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What is fear?

Fear is the feeling that everyone has, that makes us afraid or stops us from doing something.
We stop chasing what we want. There are many fears in our life, like fear of the dark, fear of
heights, fear of water and so on. But let us talk about fear of life.

What is life?

Some people say life is fight, it is a song, it is an illusion, life is passion but most of all ‘life is
what you make of it’. We came into this life with nothing and we will leave it with nothing, but
that does not mean we do not gain anything from it.

All of us dream of a successful life but most of us reached nowhere or just halfway, the
question is why? Well its simple it’s because there is fear inside that control us. We stop
because we are too afraid to step forward, we feared of making mistakes. Well life is about
making mistakes which will teach us a lesson to improve ourselves. If you let your fear control
you, it means that you are letting your fear to decide your own future.

“Life is tough, it can be very unfair but it will teach us a lesson at time”

“Life is not about getting knocked down, it’s about how much can we take and stand up and say
to life, ‘I AIN’T DONE YET’”.

Everyone is talking about facing our fears, but how will we do it? How will we overcome it?. Just
close your eyes and think that you’re on the edge of the mountains facing your fears, what will
happen or what will you see on the other side of your fear?

Will Smith, a famous Hollywood actor, he went on a skydiving which is his biggest fear but when
he’s actually jumping off an airplane he encounter the most blissful moments of his life. He
realize that, ‘the point of maximum danger is the point of minimum fear’ he also said, “GOD
placed the most beautiful things in life on the other side of fear”

So there no reason for us to fear anymore, we just need to put our head up in the clouds and
follow your heart.


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