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SY: 2023 - 2024

Name: ________________________________________ Teacher: Chrisand Godwyn Sabayton

Grade level and Section: __________________________ Date: _________________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Write your name, grade level and section, and the date today. Make sure to read all test
instructions before answering. For the essay test, you may attach a whole sheet of paper if the spaces provided run out.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Carefully read each question and write the corresponding letter of your answer on the blank provided.

_______ 1. Which of the following is considered a literature of battle of wits?

A. Riddle B. Tigmo C. Salawikain D. Hele
_______ 2. Which of the following literary types originated from Cebu?
A. Riddle B. Tigmo C. Salawikain D. Hele
_______ 3. Which of the following literary periods has the category of the religious and secular types of literature?
A. Pre-colonial Period C. American Period
B. Spanish Period D. Japanese Period
_______ 4. What part of the plot is considered the most exciting part of the story?
A. Falling action B. Exposition C. Rising action D. Climax
_______ 5. Dead Stars is phenomenal story which talks about the themes of love, dreams, and infidelity. Who wrote this
remarkable literary piece?
A. Paz Marquez Benitez B. Paz Latorena C. Jose Garcia Villa D. Jose Mari Chan
_______ 6. Manang Barang sang a ritual song to make her grandchild heal in her own way. This idea belongs to what
literary period?
A. Pre-colonial Period C. American Period
B. Spanish Period D. Japanese Period
_______ 7. Filipinos were inspired to write with themes of oppression and poverty during the Japanese period. What do you
think happened during this era?
A. Filipinos were enslaved, abused, and inhumanely treated by Japanese soldier.
B. The Japanese regimen was the best period for the Filipino whom were treated as dearest friends.
C. Philippine economy flourished when the Japanese gave Filipinos their freedom.
D. All Filipino regardless of the social status were given multiple rights and donations by the Japanese government.
_______ 8. This type of literature contains satires, editorials and news articles were written to attack and expose the
immoral ways of the Spanish rule:
A. Political Songs B. Political Dances C. Political Novels D. Political Essays
_______ 9. "Susungkitin mga bituin para lang maka hiling na sana'y maging akin puso mo at damdamin." The given line is
an example of which of the following?
A. Karaoke B. Harana C. Hele D. Religious Song
_______ 10. Filipinos commonly watch the dramatization of the passion and death of Jesus Christ which is a great part of
our history, culture, and religion. This practice started after the Spanish rule and was called which of the following?
A. Senakulo B. Pasyon C. Awit D. Korido
_______ 11. Long ago, our ancestors wrote long poetic narratives about the passion and death of Jesus Christ which is a
great part of our history, culture, and religion. This literature is from the Spanish rule and was called which of the following?
A. Senakulo B. Pasyon C. Awit D. Korido
For items 12. – 16. Essay Analysis
Excerpt of a Descriptive Essay entitled “Needles.” “Every year, Americans use over one billion sharp objects to
administer healthcare in their homes. These sharp objects include lancets, needles, and syringes. If not disposed of in
puncture-resistant containers, they can injure sanitation workers. Sharp objects should be disposed of in hard plastic or
metal containers with secure lids. The containers should be clearly marked and be puncture resistant.”
_______ 12. What do you think is the author’s main message behind the excerpt shown above? 
    A. Sharp objects must not be placed in puncture-resistant containers. 
B. People must come in contact with sharp objects that have not been placed in secure containers.
C. Americans are careless with sharp objects such as lancets, needles, and syringes in their homes.
        D. People must not mark the containers they pick up with a warning that those containers contain sharp objects.

Excerpt of a Descriptive Essay entitled “What is best for conflicts?” “Litigation is not always the only or best way to
resolve conflicts. Mediation offers an alternative approach and it is one that can be quite efficient and successful. Mediation
can be faster, less expensive, and can lead to creative solutions not always possible in a court of law. Additionally,
mediation focuses on mutually acceptable solutions, rather than on winning or losing.”
_______ 13. Which of the following is the main idea of the excerpt shown above? 
     A. There is too much reliance on litigation in our society.
B. Litigation is expensive, slow, and limited by its reliance on following the letter of the law. 
C. Mediation is the best way to resolve a crisis. 
D. Mediation can be an effective way to resolve conflicts.

