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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic concepts and principles in assessing learning
2. State the importance of assessment
3. Compare the difference between measurement and evaluation in assessing learning

II. Subject Matter

References: Assessment in Learning 1 Book, Dr. Marilin Ubiña-Balagtas. Dr. Adonis P.
David, Dr. Evangeline F. Golla P. Magno, Dr. Violeta C. Valladolid. Page 3-48
Materials: Laptop, Projector

III. Background Knowledge: According to what we read in this book, assessment is a process
of gathering data for the purpose of making decisions. Assessment is also an approach to
teaching and learning that creates feedback which used to improve students’ performance.
There are different types of assessment in learning, which help the teacher to understand
student progress in various ways. Since assessment is to measure a learner’s knowledge,
understanding, and skills, and standard of learning we can know how effectively it helps a
learners’ progress.

IV. Procedure
A. Routinary Activities
 Greetings
 Prayer

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Good morning, class” “Good morning, Ma’am”

“Let us pray first” (One student will lead the prayer)

“Please be seated. Arrange your chairs and sit (Students follows)


B. Review

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Okay, before I start. Let me ask you. What did we do “Our instructor orient us about this subject and grouped
last meeting with this subject? us into 3 and he also assigned the topics of each groups
for reporting”

“Okay. Thank you. You may now take your seat” (Students follows)

C. Motivation

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Before we start the discussion, let’s have first a little (Students are listening)
refreshment. I have here an ice breaker. What you will
gonna do is to arrange the scrambled words and read it
out loud once you got the right word”


“Second word: ESTNGIT (“TESTING”)

“Third word: RGDAING (“GRADING”)

“Well done! Thank you for participating”

D. Lesson Proper

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Now, before I start discussing our lesson, let me ask (Students raise their hands)
you, class. When u heard the word “Assessment?” what
comes in to your mind? Anyone?”

(Pick 2 students from the class) (Students answered)

“Okay, well done. Thank you for thank you for

answering. So fasten your seatbelt as I will discuss the
first lesson. Ready?”

“The word assessment, is rooted in the latin word

“assidere” which means “to sit beside another” or
generally defined as the process of Gathering
Quantitative/Qualitative Data for the purpose of making
decisions. When we say quantitative data it is the (Students are listening)
number-based countable, or measurable. It means that it
tells us how many, how much, or how often in
calculations. While qualitative data is interpretation-
based, descriptive and relating to language so it can help
us to understand why, how, or what happened behind
certain behaviors”

“Now, let’s proceed to The Different Measurement

Framework Used in Assessment. These are: Classical
Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT).
Classical Test Theory is also known as the true score
theory which explains that variations in the performance
of examinees on a given measure is due to variations in
their abilities. Like example of Classical Test Theory
(CTT), if a students completes a numerical reasoning (Students are listening)
test, and score is 60/20, their “observed” score is 16.
CTT provides an estimation of the following:
Item Difficulty and Item Discrimination. Item Difficulty
is based on the frequency or number of examinees
who correctly answers a particular item. Item
Discrimination is based on the number of
examinees with higher or lower ability to answers a
particular item. Item Response Theory (IRT)
analyzes test items by estimating the probability
that an examine answers an item correctly or

“Now let’s move on to the Different Types of

Assessment in Learning. There are Six (6) ypes of
Assessment in Learning. These are: Formative
assessment, Summative assessment, Diagnostic
assessment, Placement assessment, Traditional (Students are listening)
assessment, and Authentic assessment.

Okay, Formative assessment refers to assessment

activities that provide information to both teacher
and learners on how they caan improve th teaching
learning process. When can we say that a particular
assessment is formative? If this assessment occurs
in the beginning and during instruction then that
assessment is called Formatuive. The purpose of
this assessment is for the teacher to reflect and
analyze wether he/she has to re-teach the lesson or
not, or wether she has to change the strategies to
make the lessons more understandable, catchy, and
interesting to the students. In this assessment, the
teacher can throw question while in the middle of
discussion. If ever the teacher finds out that all
his/her students have answered the question he/she
ask during the lecture, meaning to say the delivery (Students are listening)
of that particular lesson is successful. And if
opposite, the teacher will re-teach the lesson and
make new strategy so that the teacher can improve
teaching and the learning process.

