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P Noslow movespam and Glitched grabbing ;v

getgenv().Settings = {
ClientSettings = {
AdvertiseServer = false, --Advertises My Server so more people use the
CarryMode = false, --This Tells People your carrying and disables the
invis state
FasterGOD = false, --Requires at least one of these UI MUI G.O.D
NoCharge = false,
BrolySettings = {
QueueWorld = true,
NPCAssist = true, --Summons your support char Best Support Char is
Majin Vegeta
AutoPunch = true,
AntiLeech = false, --Leaves if someone else is in your Broly Server
SmartAntiLeach = false, --Teleports you to a diffrent pad In queue
SwitchPadsAmmount = 5, --How many times itll switch pads if detecting a
leacher and when itll disable
KiTracker = false, --Forces any ki moves to track broly
TimeSettings = {
EarthTimer = 45, --How long you stay in Earth Before it kicks you
QueueTimer = 30,
BrolyTimer = 150,
Stat = {
AutoStatToggle = false, --Turn this on if you want it to auto add stats
AutoStat = "Phys-Damage", --Phys-Damage Ki-Damage Phys-Resist Ki-Resist
Health-Max Ki-Max Speed
DuoMode = { --Keep In mind this is [ Experimental ]
DuoEnabled = true,
MainName = "", --Main Accs Name
Alt = "", --Alt's Name
getgenv().Moves = {
"Meteor Crash",
"Anger Rush",
"Deadly Dance",
"Neo Wolf Fang Fist",
"God Slicer",
"TS Molotov",
"Flash Skewer",
"Strong Kick",
"Flash Strike",
"Sweep Kick",



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