Excerpt of a Narrative Essay entitled “The Peace Corps.” “One of the missions of the Peace Corps is to help the
people of interested countries meet their need for trained men and women. People who work for the Peace Corps do so
because they want to, but to keep the agency dynamic with fresh ideas, no staff member can work for the agency for more
than five years.”
_______ 14. The paragraph best supports the statement that Peace Corps employees possess which of the
following characteristics?
A. Peace Corps are highly intelligent people.
B. Peace Corps must train for about five years.
C. Peace Corps are hired for a limited term of employment. 
D. Peace Corps have both academic and work experience.

Excerpt of a Narrative Essay entitled “How Telecommuters Brawl?” “More and more office workers telecommute
from offices in their own homes. The upside of telecommuting is both greater productivity and greater flexibility.
Telecommuters produce, on average, 20% more than if they were to work in an office, and their flexible schedule allows
them to balance both their family and work responsibilities.”
_______ 15. The paragraph best supports the statement that telecommuters possess which of the following
A. Telecommuters get more work done in a given time period than workers who travel to the office.
B. Telecommuters produce a better quality work product than workers who travel to the office. 
C. Telecommuters are more flexible in their ideas than workers who travel to the office.
D. Telecommuters would do 20% more work if they were to work in an office.

“Today’s shopping mall has as its antecedents historical marketplaces, such as Greek agoras, European piazzas,
and Asian bazaars. The purpose of these sites, as with the shopping mall, is both economic and social. People not only go
to buy and sell wares, but also to be seen, catch up on news, and be part of the human drama.”
_______ 16. Which of the following is the best underlying message of the given excerpt? 
A. Modern Americans spend an average of 15 hours a month in shopping malls.
B. Shopping malls serve an important purpose in our culture. 
C. Shopping malls have a social as well as commercial function. 
D. There are historical antecedents for almost everything in contemporary society.

For items 17-24. Read carefully read the memoir below and answer the following questions.
Jacob the Great
Jacob hated finishing things almost as much as he loved starting them.  As a result, he had gotten into a million hobbies
and activities, but he never stuck with any of them long enough to get any good.  

He begged his mother for months for a guitar so that he could play Black Eyed Peas songs to Angie, a girl he liked, but after
he finally got one for Christmas, he found out that guitars don’t play themselves.  He took a few lessons, but strumming the
strings hurt his fingers and he didn’t like holding the pick, so now the five-hundred dollar guitar lives under his bed.  
After reading an ad in the back of one of his comic books, Jacob decided that he wanted a Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal
detector, so that he could find buried pirate treasure.  So he mowed lawns all summer and didn’t spend his money on ice-
cream like his younger brother, Alex.  He saved it all in a shoe box in his closet.  Then he shoveled driveways all winter, and
he didn’t spend his money on candy and chips like his classmates.   By the time spring came he had saved $200, and he
purchased the Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal detector.   He beeped it around the park for a while, be he soon found out that
no pirates had ever set sail in his neighborhood, and if they had they didn’t leave any treasure.   Even though he found a key
ring, forty-seven cents, and all the bottle caps he could throw, he buried the metal detector in his closest.   

Given Jacob’s history with hobbies, it was no surprise that Jacob’s father was reluctant to buy him a magician’s kit for his
birthday.  “Geez, Jacob… You sure you wouldn’t rather I got you more guitar lessons?”   He suggested.  Jacob was
insistent.  “Dad, you’ve got to get me the magician’s kit.  This time I’ll stick with it for real.  I promise!  Come on, Dad,” Jacob
begged.  Jacob’s father sighed and then replied, “Oh, I don’t know, Jacob.  Things are awfully tight right now.”  But Jacob’s
father was reminded of his own youth long ago, when he quit football and started karate practice before hardly getting his
equipment dirty.  So when Jacob’s birthday came around, Jacob was both surprised and pleased to find the magician’s kit
that he had desired so badly with a big bright bow on it.   

