0cf57e3-ca49-4c7c-974b-826d67362307
[Debug | 1:37:19 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:37:19 PM] job.respond 867b4e5e-3018-409e-b62f-64997907560c
[Debug | 1:37:19 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:19 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e0cf57e3-ca49-4c7c-974b-
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e0cf57e3-ca49-
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Game Found Type MainWindow: Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Process name found RobloxStudioBeta | Caption | RobloxStudio |
and class | Qt5153QWindowIcon | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Game found RobloxStudioBeta Handle: 1443614
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Active game initialized Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox Studio[b6J8Fqs1Kt]
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:37:56 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:37:56 PM] job.respond f99f89b2-de93-4ebc-9490-e425317e576d
[Debug | 1:37:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f99f89b2-de93-4ebc-9490-
[Debug | 1:37:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:56 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 1:37:57 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 1:37:57 PM] job.respond 48c06d72-f8d7-434e-9718-882d6b16a11d
[Debug | 1:37:57 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Window object destroyed: -- 1443614
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Roblox Studio exited.
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox Studio[b6J8Fqs1Kt]
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Stop recording game Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Game Found Type MainWindow: Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Process name found RobloxStudioBeta | Caption | RobloxStudio |
and class | Qt5153QWindowOwnDCIcon | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Game found RobloxStudioBeta Handle: 1247054
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Active game initialized Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox Studio[b6J8Fqs1Kt]
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Switching recording to RobloxStudioBeta
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Alerting Electron of switching game
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] [Game Switched]: Roblox Studio -> Roblox Studio[b6J8Fqs1Kt] -
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Stop recording game Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:WindowCapture
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:37:58 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] GameSwitched reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] job.respond cc9b82bb-8398-4ca9-b92c-058b938019d0
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:37:59 PM] job.respond 41f9fe60-56bf-4585-8397-91eb01820695
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'cc9b82bb-8398-4ca9-b92c-
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:37:59 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 1:38:03 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox Studio -- 1247054
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Roblox Studio exited.
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox Studio[b6J8Fqs1Kt]
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Stop recording game Roblox Studio
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:38:27 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:38:27 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] job.respond c01cdb77-5b64-4e17-844d-0138963c8061
[Debug | 1:38:27 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:38:27 PM] job.respond dab31b03-d97a-4b0d-a8f6-bf6b69313158
[Debug | 1:38:27 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:38:27 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c01cdb77-5b64-4e17-844d-
[Debug | 1:38:27 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2098874
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:43:08 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:43:09 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:43:09 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] job.respond 30311f56-ae14-4c31-9d2c-8925c032a01e
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] Notification message received
[Debug | 1:43:09 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:43:09 PM] job.respond 03ea4578-3b0f-4e87-9715-884bd3ea64f8
[Debug | 1:43:09 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:43:23 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:43:53 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:44:13 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:44:44 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:44:49 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:44:54 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:49:04 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:49:19 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:49:39 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2098874
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 1:49:40 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 1:49:40 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 1:49:41 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 1:49:41 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:49:41 PM] job.respond b2049e30-e09d-4ad8-8cd3-cf2b2a120511
[Debug | 1:49:41 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:49:41 PM] job.respond e4ab53ae-4be1-4583-8338-41fa3578852b
[Debug | 1:49:41 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'b2049e30-e09d-4ad8-8cd3-
[Debug | 1:49:41 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 1:49:41 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2885476
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] InputManager starting...
