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This document offers step-by-step instructions to developers embarking on Adobe® InDesign®

development tasks. It includes references to other SDK documentation, tools, and samples, and it helps
developers determine which InDesign API to use for different tasks.

Before the information in this document is of much value, you will need to become familiar with the
architecture. If you are new to InDesign development, we recommend approaching the documentation as

1. Getting Started With the Adobe InDesign Products SDK provides an overview of the SDK, as well as a
tutorial that takes you through the tools and steps to build your first plug-in.

2. Learning Adobe InDesign Plug-in Development introduces the most common programming constructs
for InDesign development. This includes an introduction to the InDesign object model and basic
information on user-interface options, scripting, localization, and best practices for structuring your

3. The SDK itself includes several sample projects. All samples are described in the “Samples” section of
the API reference. This is a great opportunity to find sample code that does something similar to what
you want to do, and study it.

4. This manual provides step-by-step instructions (or “recipes”) for accomplishing various tasks. If your
particular task is covered by this guide, reading it can save you a lot of time.

5. Adobe InDesign Products Programming Guide provides the most complete, in-depth information on
plug-in development for InDesign products.

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