Jacob opened up the box and unwrapped the many parts in the kit.  As he did so, he imagined sawing his pet cat in half and
putting it back together to the amazement of his friends and family.  He took the many fake coins, trick cards, and rope
pieces of varying length on the kitchen table and imagined pulling rabbits out of his hat and turning them into pigeons with a
mysterious puff of smoke.  As Jacob continued pulling plastic thumbs, foam balls, and giant playing cards out of the magic
kit, a commercial on the TV caught his attention.  “Hey kids!  Have you ever wanted to go to space?  Experience what it’s
like to be an astronaut?  Do you want to explore the universe?  Well, now you can.”  As the commercial continued playing,
Jacob walked away from the magic kit on the kitchen table and stared at the TV screen longingly.   “For only $195 you can
go to space camp and live life like an astronaut for a whole weekend.  Enroll now for a once in a life time experience.” 
Jacob’s cry rang throughout the house as he yelled, “MOM!”  He now knew what his true purpose in life was.  

_______ 17. According to the text, why did Jacob stop playing the guitar?
A. It hurt his fingers. B. He’d rather play drums.    C. It was too easy. D. He failed math.
_______ 18. Why did Jacob decide that he wants a metal detector?
A. He was inspired by a man in the park. C. He saw a TV commercial for one.
B. His father had one as a child. D. He read an ad for one in a comic book.    
_______ 19. How did Jacob get the items that he wants in the story?
A. He asked his mother. C. He shoveled driveways and mows lawns.
B. He worked as a dog nanny. D. He stole the money in their house’s altar.
_______ 20.  Why doesn’t Jacob’s father want to get him the magician’s kit for his birthday?
A. Jacob failed math class. C. Jacob has been mean to his younger brother. 
B. Jacob quits too many expensive activities. D. Jacob went to the park without permission.
_______ 21.  Why does Jacob’s father buy Jacob the magician’s kit in the end?
A. Jacob mowed the lawn. C. Jacob bought ice cream for his brother.
B. Jacob reminded his father of himself. D. Jacob found his father’s key ring.
_______ 22.  What distracts Jacob from the magician’s kit?
A. A TV commercial B. His father C. The kitchen table D. A comic book
_______ 23.  Based on the end of the story, Jacob is most likely to go on and do which of the following?
A. Become a great magician C. Detect an incredible hidden treasure
B. Learn to play guitar well D. Raise money to go to space camp
_______ 24. Which happened first in the text?
A. Jacob asked his dad for the magician’s kit. C. Jacob mowed lawns.
B. Jacob got a guitar for Christmas. D. Jacob shoveled driveways.
_______ 25. Which of the following elements of a story is about humans, animals, or things portrayed as actors?
A. Setting B. Plot C. Character D. Conflicts
_______ 26. Which of the following statements is NOT true about literature?
A. Literature is timeless, and it endures.
B. It has the quality that associates the emotional power.
C. It brings out moral values which make us better persons.
D. It appeals to our sense of physical beauty.
_______ 27. Long ago, our ancestors wrote long poetic narratives about the passion and death of Jesus Christ which is a
great part of our history, culture, and religion. This literature is from the Spanish rule and was called which of the following?
A. Senakulo B. Pasyon C. Awit D. Korido
_______ 28. Why is it important for us to use our emotions in writing and understanding literature?
A. The word choice in literature is mostly figurative.
B. Our emotions are well-needed in unlocking the literal meaning implied in statements with figurative languages.
C. Our emotions are art. Literature is an art too. Thus, emotions are required in understanding literature.
D. Our minds are hearts; hearts are minds too. Literature is created because people associate their emotions when
writing literature.
_______ 29. Why literature enables us to discover broader dimensions in life?
A. Reading literature is the cheapest way to travel the world.
B. It offers us variety of experiences and ways to understand the world.
C. Literature is everything that has ever been written in a broad sense.
D. Literature does not yield much unless we bring something of ourselves to it.
_______30. Literature teaches us the following values except for:
A. Expanding our wisdom and knowledge
