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Student Name:________________ Class:___________

Group Devised Scene Scaffold

Complete the following table to assist you to make your scene amazing!

Orientation ________________________________________________________
Where is your scene primarily
Who are the characters in your ________________________________________________________
scene and what will make them
memorable to your audience?

Complication ________________________________________________________
What is the problem that will be
explored throughout the
situation, conversations and ________________________________________________________
actions in your scene?

Rising Action ________________________________________________________

What will happen to gradually
increase the tension and build to
the climax of your scene? ________________________________________________________
List 3 things.

Climax ________________________________________________________
This is the most intense moment
in your scene? What has
everything been building up ________________________________________________________
How might characters react ________________________________________________________
during this time?

Resolution ________________________________________________________
How will your complication be
dealt with at the end of your
scene? ________________________________________________________
Tip: End on a high note!
Something ‘punchy’, funny, ________________________________________________________
visually interesting or

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