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Essay obese children causeffct

Topic: The percentage of overweight children in the western society has increased
by almost 20% in the last ten years. (Causes/effects)
Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

Response: Children resemble flowers, but to seem them withering is a dagger to

the heart. Over a decade, western cultures have seen close to a 20% rise in the
number of obese children. The reasons and the consequences of this worrying
trend would be examined.
The main culprits to excess weighty kids could be poor diet, working parents,
nuclear families, lack of outdoor sport, no yoga and convenience foods due to the
proliferation of delis. For example, on almost every nook and corner reputed quick-
snack joints serve unhealthy food with fancy adverts, luring children who constitute
the bulk of their patrons. Before the advent of processed edibles, children were far
from being fat. Thus causes to bulky juveniles galore and it would be prudent to
nip them in the bud.
For the effects, multiple health-related diseases amongst children are common.
Due to diabetes, for instance, children need be injected insulin life-long, they
cannot enjoy desired ice cream or sweets, obesity does not land alone, and it is
accompanied by blood pressure, cardiac arrests, and anxiety, which may be joined
by oppression and inferiority complex. Robust children are strangers to the ill-
effects. Hence, it is significant to ensure the fiddle of health remains fit to perform
far from cacophonic tones and ensures floating chimes of divine music.
Strong children pave the way to a resilient nation and they are the gardeners
(parents) who need to protect and nurture their plants (children) and ensure that
the nation blooms with flowers that proliferate with their captivating fragrance
world-wide. 255 word score

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