B. Practice exclusivity and discrimination
C. Express one’s emotions and feelings
D. Recognize the importance of kindness
31. Which of the following is the only literary art which contains motion picture intended to document reality,
primarily for the purposes of instruction, education, or maintaining a historical record?
A. Documentary B. Testimonio C. Diary D. Blog
32. What literary art is an online journal website or a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their
views on an individual subject?
A. Documentary B. Testimonio C. Diary D. Blog
33. Which of the following is a record of a personal and daily account of personal activities, reflections, or feelings?
A. Documentary B. Testimonio C. Diary D. Blog
34. Which literary art deals about a written account, usually a short piece, which means attempt or try?
A. Essay B. Record C. Diary D. Blog
34. Ana just watched her favorite series, Kadenang Ginto, one of the highest grossing film in Philippine television,
which is about real people portraying real actions and problems also in real, not fabricated places. This series belongs to
what genre of fiction?
A. Myth B. Historical Fiction C. Fable D. Realistic Fiction
35. Ana, just watched the movie Lion King, a multimillion grossing Disney film whose main characters are portrayed
as real animals. Which of the following genre of fiction should this movie be classified?
A. Myth B. Historical Fiction C. Fable D. Realistic Fiction
36. Mike is reading a story with characters such a Greek goddess whose head is snakes, Medusa, Zeus whom is
believed to be the god of the skies, and Hades, god of the underworld. Which of the following fiction is Mike reading about?
A. Myth B. Historical Fiction C. Fable D. Realistic Fiction
37. Jasper was offered to portray the life of Jose Rizal. In the long run, when this movie will be published, it will be
considered as which of the following genre fiction?
A. Myth B. Historical Fiction C. Fable D. Realistic Fiction
38 Joyce tasked her students to create simple and doable scientific technological advancements that would
contribute to the movie Interstellar. The movie she is assisting is considered as which of the following types of fiction?
A. Science Fiction B. Math Fiction C. SciMath Fiction D. MathSci Fiction
39. Which of the following is not considered nonfiction?
A. Fairytale B. Dictionary C. Biography D. Autobiography
40. Which of the following is an annual publication listing a set of events forthcoming in the next years which
includes information like weather forecasts, farmers' planting dates, tide tables, and other tabular data often arranged
according to the calendar?
A. Almanac B. Autobiography C. Biography D. Memoir
41. Which of the following is a self-made written account of a particular and specific event of life?
A. Almanac B. Autobiography C. Biography D. Memoir
42. What literary art is about an account of a person's life written by that person himself/herself?
A. Almanac B. Autobiography C. Biography D. Memoir
43. What do you call the figure of speech that is about the comparison of two unlike things using like or as?
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration D. Onomatopoeia
44. What do you call the figure of speech that is the direct comparison of two unlike things or expressions, without
using like or as?
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration D. Onomatopoeia
45. What do you call the figure of speech that is about the REPITITION of initial consonant sounds of two or more
neighboring words?
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration D. Onomatopoeia
46. What do you call the figure of speech that is a word that imitates the sound it represents?
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Alliteration D. Onomatopoeia
47. What do you call the figure of speech that is an exaggeration or overstatement?
A. Hyperbole B. Personification C. Alliteration D. Onomatopoeia
48. What do you call the figure of speech that is gives human qualities to things that are not human?
A. Hyperbole B. Personification C. Alliteration D. Onomatopoeia
49. What is the figure of speech used in this statement: Ana works like a sloth.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Onomatopoeia
50. What is the figure of speech used in this statement: The flowers danced to the wind.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Onomatopoeia

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