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DAY 1.

January 18 - The first meet-up or face-to-face class in this subject (PE 22 - Recreation
and Youth Leadership). On this day Prof. Brent Ian Esquillo gave us the rules and orientation or
what to expect about this subject. We are also told to have 4 groups with members of our

DAY 2. January 25 - On this day, we are grouped into 2. Since we have 4 groups, the 2 groups
were merged, groups 1 &3 and groups 2&4, and played “Aragawan Base” on the university field.
This is the first recreational activity we’ve done and it was facilitated by Prof. Brent Ian Esquillo.
Some of our classmates had a few injuries but overall it was fun and enjoyable. Our professor
also gives a task to each group to list creative and traditional games for the activity of the next

DAY 3. February 1 - It was a rainy day but it wasn’t a hindrance in continuing the activity on that
day. On this day, 2 groups presented their listed games to the class and our group was one of
them. We played the games at the grandstand. It was really fun and enjoyable, it's like that we
go back to when we were still kids.

DAY 4. February 8 - On this day another group presented their chosen games and they
facilitated it. But during these games, our group got a lot of points. It was a lively game this time.

DAY 5. February 15 - On this day, the groups that have not yet presented their games are the
ones who facilitated this day's activity. Though the first game was replaced since it takes a lot of
time to finish the game at the end, it was resolved. Since all groups were already presented
their games, this day was the last session for the recreational activity.

DAY 6. February 21 - This day was the first session for aquatic activity. Our professor together
with the intern students from IPESR facilitated this session. They teach us some basic skills in
swimming. After that, we have games in the pool.

DAY 7. March 2 - On this day is the second session for the aquatic activity. We’ve done games
per group and we had so much fun. However, we can’t deny the fact that we’ve become too
noisy or naughty during the activity maybe because of the excitement we’ve felt

DAY 8. March 9 - The class was dismissed early since the swimming pool was under

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