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Palabras complementarias del primer ciclo nivel sec.

second / Everyone deserves a second opportunity.

minute / I need a minute to cool down.
hour / I studied for one hour.
month / I was in Santiago last month.
quarter / I ate a quarter of the cake.
decade / A decade is a period of ten years.
night / The night is never darker than when is about to dawn.
evening / He came home late in the evening. (
afternoon / I have to work this afternoon.
coffee / He poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.
already / You just have to act as if you already know it. during / Behave yourself during my
right / Even a child knows and distinguish right from wrong.
south / Paraguay is a country in South America
east / The sun always rises in the east.
west / Rain is spreading from the west.
avenue / The parade moved slowly down the fifth avenue.
fraction / He did it in only a fraction of a second.
museum / The museum is open to the public.
mountain / We plan to climb that mountain.
brown / He had dark brown hair.
mouth / Do not chew with your mouth open
weather / Bad weather kept us from going out.
violet / Red and violet are at opposite and of the spectrum.
silver / Gold is heavier than silver.
breakfast / I ate a nutritious breakfast.
restaurant / We had dinner at a restaurant.
meat / Some people do not eat meat.
lunch / Sometimes Alex comes home for lunch.
knife / She cut her hand with a knife.
dessert / He wanted to eat cake and ice cream for dessert.
customer / Customer satisfaction is our primary concern.
course / I am taking the regular college course for a degree.
spoon / The baby cannot use a spoon yet.
pepper / The only spice the chef puts on meat is pepper.
sandwich / I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
carrot / Rabbits like to eat carrot.
broccoli / I like to eat broccoli, but I hate cauliflower.
beans / Chocolate is make from cocoa beans.
apple / I want to eat apple pie.
avocado / Guacamole is a dip made from avocado.
banana / I like bananas more than apples.
chicken / No one makes chicken soup like my mother.
butter / She never spares the butter when baking.
grape / I like grape jelly best.
artist / I know the artist who painted this picture.
tooth / My lower left back tooth hurts.
husband / My husband joins with me in congratulating you.
painter / She has a God-given talent as a painter.
writer / She became famous as a mystery writer.
teacher / He is a teacher rather than a writer.
nurse / The nurse took care of the patient.
actress / She is a professional actress.
actor / I have a friend whose father is a famous actor.
cousin / My cousin invited me to her wedding.
coconut / I would eat coconut cake every day if I could.
wife / I now declare you husband and wife.
children / It is about time you sent the children to bed.
uncle / Uncle Jose is my mother's brother.
church / I used to go to church on Sunday.
division / The children have not studied division yet.
equal / The two teachers had an equal number of students.
addition / In addition to English, he speaks German.
spiders / Some people are afraid of spiders.
monkey / The monkey climbed up a tree.
duck / I am going to go feed the ducks.
alligator / The shoes are made of alligator skin.
shirt / Because it is dirty, I need to change my shirt.
gloves / He is wearing gloves in order to protect his hands.
dress / The pretty girl put on a nice dress.
boots / She was wearing long boots.
blouse / Janet bought a skirt and a blouse.
office / I would like to see you in my office.
belt / Please fasten your seat belt during takeoff and landing.
Cafeteria / The teacher ate lunch in the cafeteria.
paper / I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper.
watch / My grandmother really likes to watch TV a lot. answer / Please answer questions
in the space provided.
lamp / I turned the lamp off and fell asleep.
garage / I drove the car into the garage.
throat / My throat hurts, and I have a fever.
knee / I hit my knee against the door.
nose / The dog smelled into the suitcase with his nose.
lips / He put his finger to his lips as a sign to be quiet.

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