[Debug | 1:51:06 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] job.respond db489a7a-65c2-4a89-be1d-44db36051df7
[Debug | 1:51:06 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'db489a7a-65c2-4a89-be1d-
[Debug | 1:51:06 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 1:51:06 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 1:51:06 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 1:51:11 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:55:51 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:55:56 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:56:21 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:56:36 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:56:46 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:56:56 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:57:06 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 1:57:16 PM] Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 1:57:17 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 1:57:17 PM] Device change detected, checking for devices
[Info | 1:57:20 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 1:57:20 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Render
[Info | 1:57:26 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 1:57:36 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:07:02 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 2:07:12 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2885476
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 2:07:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:07:34 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 2:07:34 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 2:07:34 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 2:07:34 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:07:34 PM] job.respond 588f683a-9117-4a0c-bf84-696578663a48
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:07:34 PM] job.respond 0c339c55-1733-4731-bf4f-b4c1a5527e1b
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'7b816542-42c4-4401-8600-
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:07:34 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 5048582
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 2:07:42 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 2:07:43 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:07:43 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:07:43 PM] job.respond 064754c5-7a20-4bf5-8faa-3e8c1c601e8b
[Debug | 2:07:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'064754c5-7a20-4bf5-8faa-
[Debug | 2:07:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:07:47 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:10:45 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 5048582
[Info | 2:10:45 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 2:10:45 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 2:10:45 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:10:45 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 2:10:45 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 2:10:46 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:10:46 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] job.respond 6b18f242-cb7b-43ed-8a30-ece204d72a4d
[Debug | 2:10:46 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:10:46 PM] job.respond 9875adbf-5ce4-4294-a91f-a575ec82272d
[Debug | 2:10:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:10:46 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'6b18f242-cb7b-43ed-8a30-
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'6b18f242-cb7b-
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 7276876
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 2:12:39 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 2:12:39 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:12:40 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:12:40 PM] job.respond de25de80-04b1-4510-bbc5-15d1f2864254
[Debug | 2:12:40 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'de25de80-04b1-4510-bbc5-
[Debug | 2:12:40 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:12:44 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:21:35 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 7276876
[Info | 2:21:35 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 2:21:35 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 2:21:35 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:21:35 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 2:21:35 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Debug | 2:21:36 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] job.respond 268135a1-9537-42bd-b254-d4dca733202a
[Debug | 2:21:36 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'268135a1-9537-42bd-b254-
[Debug | 2:21:36 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 2:21:36 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 2:21:36 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:21:37 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:21:37 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:21:37 PM] job.respond cd95f686-d57d-4425-ba7e-0f502e96a96c
[Debug | 2:21:37 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'cd95f686-d57d-4425-ba7e-
[Debug | 2:21:37 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2361004
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 2:21:53 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 2:21:54 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] job.respond 4c6be25b-ef7c-497d-9c3c-77fbe041ffa5
[Debug | 2:21:54 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'4c6be25b-ef7c-497d-9c3c-
[Debug | 2:21:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:21:54 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2361004
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 2:21:57 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 2:21:57 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:21:58 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:21:58 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:21:58 PM] job.respond c81d5721-690b-47c8-88e8-b39df42e32db
[Debug | 2:21:58 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:21:58 PM] job.respond fbd1c085-cf1e-4cce-89ce-21ea8b90aa4d
[Debug | 2:21:58 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c81d5721-690b-47c8-88e8-
[Debug | 2:21:58 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:21:58 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 7341622
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 2:22:19 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 2:22:20 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:22:20 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:22:20 PM] job.respond fc2d42d4-ba9f-44b7-b5b9-1e9316539983
[Debug | 2:22:20 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'fc2d42d4-ba9f-44b7-b5b9-
[Debug | 2:22:20 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:22:29 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:22:39 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 2:22:44 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 7341622
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 2:24:07 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 2:24:08 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:24:08 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:24:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:24:08 PM] job.respond f25d2823-503b-4b5b-b7ec-c075d652a154
[Debug | 2:24:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:24:08 PM] job.respond 04d0fd37-c291-42b6-ba33-c452fe63a728
[Debug | 2:24:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:24:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f25d2823-503b-4b5b-b7ec-
[Info | 2:39:07 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f25d2823-503b-
[Info | 2:39:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 2:39:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 2:39:07 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 2:39:08 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:39:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:39:08 PM] job.respond 1f901e0f-751e-44b7-b23f-e2868f67ff86
