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Unidad educativa particular adventista del pacífico

Asignatura: English

Tema: Happy people Fecha: 16/05/2023 10mo básica

“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible
with God.” Mark 10:27 (TLA)

We will watch this video for three weeks


LESSON 1: Chapter Overview PP 8 & 9 Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: •
Name characteristics of happy people. • Ask and answer about factors that make people happy. • Rank
qualities according to their own opinions.

Target language: • Adjectives that describe personality. • Gerund forms to describe factors that make
people happy.

Warm up: Read the title of the chapter and the Bible verse to the SS. Clarify vocabulary as needed and
elicit comments or opinions about the passage. “How wonderful to have such blessings! Yes, great
blessings belong to those who have the Lord as their God” (Psalm 144:15, ERV). Ask the SS to find a
connection between the title of the chapter and this verse. Possible outcome: happiness is a blessing
(from God); happy people feel blessed; God makes people happy. Elicit from the SS examples of what
they consider blessings from God. Then, tell the SS that in this chapter they will learn how to describe
people in terms of their appearance and their character, and to talk about habits and routine. They will
also read about true happiness and reflect on it.

Activity 1: Listen and read the article. Then choose the correct option to answer the question below. P.
8 Tell the SS to look at the different pictures and elicit from them the feelings that these photos evoke.
Exploit the pictures as much as you can and then have the SS focus on the article’s macrostructure
(title, pictures, captions, etc.) so that they can predict what the text is going to be about. Then focus on
the question that the SS have to answer. Clarify as needed and tell the class that, for this purpose, they
are going to listen to the article once.


Track 2. Chapter 1: Happy people. Page 8. Activity 1: Listen and read the article. Then choose the
correct option to answer the question below. Are you a happy person? What makes you happy? Do
you know where the happiest people in the world live? Every year, the United Nations (UN) publishes
the “World Happiness Report”, a document that contains a ranking of the happiest countries. The UN
obtains the results by asking people of 156 countries questions that determine how happy they feel.
The survey measures people’s well-being, how they feel about their communities, their government
and the freedom they enjoy.
Unidad educativa particular adventista del pacífico

According to this report, the winner is Finland, and this is not its first time! Finnish people ranked first
twice in a row because they won the previous year, too! There are many factors that contribute to the
happiness of Finnish people, and it is interesting to see that money is not the most important of them.
The government plays a vital role in contributing to its population’s well-being. Fighting corruption,
improving basic public services and guaranteeing people’s personal freedom are some of the basic
regular actions of the Finnish government system.

Activity 2: Read the article on page 8 and write “T” (true), “F” (false) or “NM” (not mentioned). P. 9
Introduce the task by asking volunteers to read the sentences in the activity aloud. Tell the class that
according to the article they have just read, some sentences are true, some false, and some contain
information that is not stated in the text. Clarify meaning as needed and have the SS work individually.
Then, check the activity with the whole class.

Activity 3: Read the article again and answer the questions. P. 9 Tell the SS that this activity is going to
help them understand the text better. Read each of the questions and clarify their meanings as
needed. Give the SS time to work individually and, when they finish, ask them to compare their
answers with a partner. Then, dedicate some time to elicit the answers from the class and write the
responses on the board.

Activity 4: Listen to Nina, Derek, Brooke and Thomas and complete the chart with the words in the
box. P. 9 Tell SS that they are going to listen to a radio interview with four teenagers. They are going to
talk about what makes them happy. Explain the activity and then play the audio twice before checking
the answers with the class.

Track 3. Chapter 1: Happy people. Page 9. Activity 4: Listen to Nina, Derek, Brooke and Thomas and
complete the chart with the words in the box


Activity 5: Rank the qualities below (1= the most important, to 6 = the least important). Then share and
compare your ranking with a partner’s. P. 9

Activity 6: Pair work. Discuss the questions below. P. 9 Read the questions with the class, clarifying
meanings. Then give the SS enough time to work. As this is an open-ended task, they may need your
help, especially with vocabulary. Walk around the classroom to monitor their work.

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