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Money plant (most popular houseplant in north america)

common name : Pothos

scientific name : The scientific name is either Epipremnum pinnatum cv. ‘Aureum’ or E. Aureum.
Family: arum family (Araceae)

As a houseplant, it is commonly grown as a hanging plant. Pothos can climb by means of aerial

maintainence and care : Grow pothos indoors, preferably with bright, not direct light, although it
also will tolerate low-light conditions. Tip:
Pale leaves means too much sun, and loss of variegation means too little.
•Pothos likes to have its soil dry out between waterings and therefore accepts erratic watering
care. It definitely dislikes soggy roots. Tip: The leaves droop when the plant is thirsty and needs a
drink. But don’t let this wilt-y stage go for too long or you will start to see leaf drop Grow in any
well-draining potting soil Pothos is a light feeder, Feed the plant with balanced houseplant fertilizer
each month during the spring and summer. The growing medium should be well aerated. Plants
should be allowed to dry out slightly and watered only when the soil surface feels dry. Fertilize
every other month, except during the winter when the plant is not actively growing. Pesticides
may be used to control these insects, but often it is better to discard the plant and start over with
clean plants or cuttings. Spider mites occasionally infest pothos and can easily be controlled with
thorough cleaning and frequent applications of insecticidal soap. It does best in filtered light, with
high humidity, and temperatures between 70 and 90°F

•Epipremnum aureum is an evergreen vine growing to 20 m (66 ft) tall, with stems up to 4 cm
(2 in) in diameter, climbing using aerial roots which adhere to surfaces. The leaves are alternate,
heart-shaped, entire on juvenile plants, but irregularly pinnatifid on mature plants, up to 100 cm
(39 in) long and 45 cm (18 in) broad; juvenile leaves are much smaller, typically under 20 cm

B) Scientific Name: Codiaeum Variegatum

Common Name: Gold Dust Croton

maintanence and care: Keep your plant away from heaters, air conditioners.These plants enjoy
an average humidity of 40 to 60%. Crotons need plenty of bright light, a consistently warm spot
and high humidity. They can take some direct sunshine but keep them away from direct midday
sun. Keep the soil moist from spring to autumn, and provide some humidity by misting
regularly or standing on a tray of moist pebbles. Grow it in a cool, 50 to 65 degree, brightly
lit location. Keep the soil evenly moist from spring through fall when the plant is actively growing.
Reduce watering frequency during the winter

plus chart photo

The Croton house plant has leaves splashed with green, orange and red with the veins often
yellow, depending on the variety.
Crotons (Codiaeum variegatum) are tropical plants that grow outdoors and as house plants
elsewhere. Growing to a height of 6 to 8 feet and width of 3 to 6 feet, crotons are attractive as a
single plant or a grouping and grow well in pots or in the ground. Their green leaves turn into
shades of yellow, red and purple, showing their brightest colors in the sunlight.Asparagus Fern
Care Tips

Asparagus ferns are easy-to-care-for plants that grow as houseplants and in shady gardens.


When asparagus ferns are planted outside, they prefer a location with dappled shade. For best

results as potted houseplants, asparagus ferns should be placed in indirect or filtered light.

Soil and Water

Asparagus ferns perform best in organically rich, well-drained soil. Drought-tolerant once

they're established in the garden, the plants should be kept evenly moist.

If you grow asparagus ferns as houseplants, you can move them outdoors to a shaded porch in

warmer months. They don't require periods of winter dormancy but appreciate a rest and reduced

watering during the winter months.

Temperature and Humidity

Asparagus ferns prefer warm and humid climates (about 70°F) and cannot withstand temperatures

below 55°F for long periods.


When the plant is actively growing new stems and foliage, apply a weak liquid fertilizer about once

a week.

Arrowhead General Care

Medium to bright light. Tolerates low light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.
Allow soil to dry out halfway between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light.

Tolerates average home humidity. Prefers high humidity. To keep your Arrowhead happy, create a
wet pebble tray underneath or incorporate a humidifier into the space.