[Debug | 2:39:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1f901e0f-751e-44b7-b23f-
[Debug | 2:39:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 2:54:08 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:54:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:54:08 PM] job.respond 41ab9b49-8858-4e41-a023-8b654c36db50
[Debug | 2:54:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'41ab9b49-8858-4e41-a023-
[Debug | 2:54:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 5310250
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Debug | 2:55:55 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] job.respond 7f5a61a1-bb93-425e-af65-bb22af5989fe
[Debug | 2:55:55 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'7f5a61a1-bb93-425e-af65-
[Debug | 2:55:55 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 2:55:55 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 2:55:55 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 2:55:56 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 2:55:56 PM] job.respond 21f478c9-f994-4420-8187-6f1472deaf75
[Debug | 2:55:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:56:05 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:57:05 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 2:57:20 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:57:30 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 2:57:50 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 5310250
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 2:57:52 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 2:57:52 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:57:53 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:57:53 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:57:53 PM] job.respond 3538e0b7-66c1-4977-81d7-67a707de9ed5
[Debug | 2:57:53 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:57:53 PM] job.respond 0db8eab2-55bd-42f0-824a-f6bde18072af
[Debug | 2:57:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3538e0b7-66c1-4977-81d7-
[Debug | 2:57:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 2:57:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2229996
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 2:59:50 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 2:59:50 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 2:59:50 PM] job.respond 3085eaf8-39fe-4987-aa49-09c3241e14ef
[Debug | 2:59:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'3085eaf8-39fe-4987-aa49-
[Debug | 2:59:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 3:01:40 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:01:45 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:04:40 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:04:50 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:10:20 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:10:50 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:34:31 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:35:16 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:36:31 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:36:56 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2229996
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 3:37:05 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 3:37:05 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 3:37:06 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:37:06 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 3:37:06 PM] job.respond 68ba3e73-8e08-4d5b-8148-418795f9ab5d
[Debug | 3:37:06 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 3:37:06 PM] job.respond 6076bb6b-84d2-4e34-86c2-16a228e52409
[Debug | 3:37:06 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 3:37:06 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'68ba3e73-8e08-4d5b-8148-
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'68ba3e73-8e08-
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2885342
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 3:41:29 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Debug | 3:41:30 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:41:30 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 3:41:30 PM] job.respond a00da018-169c-4a86-ba3d-5558ed9e84ca
[Debug | 3:41:30 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'a00da018-169c-4a86-ba3d-
[Debug | 3:41:30 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Warning | 3:41:32 PM] Scanning already in progress (2.63s)
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Warning | 3:41:32 PM] Slow game scan: completed (92 handles) after 3118.7ms
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] InputManager starting...
[Warning | 3:41:32 PM] window handles: 21.0ms, 405 results
[Warning | 3:41:32 PM] window infos: 38.1ms, 396 results
[Warning | 3:41:32 PM] window checks: 3060.2ms
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 3:41:32 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 3:41:34 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:41:44 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:42:49 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 3:42:59 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2885342
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 3:43:58 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:43:58 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] job.respond 86ce9d55-7439-4daa-8d27-4f9c7d14da42
[Debug | 3:43:58 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 3:43:58 PM] job.respond 5ab19941-b338-40d5-8e32-901fb76f634a
[Debug | 3:43:58 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 3:43:58 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'86ce9d55-7439-4daa-8d27-
[Info | 3:58:52 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'86ce9d55-7439-
[Info | 3:58:52 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 3:58:52 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 3:58:52 PM] Sending available audio devices Speakers (Razer Barracuda X),
Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), Lautsprecher (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 3:58:52 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 3:58:52 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 3:58:52 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 3:58:58 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 3:58:58 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 3:58:59 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 3:58:59 PM] job.respond ee763e8f-e24a-4c61-86a8-aa1f651af116
[Debug | 3:58:59 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ee763e8f-e24a-4c61-86a8-
[Debug | 3:58:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] Sending available audio devices Speakers (Razer Barracuda X),
Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High Definition
Audio), Lautsprecher (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Debug | 4:00:10 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 4:00:10 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 4:00:10 PM] Sending available audio devices Speakers (Razer Barracuda X),
Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High Definition
Audio), Lautsprecher (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 4:00:10 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 4:00:24 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 4:00:26 PM] 2 logs of- Sound Property Changed
[Info | 4:00:26 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Render
[Info | 4:00:27 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 395862
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 4:01:13 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 4:01:13 PM] job.respond ea264a7f-732d-4127-9823-5cb8b8846834
[Debug | 4:01:13 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ea264a7f-732d-4127-9823-
[Debug | 4:01:13 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 4:01:14 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 4:01:14 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 4:01:14 PM] job.respond 95d7c3ef-0cd8-48f4-a859-77d6f88bab2e
