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Money and happiness have always been an important topic of conversation in our society,

actually, one of the most popular argument is that we don’t need it to be happy.

First of all, despite the fact that money doesn’t give us all the happiness, it is necessary for
many things such as feed ourselves and our family or pay the rent. It is also required in
different situations, for example, if we are sick and we need to pay for treatments and

In addition, technology is very important and necessary in our lives due to we use it for
everything, that’s why, if we want to have the latest gadgets, which are expensive, we need a
lot of money to buy them.

On the other hand, there are a lot of things we need to have in our lives to be happy such as
love and mental health that money can’t give to us, so, in that sense, we don´t need it.

To sum up, I don’t think money is necessary to be happy but it helps you to reach it in many
aspects of your life.

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