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European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences 2013; www.european-science.

vol.2, No. 3(s), pp. 296-305 ISSN 1805-3602

Satisfaction with performance appraisal from the employees’

perspective and its behavioral outcomes (case study of headquarters
offices of Bank Refah)
Farzad Fakhimi, Atefeh Raisy
Department of Management, School of Management and Human Sciences, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University
(IAU), Tehran, Iran

Abstract tional profitability. Also, it can be acknowledged that

employees are the factor of competitive advantage in
The aim of conducting the present study is inves- organizations (Ahmed et al., 2013). Other researchers
tigating the relationship between satisfaction with per- (Chang and Han, 2006) suggest that human capital
formance appraisal and some behavioral indices (work is considered the most critical factor in gaining sus-
performance, affective attachment to the organization, tainable competitive advantage and in the competi-
motivation improvement and willingness to quit job) tive situation of today’s world, organizations can be
of employees in Bank Refah. This study is of applied regarded as successful that have skilled and motivated
type which has been conducted with descriptive-sur- human capital. Thus, improving the human resource
vey method. The data in this study have been collected management level and its functions, as an essential
from 269 employees in the headquarters offices of Bank principle,has been paid attention to by organizations.
Refah and data collection has been done using correla- Performance appraisal is one of the main functions of
tion and regression method and by SPSS software. The human resource management and many studies have
results indicate that satisfaction with performance ap- been done on its importance and its role. Performance
praisal is regarded as an important index in improving appraisal is a process is a process by which the activ-
the effectiveness of this function of management and it ity of employees is investigated and measured officially
will have outcomes such as motivation improvement, and in certain intervals (Saadat, 2006, 214). Regard-
reduction in willingness to quit job, increasing affective ing the outcomes and advantages of performance ap-
commitment of employees and improvement in work praisal some point have been mentioned, such as iden-
performance. Therefore, it has been suggested that in tifying strong employees and rewarding them (Kciuk,
order to increase the effectiveness of performance ap- 2007); creating motivation for improving the perfor-
praisal, in addition to fairness and transparency of as- mance of strongerand even weaker employees (Ochoti
sessments, it should be tired to continuously and from et al., 2012), providing feedback and correcting the
the perspective of employees, improve and modify this weaknesses and strengths of employees (Johnson
function of management. et al., 2005). Though there is unanimity on the neces-
sity of performance appraisal as one of the main func-
Keywords: Satisfaction with performance appraisal, tions of human resource managementno comprehen-
work performance, affective commitment, willingness sive view regarding benefitingfrom this function has not
to leave work, motivation been provided. In the past, classic managers were do-
ing performance appraisal only in order to control the
Introduction work of employees, but today, the guidance aspect of
this performance appraisal is more important(Saadat,
Human capital has always been regarded as one of 2006, 214).Also, nowadays more emphasis has been
the critical resources of organizations and the quality on providing feedback and awareness of employees
of these resources has a direct effect on the organiza- of the performance appraisal results (Daonis, 2012).

Corresponding author: Farzad Fakhimi, Department of Management, School of Management and Human
Sciences, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University ( IAU) , Tehran, Iran. Email:

Copyright © Farzad Fakhimi, Atefeh Raisy, 2013

European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences; vol.2, No. 3(s), pp. 296-305