[Debug | 4:01:14 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 4:01:38 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:11:56 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:12:11 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:12:26 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 5:12:31 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 395862
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 5:33:40 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Warning | 5:33:41 PM] Scanning already in progress (0.04s)
[Info | 5:33:41 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 5:33:41 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 5:33:41 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 5:33:41 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 5:33:41 PM] job.respond d6664630-f92e-4c37-8dfa-3d480ed9aac7
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 5:33:41 PM] job.respond 9f7490b8-0f3c-4d1a-8d04-511e21d59e9d
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d6664630-f92e-4c37-8dfa-
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 5:33:41 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 5:44:40 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 5:44:40 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 5:44:40 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 5:44:40 PM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Debug | 5:44:40 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 5:44:40 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 5:48:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 5:48:40 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 5:48:40 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 5:48:41 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 5:48:41 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 5:48:41 PM] job.respond f01e0e5e-b13a-4a01-822a-c94466c0ac97
[Debug | 5:48:41 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f01e0e5e-b13a-4a01-822a-
[Debug | 5:48:41 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:03:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 6:03:41 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 6:03:41 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 6:03:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 6:03:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 6:03:42 PM] job.respond 2336345e-2a06-4c04-820f-23b0902f6ae7
[Debug | 6:03:42 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'2336345e-2a06-4c04-820f-
[Debug | 6:03:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:04:23 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 6:04:23 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 6:04:23 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 6:04:23 PM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High
Definition Audio), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Info | 6:04:23 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 6:04:23 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 6:04:23 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 6:18:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 6:18:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 6:18:42 PM] job.respond 67529b93-73ac-4bd1-bc2c-dc48a325a6d9
[Debug | 6:18:42 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'67529b93-73ac-4bd1-bc2c-
[Debug | 6:18:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 6:33:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 6:33:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 6:33:42 PM] job.respond 51ec0900-122d-476e-b848-589fde8fe498
[Debug | 6:33:42 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'51ec0900-122d-476e-b848-
[Debug | 6:33:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 6:48:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 6:48:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 6:48:43 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 6:48:43 PM] job.respond 79fbafd1-d282-49c2-b369-3fef7b77bb17
[Debug | 6:48:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'79fbafd1-d282-49c2-b369-
[Debug | 6:48:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:03:13 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 7:03:13 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 7:03:13 PM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Info | 7:03:13 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 7:03:13 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:03:13 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 7:03:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 7:03:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:03:43 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 7:03:43 PM] job.respond 54be02d0-d418-4ef2-9891-d19cc0d2f752
[Debug | 7:03:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'54be02d0-d418-4ef2-9891-
[Debug | 7:03:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 7:18:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:18:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 7:18:42 PM] job.respond f9bf8586-94bc-470f-9375-f1aa7c0cdee2
[Debug | 7:18:42 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f9bf8586-94bc-470f-9375-
[Debug | 7:18:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:29:03 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 7:29:03 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 7:29:03 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 7:29:03 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 7:29:03 PM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High
Definition Audio), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Debug | 7:29:03 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:29:03 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:29:32 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 7:29:32 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 7:29:32 PM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Info | 7:29:32 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Debug | 7:29:32 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:29:32 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:29:40 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : Cannot get the device
[Info | 7:29:40 PM] OnDeviceStateChanged : DataFlow=loopback DeviceState=Active
[Info | 7:29:41 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (Razer Barracuda X),
Microphone (e2eSoft iVCam), Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)),
Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
[Info | 7:29:41 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 7:29:41 PM] Sending available audio devices Lautsprecher (Realtek(R)
Audio), Line (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)), OMEN 27c (NVIDIA High
Definition Audio), Speakers (Razer Barracuda X)
[Debug | 7:29:41 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:29:41 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 7:33:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 7:33:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:33:43 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 7:33:43 PM] job.respond 2b5f603d-fe0d-4dc6-90c1-3c9ea1264ec6
[Debug | 7:33:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'2b5f603d-fe0d-4dc6-90c1-
[Debug | 7:33:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 7:48:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:48:42 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 7:48:42 PM] job.respond 1bd82be0-9f49-4f99-99d8-a952d17d116c
[Debug | 7:48:42 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1bd82be0-9f49-4f99-99d8-
[Debug | 7:48:42 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 8:03:42 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 8:03:42 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:03:43 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:03:43 PM] job.respond e891afd0-c141-4de0-99c9-f57e94ae3ad2
[Debug | 8:03:43 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e891afd0-c141-4de0-99c9-
[Debug | 8:03:43 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2819974
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] InputManager starting...
