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Functions of the Lymphatic System

 Collects and removes the extra interstitial fluid and returns it to

the bloodstream for recirculation. This maintains the fluid level in
the body. Hence, it is also called the drainage system of
 It plays a major role in humoral and cell-mediated immunity. It
proliferates, differentiates, stores, and circulates lymphocytes.
 Lymph nodes are the sites where antigens are presented with
lymphocytes for activation of immune response and production
of functional antibodies. 
 Lymphatics also transport fatty acids and fats. 
 Helps in the transportation of debris, wastes, and abnormal cells.

Diseases Associated With Lymphatic System

 DiGeorge Syndrome: It is a congenital disorder caused due to microdeletion
of a section (22q11.2 gene) of chromosome 22. This results in poor
development of the thymus and tonsils of the lymphatic system and several
other organs. 
 Nezelof Syndrome: It is a congenital disorder with an autosomal recessive
inheritance that results in atrophy of the thymus without any other
congenital abnormalities. 
 Lymphedema: It is a lymphoid disorder characterized by swelling of body
tissue due to over-accumulation of lymph. Blockage of normal lymph flow
usually results in lymphedema. 
 Lymphoma: It is a cancer of the lymphatic system and can be defined as
cancer that begins in the lymphatic system. There are two major types of
lymphoma; Hodgkin lymphoma (lymphoma that spreads in an orderly
fashion from one lymph node to another), and Non-Hodgkin (lymphoma
that spreads randomly in a non-orderly fashion from one lymph node to
 Lymphatic filariasis: Also called Elephantitis, is the blockage of lymphatic
circulation by parasitic nematodes. The primary pathogen is Wuchereria
bancrofti which is accountable for more than 90% of the infection.
Besides, Brugia malayi  and  B. timori is also associated with other 10% of
filariasis. It is a mosquito-borne disease transmitted by the Aedes
aegyptis mosquito.  
 Lymphadenopathy: It is the swelling of lymph nodes. 
 Lymphadenitis: It is the infection of lymph nodes generally by bacteria,
fungi, and/or viruses resulting in lymphadenopathy. 
 Lymphangitis: It is the inflammation (swelling) of lymphatic vessels and
organs due to infections by bacteria, fungi, and/or viruses. It is different from
lymphadenitis in the fact that in lymphangitis there is swelling of vessels and
organs not only the swelling of lymph nodes. 
 Lymphocytosis: It means an increase in the lymphocyte count. 
 Castleman Disease: It is a rare disorder of the lymphatic system
characterized by enlargement of lymph nodes. 
 Lymphangioma: It is a rare congenital condition that results in the
formation of fluid-filled sacs across the lymphatic vessels. It usually occurs in
the head, neck, and mouth but can be formed all over the body beneath the
 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: It is the abnormal proliferation of smooth
muscle cells in lymphatic vessels of the lungs resulting in the formation of
cysts or holes in the lungs. It primarily affects women 20 to 40 years of age. 
 Lymphoproliferative Syndrome: It is a rare genetic disorder characterized
by uncontrolled non-malignant proliferation of lymphocytes.
 Tonsilitis: It is the swelling of tonsils usually caused by viral and bacterial
infection of the tonsils.

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