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Interface name – Delt conv Invoices to ptc interface.

We map the data from the third party

Using the Rest API (web services) – soa – fusion

Web services are already mapped with the fusion data.

Mapping – we have mapped the data and provided the data to the tech team to upload through the
rest api.

Example – we have mapped the Ap invoice and AR transactions columns to the third part system
as400, Deltek, WORKDAY.

The column naming conventions are varying while comparing the data to their legacy system Deltek,
Deltek, WORKDAY and Highlighted the mandatory fields to the technical person. I.e., the supplier
number is vendor no. supplier name is vendor name, pay tenure = payment term.

we have created look up in the fusion for the columns identified in the legacy system and we’ll enter
the look up values for ex if vendor name = supplier name, vendor number no = supplier, pay terms =
payment terms, transaction invoice = invoice number, transaction amount = invoice amount number
and finalized the data and these columns should be picked and the columns which are not mapped
will fit it with a column.

The tech team will map in the rest api through web services and will integrate with soa and push the
data to the fusion interface and scheduled the interface for every 3 days once and we run job from
the scheduled process Deltek convent Invoices to ptc invoices program which trigger the import
payable process automatically and picks the data places in the base tables.

The following example shows how to import bulk data by submitting a POST request on the REST
resource using cURL.

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:
The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

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