[Debug | 8:14:10 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] job.respond 1ebc8f64-85e4-49e7-abe9-083418b8ab2b
[Debug | 8:14:10 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1ebc8f64-85e4-49e7-abe9-
[Debug | 8:14:10 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 8:14:10 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 8:14:10 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 8:14:11 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 8:14:11 PM] job.respond de4e2788-0be1-47c7-904f-3ab11c87b1f1
[Debug | 8:14:11 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:14:25 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:14:35 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:14:55 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:15:50 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:15:55 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:17:25 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:18:35 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2819974
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 8:19:00 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 8:19:01 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 8:19:01 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:19:01 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:19:01 PM] job.respond 815a8238-ff1d-417c-aba1-7d750f7fdd0f
[Debug | 8:19:01 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:19:01 PM] job.respond 904d91f5-5a17-4d9c-8ade-0fb492948fcc
[Debug | 8:19:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:19:01 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'815a8238-ff1d-417c-aba1-
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'815a8238-ff1d-
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 10880802
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 8:19:09 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 8:19:09 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:19:10 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:19:10 PM] job.respond 1b75cee6-e4f4-4a7a-912f-684c70dc4cda
[Debug | 8:19:10 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1b75cee6-e4f4-4a7a-912f-
[Debug | 8:19:10 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:19:14 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:20:19 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:20:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:23:19 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:23:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:25:24 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:25:34 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:28:34 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:28:49 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:31:25 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:31:34 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 8:31:35 PM] 1 logs of- Sound Property Changed
[Info | 8:31:35 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Render
[Info | 8:31:36 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 8:31:40 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 10880802
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 8:38:12 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:38:12 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] job.respond 70d082f5-b304-450e-8b21-be7ef8606929
[Debug | 8:38:12 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:38:12 PM] job.respond db4053a1-9ac3-4585-b07a-4361f740bbaf
[Debug | 8:38:12 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'70d082f5-b304-450e-8b21-
[Debug | 8:38:12 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:38:12 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:38:13 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 4194448
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 8:41:55 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 8:41:56 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:41:56 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:41:56 PM] job.respond 1f0d7383-c224-4326-8697-b2853423070a
[Debug | 8:41:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'1f0d7383-c224-4326-8697-
[Debug | 8:41:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:42:30 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:43:02 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 4194448
[Info | 8:43:02 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 8:43:02 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 8:43:02 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:43:02 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 8:43:02 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 8:43:03 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:43:03 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] job.respond b07d1854-ddce-420f-9d7d-e72a5a0c7914
[Debug | 8:43:03 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:43:03 PM] job.respond c4ac64a6-9709-4bd0-bd51-ee61b25985a0
[Debug | 8:43:03 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:43:03 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'b07d1854-ddce-420f-9d7d-
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'b07d1854-ddce-
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1051350
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 8:44:49 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 8:44:50 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 8:44:50 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 8:44:50 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 8:44:50 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 8:44:50 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:44:50 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 8:44:50 PM] job.respond 35a38eb8-c1f1-49c1-97cb-1a3dd0b6fda6
[Debug | 8:44:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'35a38eb8-c1f1-49c1-97cb-
[Debug | 8:44:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:44:54 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:44:59 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:45:24 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:45:44 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:55:50 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:55:55 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:58:35 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:58:40 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 8:59:40 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 8:59:45 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1051350
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 9:09:33 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 9:09:33 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:09:34 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:09:34 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:09:34 PM] job.respond f5768730-4dd9-4a24-b56d-2939e2ba629a