Average home temperature of 65°F-75°F. If you’re comfortable, the Arrowhead Plant is

Grows to a lush 15”. If smaller size is preferred, cut o all climbing stems that develop and the
Arrowhead will remain bushy.

Areca palms do best in bright, indirect light but will tolerate a bit of shade. Avoid direct sunlight,

as this will scorch the leaves, and keep away from draughts. Areca palms need a warm room –

ideally around 18°-24°C, with a minimum of 10°C in winter.

Dieffenbachia grows best with soil that's not overly moist. Hold off on watering the plant

until the top 2 inches of soil are dry, then water thoroughly at the base of the plant.

Droopy leaves are usually a sign that the plant needs to be watered.

Swiss cheese plant

Bright, indirect light is ideal, but avoid direct sunlight. Water when the top the soil is almost
completely dry. Aim for temperatures between 15 and 30°C. Mist leaves occasionally and keep
them free of dust.

Arjun tree: Care


If the topsoil of a young Arjun tree feels slightly dry to the touch, water it. Do not regularly water
the plant.


At the time of planting, amend the soil with an abundance of organic matter, vermicompost, and
cow manure to stimulate its growth. Once every seven to ten weeks, use a balanced
liquid fertiliser to help it flourish. Additionally, maintain the surrounding area free of weeds.
Diseases and pests

These trees are susceptible to aphid attacks on their vulnerable leaves, which create galls. This
issue can be controlled by spraying neem oil solution or biopesticides like Azadirachtin.
Avoid over-watering the plant and soaking the leaves to prevent most infections.

Guava plants thrive in any soil with good drainage and full sun for best flowering and fruit
production. Guava fruit trees are tropical to sub-tropical and may achieve 20 feet (6 m.) in height.
Growing guavas requires cold protection, and is not suitable outdoors in most zones of the United

Pinewheel Tabernaemontana divaricata,

The plant prefers moist, well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. But once established, it
may survive with little water. It thrives in acidic soil but fertilizer may be required for optimal
results. Mulching the plant base will keep the soil moist and prevent it from drying out

Aglaonema stalks retain water for the plant in periods of drought. If there is too much water in the
soil and the stalks are also full of water, this can cause the plant to rot. In this case, hold off on
watering, aerate (or in severe cases replace) the soil, and prune away any rotting

Dypsis Lutescens: Benefits

•Ornamental purpose: Dypsis Lutescens is a low-maintenance plant that needs indirect

sunlight. Thus, it can be placed indoors to beautify interiors.

•Air humidity: Dry air can cause a sore throat when inhaled and cause skin dryness and
irritation, eye itching, and aggravate respiratory ailments like asthma, bronchitis, and
sinusitis. Keeping indoor plants like Dypsis Lutescens can significantly improve humidity
levels indoors.

•Reduces indoor pollutants: The plant can break down compounds like acetone,
formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, thus eliminating pollutants and purifying the air. It is a
plant with large surface area of leaves, producing more oxygen.
•Medicinal uses: Dypsis Lutescens is known to possess medicinal properties, which
includes antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Arjun plant: A natural remedy for heart health. An Ayurvedic secret for healthier skin
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Arjuna helps reduce the risk of heart
diseases. It strengthens and tones the heart muscles and helps in proper functioning of the heart.
Arjuna tree also has strong anti-hypertensive property and helps reduce high blood pressure
While croton plants have safety concerns, industries use them to make medicines.
•These plants help purify the air quality in the house.
•Colourful croton pants also have a great impact on one's mental health and spread positivity in
the house.

money plant as one of the best that purify the air polluted by modern furnishings made of
synthetic materials and cleaning chemicals.
Money plant is considered as a lucky plant which brings wealth, health, prosperity and happiness
in the house.Money plant helps in removing obstacles in financial growth and brings multiple
sources of income. For these reason, the plant is called a “Money Plant”

Guava contains 21% vitamin A that helps brighten up your skin and maintains mucous

•This fruit also contains 20% folate that works well for pregnant women and prevents neural tube
•Lycopene, found in pink coloured guavas are good for protecting skin against ultraviolet rays (UV)
and also prevents prostate cancer.
•Guavas have potassium more than bananas and this helps regulate high blood pressure.

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