Summative Assessments are assessment activities

that aim to determine learner’s mastering of content
or attainment of learning outcomes. They supposed
to provide information, example of this is the Pre- (Students are listening)
lim, Midterm, Pre-final, and Final. It is summative
because the coverage the lesson is not only focus on
1 topic but a lot of topic is covered. This
assessment is recorded and graded, because it
summarizes the learning of students. So, trough
performance reports and teacher feedback,
summative assessment can also inform learners
about what they have done well and what they need
to improve on in their future classes or subject

Diagnostic Assessment aims to defect the learning

problems or difficulties of the learners so that
corrective measure or intervention are done to
ensure learning. This assessment is administered by
the teacher in order to identify the strenghts and (Students are listening)
weaknesses of the students. Usually this assessment
will be given before the class started. The teacher
woud like to know or measure the skills and
knowledge that the students already have and also
to know the skills of students that haven’t been
mastered yet.

Placement Assessment is usually done at the

beginning of the school year to determine what the
learners already know or what are their needs that
could inform design of instruction. Example of this
(Students are listening)
is entrance examination. In university, before the
student proceed to enrollement, the student will
undergo admission test. Then the test scores that the
student obtained from the entrance exam will be the
basis if what course to take.

Traditional Assessment refers to the use of

conventional strategies or tools to provide
information about the learning of students. This
type of assessment doesn’t measure the actual
learning of the student. Why? Because it’s just a
(Students are listening)
test. It is not authentic or the real or geniune score
of student that obtained form traditional assessment
like paper-and-pencil test. For example, the teacher
is only discussing on how to plant a tree, because
the teacher want to know if the students does really
know how to plant a tree, so the teacher test the
students by using traditional assessment, and then
some students got perfect scores, but that doesn’t
mean that the students really know how to plant a
tree. Why? Because the teacher used traditonal
assessment only. If the teacher really teach the
students to perform or to plant a real tree outside
the classroom then the teacher will get a stronger
evidence that the students have learned how to
plant a tree.

Authentic Assessment refers to the use of

assessment strategies or tools that allow learners to
perform or create a product that are meaningful to
the learners, as they are based on the real world
context. This assessment is through performance
and through product. Let’s go back to my example
about planting a tree. So, It is considered authentic
if the teacher let students really plant a tree, if the (Students are listening)
students really performed or execute to plant a tree.
Another example, the teacher’s lesson is about
stitching, since it is stitching the teacher will let the
student perform, the teacher will let the student to
really stitch example to stitch an apron so, the
teacher won’t let use the traditional way but the
authentic assessment instead. Always kee in mind
that Authentic Assessment is real type of
assessment and needs a performance of students.
Interview, and Oral-presentation is one of the
examples of Authentic Assessment.

Now, let’s move on to the Different Principles in

Assessing Learning. There are many principles in
the assessment in learning. Based on the different
readings and references on these principles, the
following may be considered as core principles: (1) (Students are listening)
Assessment should have a clear purpose. if your
gathering information or data make sure its clear
and informative. (2) Assessment is not an end in
itself. Assessment refers to enhancement of
learning skills that will allow improvement of the
student. (3) Assessment is an ongoing, continous,
and a formative process. It means that you should
not focus on certain activity it should be a series
task. (4) Assessment is learner-centered. This
method is use to measure the effectiveness of
lessontoward the learners. (5) Assessment is both
process and product-oriented. (6) Assessment
must be comprehensive and holistic. Assessment
should be perform using a variety of strategies and
tools designed to assess student learning in a
holistic way. (7) Assessment requires the use of
appropriate measures. Ind order for you to
measure the learning of the student, you create an
appropriate assessment. (8) Assessment should be
as authentic as possible. Be authentic reliable
E. Generalization

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Now, I want you to test if you really understood our


“Mr. LJ, what is assessment in learning? (Students answered)

“Okay, thank you. Arraza, What are the different types

of assessment in learning?” (Students answered)

“Okay, thank you. Ms. Abigail, what are the difference

between measurement and evaluation?” (Students answered)

“Very well said Ms. Abigail”

“So Bryan, what are the things to considered as core (Students answered)
principles in assessing learning?”

“Excellent! Thank you for answering those questions’

F. Assessment

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Now, let us check if you understood the topic or not. (Students follows)
Kindly get ¼ sheet of paper. And number it from 1 to 5.”

“Number 1, what is assessment in Learning?”

“Number 2, what are the difference between

measurement, evaluation, testing, and grading?”

“Number 3, what are the Six (6) types of assessment in


“Number 4, what is CTT and IRT stands for?”

“Number 5, give three (3) core principles in assessing


G. Assignment

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Before I end this, let me give you an assignment” (Students are listening)

“Please study in advance the Lesson 2: Assessment (Students follows)

Purposes, Learning Targets, and Appropriate Methods”

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