[Debug | 9:09:34 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:09:34 PM] job.respond 430e78c6-5cc4-49a9-882b-feef60d45e39
[Debug | 9:09:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:09:34 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f5768730-4dd9-4a24-b56d-
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f5768730-4dd9-
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1641140
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 9:09:50 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:09:50 PM] job.respond 36190bd4-7046-4497-9433-7b6b842eabe7
[Debug | 9:09:50 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e62eb9c2-ccd5-4428-9653-
[Debug | 9:09:50 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:09:50 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 9:12:20 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 9:13:00 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:15:35 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 9:18:45 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1641140
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 9:18:53 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 9:18:54 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:18:54 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:18:54 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:18:54 PM] job.respond da9e8763-6e28-4fde-8c9c-c07676efe54f
[Debug | 9:18:54 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:18:54 PM] job.respond 69295ce2-654f-4373-8734-662f8f4c0305
[Debug | 9:18:54 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:18:54 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'da9e8763-6e28-4fde-8c9c-
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'da9e8763-6e28-
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 2755256
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 9:21:14 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Debug | 9:21:15 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] job.respond 6a61ce7d-4cd4-46d4-a701-ed6569f86378
[Debug | 9:21:15 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'6a61ce7d-4cd4-46d4-a701-
[Debug | 9:21:15 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 9:21:15 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 9:21:15 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 9:21:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 2755256
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 9:22:07 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 9:22:07 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:22:08 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:22:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:22:08 PM] job.respond e2589403-1f9f-4228-bdbb-74ee545f142f
[Debug | 9:22:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:22:08 PM] job.respond 8dc576f4-8d3f-4edd-9a7e-0ace7bb9e204
[Debug | 9:22:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e2589403-1f9f-4228-bdbb-
[Debug | 9:22:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:22:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 854690
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 9:22:14 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 9:22:15 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:22:15 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:22:15 PM] job.respond ba1541bb-f762-4f95-a86a-99490f4ef20b
[Debug | 9:22:15 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'ba1541bb-f762-4f95-a86a-
[Debug | 9:22:15 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:22:19 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 854690
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] job.respond 95bf2c9e-b79d-453e-bbe4-42fa3bc9a4bf
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:23:57 PM] job.respond 73bdb52c-a23b-4002-9eb7-0d67a0e0712f
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'95bf2c9e-b79d-453e-bbe4-
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:23:57 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1837750
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 9:25:15 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:25:15 PM] job.respond 56d04b3d-dc2b-4796-968a-4b4976faca61
[Debug | 9:25:15 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'56d04b3d-dc2b-4796-968a-
[Debug | 9:25:15 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:25:16 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 9:25:40 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1837750
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] job.respond f8d91d75-d9eb-4834-b13e-aad9d87b2061
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:35:44 PM] job.respond 444bccdd-d0c8-4298-aa5e-c2a890e3400a
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f8d91d75-d9eb-4834-b13e-
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:35:44 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1444566
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Debug | 9:36:04 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:36:04 PM] job.respond 7a7460ba-3536-4b35-9f9a-460fa64e0378
[Debug | 9:36:04 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'7a7460ba-3536-4b35-9f9a-
[Debug | 9:36:04 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:36:04 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 9:36:14 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:36:19 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 9:36:24 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1444566
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 9:36:37 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 9:36:37 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:36:38 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:36:38 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:36:38 PM] job.respond 95eb383b-8aca-4c15-b567-f3c5620fff10
[Debug | 9:36:38 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:36:38 PM] job.respond 5e6dcfa4-2807-49dd-8ab0-0da9b5d8d8af
[Debug | 9:36:38 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'95eb383b-8aca-4c15-b567-
[Debug | 9:36:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 9:36:38 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1575376
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game Supported:False
- Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating trigger
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] Game recording not running
[Debug | 9:37:02 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 9:37:02 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 9:37:02 PM] job.respond 28e9a40c-5ae3-4e01-856f-db4f3df012b0
