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Grew up in the rural part of Lagos, with my parents who only had a secondary level of education, the

only people I knew who had been to tertiary institutions were my teachers. Many of my peers
stopped to further their education after their West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination to
learn one trade or the other. There were no other role models in terms of academic aspirations or
career options. Despite this fact, for as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to study a
business-related course at the University. I developed a fascination with business from helping my
mother with her business at her shop and it made me have an interest in any activity that is business
related during my junior and senior secondary school days. I got admission into the University of
Lagos to study Business Education in December 2016. In the long run, I started having an interest in
opportunities and solutions that will make me a professional in Finance despite studying Business
Education at my undergraduate level. Still, I felt in my heart that if I worked hard, got good grades,
and stayed focused, I would find a way to make my dream a reality. During my Undergraduate
programme, I take the responsibility of ensuring the excellence of the academics of my peers, I help
them with tutorials as well as compiling learning materials in order to ease volume of texts they are
going to read.

My career plan after completing my Bachelor’s programme is to pursue a career in Investment

Banking. I believed that with this Internship Program at SEO Africa, I will be provided with better
insight in international business, investment, derivatives, equity and debt market and emerging
economies etc. In order to flourish well in Finance have taken essential steps to acquire fundamental
knowledge of the profession, included are Advance Financial Modeler Training at David Brown
Consulting, Business Today International Conference. I also have a keen interest in activities that
promote the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals which has made me participate
in several outreaches.

The SEO Africa Internship Program will provide me with the opportunity to acquire fundamental
knowledge in Investment Banking and will also provide me with the rare opportunity to work with
people whom we share the same interests and ambition, which means ideas can be discussed and
improved greatly. I am a very outgoing person which can be shown through my hobbies, which
include traveling. I am always looking for a challenge to take on and your program will be able to
provide me with that challenge and the satisfaction I will get from achieving it.

Finally, I hope that the SEO Africa Internship Program is going to serve as the ultimate base for the
journey I am taking to achieve my dreams of a successful Investment Banking career.

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