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Health Education

Module #17 Student Activity Sheet


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. 1 point will be given to every correct
answer and another 1 point for correct rationalization.


Give at least 5 Increasing Effectiveness of Teaching and explain how it could benefit the students.

5 Increasing Effectiveness of Teaching are, (1) Creating a positive environment. (2) Usage of clear language. (3)
Connecting with the students. (4) Find Resources. (5) Setting reasonable expectations. With these 5 increasing
effectiveness of teaching, we could possibly teach the students on how to do things freely according to their goodwill and
focus on what makes them happy the most, and where they feel the most alive. By creating a positive environment, the
student will not hesitate to do things he wants because he is certain that everyone around him supports the thing he
wants for himself. Using clear language helps you communicate better with your students, especially those who need
extra efforts and attention. Connecting with your students is also getting to know them more and knowing in what way you
could possibly help them to build the things they want to achieve for the near future. Finding Resources is important as a
teacher, being resourceful is being reliable. Lastly, setting reasonable expectations should be more recognized by every
school around the world, in this way, your student will excel in his own way, and if these things are what you effectively do
as a teacher, then you are a good one.

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