[Debug | 9:37:02 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'28e9a40c-5ae3-4e01-856f-
[Debug | 9:37:02 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 9:37:52 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:42:32 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 9:42:57 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:52:42 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 9:53:32 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1575376
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Debug | 10:07:27 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] job.respond 9a9adcb8-a701-4dab-afd1-aa6c2b8be10f
[Debug | 10:07:27 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9a9adcb8-a701-4dab-afd1-
[Debug | 10:07:27 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:07:27 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 10:07:27 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:07:28 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:07:28 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:07:28 PM] job.respond 0d8636df-eced-4363-bf63-d3c4f73a532d
[Debug | 10:07:28 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'0d8636df-eced-4363-bf63-
[Debug | 10:07:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1837544
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:08:51 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 10:08:52 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:08:52 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:08:52 PM] job.respond 94ee048f-7410-4d7b-a895-11e5db1733c1
[Debug | 10:08:52 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'94ee048f-7410-4d7b-a895-
[Debug | 10:08:52 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:09:01 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:14:42 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:14:57 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1837544
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:35:44 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 10:35:44 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:35:45 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:35:45 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:35:45 PM] job.respond 52896715-1675-48c2-b91a-aadc301b991a
[Debug | 10:35:45 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:35:45 PM] job.respond 14eb3323-aa96-4a6d-b0a4-0c069f8cc876
[Debug | 10:35:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:35:45 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'52896715-1675-48c2-b91a-
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'52896715-1675-
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 4063812
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 10:37:56 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:37:56 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:37:56 PM] job.respond e94b6c0f-5612-46b1-8b0f-50b92b1b1e08
[Debug | 10:37:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'e94b6c0f-5612-46b1-8b0f-
[Debug | 10:37:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:38:06 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 4063812
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:39:35 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 10:39:35 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:39:36 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:39:36 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:39:36 PM] job.respond c785a5e3-24fd-4310-95a1-37241ec66ad3
[Debug | 10:39:36 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:39:36 PM] job.respond 0bbc25a5-9995-443b-abee-16ed8c787232
[Debug | 10:39:36 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:39:36 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c785a5e3-24fd-4310-95a1-
[Debug | 10:39:36 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1706446
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 10:39:56 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 10:39:56 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:39:57 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:39:57 PM] job.respond d862b785-b63d-41d2-b07c-09aaf4c1764d
[Debug | 10:39:57 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d862b785-b63d-41d2-b07c-
[Debug | 10:39:57 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 10:50:52 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:50:57 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:54:12 PM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 10:54:42 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1706446
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 10:55:33 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 10:55:33 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] job.respond d9e25da3-8017-451f-9cb0-f54cb47450f7
[Debug | 10:55:33 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 10:55:33 PM] job.respond 464b792f-040b-47fd-a318-5f55ca188049
[Debug | 10:55:33 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d9e25da3-8017-451f-9cb0-
[Debug | 10:55:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 10:55:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:07:14 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:07:16 PM] 2 logs of- Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:07:16 PM] OnDefaultDeviceChanged : DataFlow=Render
[Info | 11:07:16 PM] Sound Property Changed
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 11:10:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 11:10:33 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 11:10:34 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 11:10:34 PM] job.respond c41c622e-8b47-4832-8bef-49d3b2afc4fa
[Debug | 11:10:34 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c41c622e-8b47-4832-8bef-
[Debug | 11:10:34 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\deria\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.643.0\
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Debug | 11:25:33 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 11:25:33 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 11:25:33 PM] job.respond c99dc733-4cfd-4dbc-b0b4-d5a0b0787a28
[Debug | 11:25:33 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c99dc733-4cfd-4dbc-b0b4-
[Debug | 11:25:33 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 3211546
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] InputManager starting...
[Debug | 11:32:56 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] job.respond aefed32c-0389-4781-b6ca-a39d7dd94fdb
[Debug | 11:32:56 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'aefed32c-0389-4781-b6ca-
[Debug | 11:32:56 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] InputManager started.
