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What are the Basic Steps of Vulnerability Analysis?

What is Vulnerability Analysis?

Vulnerability Analysis is the process of evaluating security vulnerabilities in a computing network.
The primary objective of vulnerability analysis is to identify unknown security vulnerabilities that
cybercriminals can exploit, and procure solutions to eliminate them. Vulnerability analysis is
generally carried out by cybersecurity experts specializing in tackling novel cyberattacks.

Vulnerability analysis can be performed through manual as well as automated scanners. These
scanners help identify vulnerabilities such as weak passwords, unpatched software, misconfigured
network settings, and other potential vulnerabilities that could be gateways for fringe elements to
gain illicit access to the computing network.

A detailed log of the analysis prepared throughout the process helps keep track of existing and novel
vulnerabilities. The documented record also helps determine the severity of the vulnerabilities,
enabling a prioritized remedial procedure. The remedial recommendations suggested in the detailed
vulnerability analysis report allow professionals to tweak the overall cybersecurity of the network and
keep track of the emerging trends in cybercrime.

Steps for Conducting Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerability analysis involves several procedures for identifying and assessing potential security
weaknesses in an IT ecosystem. The basic steps of conducting a comprehensive vulnerability
analysis are as follows:

1. Discovery
The first step for conducting a vulnerability analysis is to identify the scope of analysis, meaning
defining the assets, hardware, software, and services that are part of the computing network being
assessed. This process is called ‘discovery,’ which can be done through automated as well as
manual scanners. Discovery helps determine the further course of action and prepare an estimated
time and resources required to carry out the vulnerability analysis of the concerned computing

2. Enumeration
The second step is called ‘enumeration,’ which involves identifying and cataloging the vulnerabilities
that exist in the system or network. At this step, cybersecurity experts deploy vulnerability scanners
and automated tools and conduct manual inspections. Enumeration helps determine potential
vulnerabilities within the entire IT ecosystem, including electronic, digital, and physical attack
vectors. The process involves thoroughly scanning every machine, user profile, network resource,
and interaction with external sources.

3. Prioritization
After identifying and cataloging all the existing and novel vulnerabilities within the entire IT
ecosystem, they need to be prioritized. Prioritization is based on severity and the risk an attack
vector poses to the computing network. Analysts assign a risk score and categorize the
vulnerabilities as high, medium, or low-risk vectors. Prioritization helps in identifying the
vulnerabilities that demand urgent attention, and those that require complex procedures to address.
Depending on the urgency and time required, resolving procedures are executed.

4. Exploitation
While the first three steps are for the identification and categorization of the attack vectors, the next
step is more towards testing the vulnerabilities (VAPT Testing). Exploitation in vulnerability analysis
is the process where cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers try to exploit the identified attack
vectors within the computing network. The process is carried out through various manual testing
techniques and automated tools and discovers multiple ways in which a particular vulnerability or a
combination of vulnerabilities can be exploited.

5. Reporting
Once the vulnerabilities have been identified, cataloged, prioritized, and tested, a detailed report
should be generated. The report logs all the vulnerabilities, their severity, and recommendations for
remediation. The report also includes potential risks associated with the vulnerabilities, the possible
roadmaps cybercriminals could use to exploit the attack vectors, and remedial suggestions to
eliminate those vectors.

6. Remediation
The detailed report prepared after identifying, prioritizing, and testing the vulnerabilities paves the
way for addressing the attack vectors and taking necessary measures to eliminate them.
Remediation is done through patching, configuration changes, or other means of mitigating the
vulnerabilities, either by an internal cybersecurity team or hiring field experts
The last step in vulnerability analysis is the verification after eliminating or addressing all the
discovered vulnerabilities. The entire IT ecosystem is retested to verify that the attack vectors have
been adequately addressed. Verification includes testing the computing network, other physical and
digital resources, and external interactions, with an emphasis to find the discovered and remedied

Why Mechsoft Technologies can be the perfect choice

As discussed above, vulnerability analysis is a sophisticated cybersecurity process that has several
procedures. Each of these procedures needs expert handling, as even minor errors could lead to
chronic vulnerabilities going unnoticed. Moreover, every vulnerability may require distinct techniques
and tools to resolve, making it a cumbersome process for inexperienced professionals.

Mechsoft Technologies offer cyber security service in Dubai, UAE specializing in identifying and
tackling vulnerabilities in IT ecosystems. The tools and techniques Mechsoft houses are customized
with input from years of serving some of the most complex computing networks. Get in touch with
our vulnerability analysis experts today to enhance your network prowess and protect your IT
ecosystem from unknown threats.

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