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] Game recording not running
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 11:32:56 PM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 11:32:56 PM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 11:32:57 PM] Notification message received
[Info | 11:32:57 PM] job.respond 09056a6c-18a8-4297-90ed-0dfa289c7a42
[Debug | 11:32:57 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 11:33:31 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 3211546
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Game is closed
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 11:59:59 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 11:59:59 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] job.respond d41202ba-4dfb-45cd-b1bc-52cac16da7ff
[Debug | 11:59:59 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] job.respond 6786afd4-0061-424e-ba7a-adea84aa574a
[Debug | 11:59:59 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 11:59:59 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d41202ba-4dfb-45cd-b1bc-
[Info | 11:59:59 PM] 1 logs of- PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d41202ba-4dfb-
[Debug | 11:59:59 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 4785878
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:00:41 AM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:00:41 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:00:41 AM] job.respond aeff2fc9-c6da-448a-aa09-ea523efd7b18
[Debug | 12:00:41 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'aeff2fc9-c6da-448a-aa09-
[Debug | 12:00:41 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:01:41 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:01:46 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:03:46 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:04:06 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:04:11 AM] Fallback set game defocus
[Info | 12:04:16 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 4785878
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] job.respond c1625dac-5c56-41b6-84c4-f761b63d2378
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:04:18 AM] job.respond 29c4ecab-f865-436b-ba58-0134c83c1e95
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c1625dac-5c56-41b6-84c4-
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:04:18 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 1837476
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] InputManager starting...
[Debug | 12:04:24 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] job.respond 9c2fd385-9c1b-4512-b50f-9bb622e4a13d
[Debug | 12:04:24 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9c2fd385-9c1b-4512-b50f-
[Debug | 12:04:24 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:04:24 AM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:04:24 AM] game/started reply "ok"
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 1837476
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:05:30 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:05:30 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] job.respond c62ef8b6-a57b-4e64-acb8-f726302e9137
[Debug | 12:05:30 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:05:30 AM] job.respond 10170c65-eba7-438d-a8eb-413520fbe215
[Debug | 12:05:30 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'c62ef8b6-a57b-4e64-acb8-
[Debug | 12:05:30 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] 1 logs of- job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Game Found Type ProcessClass: Roblox
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Process name found RobloxPlayerBeta | Caption | Roblox | and
class | WINDOWSCLIENT | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Game found RobloxPlayerBeta Handle: 6031062
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Monitor: 65537 Current DPI: 96, 96
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Setting up window hooks
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Window location change event hooked
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Window focus event hooked
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Window destroy event hooked
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Window reorder event hooked
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Window hooks complete
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Active game initialized Roblox
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] [Game Status]: game/started - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Recording will not start until it's enabled again in the
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] [ESM Event] - GameStartRecordingDisabled
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Using standard overlay
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Injection overlay support- Enabled:False - Game
Supported:False - Capture Type:InjectionCapture
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Starting DirectX overlay for Roblox
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] ----[ESM State]: GameRunningRecordingDisabledState----
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] InputManager starting...
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] InputManager started.
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] Game recording not running
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] InputManager: PollInput started
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] InputManager: active game switch detected, regenerating
trigger inputs
[Debug | 12:05:44 AM] game/started reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:05:44 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:05:44 AM] job.respond 9540351f-643b-4b34-9443-32184f8c70f4
[Debug | 12:05:44 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'9540351f-643b-4b34-9443-
[Debug | 12:05:44 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:06:29 AM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Window object destroyed: Roblox -- 6031062
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Game is closed
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Roblox exited.
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - Roblox[1e2Ad6EOaE]
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Stop recording game Roblox
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] InputManager stopping...
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] InputManager: PollInput stopped
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] InputManager stopped.
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2]
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Removing window hooks
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Window hooks removed
[Info | 12:24:54 AM] Stopping periodic game extension jobs.
[Debug | 12:24:54 AM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Info | 12:24:55 AM] 1 logs of- game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:24:55 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:24:55 AM] job.respond d7654b9a-d834-49ee-908b-122e881f75cc
[Debug | 12:24:55 AM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false,
"resolution": "High",
"fps": "30",
"encoder": "GPU"
[Info | 12:24:55 AM] job.respond 15c258e1-e770-4d5d-b59a-24b7661f1897
[Debug | 12:24:55 AM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 12:24:55 AM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'d7654b9a-d834-49ee-908b-

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