Social science section

Generally, in recent years most researchers emphasize On the other hand, some scholars have suggest-
on better utilization of performance appraisal results, edthat performance appraisal is a tool for the progress
providing feedback to employees, fairness of apprais- of employees. Murphy and Cleveland (1995) have re-
als and changing the ways performance appraisals ferred to performance appraisal system as a tool for
are done and doing it based on transparent and pre- achieving specific goals like personal improvement
determined indices (Rasheed et al., 2011).In recent and relationship with subordinate. In addition, per-
view points, there has been mentioning of satisfaction formance appraisal is a reference for moral and fi-
with performance appraisal and it has been referred to nancial appreciation of employees and as a result of
as one of the factors that increase the effectiveness of development of continuous communication between
performance appraisal systems (Johnson et al, 2001) employees and the organization, it improves employ-
and it has been acknowledged that if the employees are ees’ performance. Boice and Kleiner suggested that
satisfied with the results and indices determined in the performance appraisal allows employees to compare
appraisal systems, as the result of implementing these their performance with the expectations of employer
systems more outcomes and benefits will be gained and recognize their strengths and weaknesses.
by the organization; the outcomes such as employees As it was mentioned, the main pivot of performance
satisfaction and motivation improvement (Jiang et al., appraisal is employees and the results and feedbacks
2001), more cooperation in appraisal process and re- provided in this system is often aims at correcting the
duction of intra-organization conflicts (Higgs, 2005). behavior or improving employees’ performance. There-
However, there is not much studies on the outcomes fore, it can be acknowledged that employees’ satisfaction
and benefits of satisfaction with appraisal, especially with this system can play an important role in improving
in Iranian organization and comprehensive views on their motivation and performance. Thus, it can be said
its outcomes and benefits have not been provided. This that employees’ satisfaction with performance appraisal
study has been done with this aim, meaning investigat- and its components (like appraisal indices, transparency
ing the outcomes of “satisfaction with appraisal” on in providing the results and fairness of the appraisals) is
performance and effectiveness of employees. an effective thing in increasing the effectiveness of these
appraisals (Toppo and Prusty, 2012).
Theoretical foundations
Satisfaction with performance appraisal and doing
Performance appraisal works better
Performance appraisal is a control system that The concept of work performance has often been
nearly all organizations use it in order to determine a vaguely and poorly defined and interpreted. Work per-
behavior that is expected from the employees to do, formance is a very broad concept that may be seen too
in consistent with the goals of the organization. This simplified. Work performance can be defined in two
system enables the organizations to control their em- ways. First, work execution is considered the result or
ployees individually and collectively and also to in- consequence of action. In this case, work execution
volve employees in determining organization’s goals can be defined as doing assigned duties. In the second
(Vance et al, 1992). In addition, performance ap- way, when the execution means the action itself, it can
praisal plays a role as a tool for managing effectiveness be defined as acts or behaviors that are relevant to the
and adequacy of employees. Coutts and Schneider goals of the organization and it can be measured on the
(2004) refer to performance appraisal as a critical el- scale of competency (level of commitment) of the in-
ement in the broad topic of human resources which dividual (Suliman, 2001). From another point of view,
is the mechanism of appraisal of employee’s everyday work execution is a behavior or an action that is related
performance to achieve the determined goals set by to achieving organizational goals (Honibal, 2008).
the organization. Lowenberg and Conrad (1988) had Vander lind (2005) suggests that work performance
a similar opinion. Their investigations indicated that includes both the process (performing the work) and
performance appraisal acts as a tool for executive goals the product (output), and therefore performance can
within an organization. In a more comprehensive defi- be regarded as both performing the service and the ser-
nition, performance appraisal is a set of measures and vice being performed. Work performance can be de-
activities that compares the behavior and performance scribed as a function of three variables of knowledge
of employees with predetermined standard and goals and skills; motivation and workload; tools and condi-
and leads to results regarding performance, discipline, tions. This description is related to the model of Saville
strengths and weaknesses, etc. (low, 2007). that has been used to describe the indices of success-

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ful work performance. According to this model com- • Hypothesis 1: there is a significant relation-
petencies are clusters of skills and behaviors that are ship between satisfaction with performance apprais-
crucial to successful performance and generally, these al and work performance of employees.
competencies are abilities, motivations, behavior and
knowledge, that the individual gives to his/her work. Satisfaction with performance appraisal and affective
Studies indicate that human resource activities attachment to organization
affect organizational efficiency through shaping the Commitment is the feeling of identity and individ-
employee’s behaviors and tendencies. These human ual dependency to the organization (Morhed, Griffin,
resource activities increase organizational efficiency 1995). Commitment is a situation in which a person
through creating situations in which employees are sees the organization as his/her representative and he/
highly involved in the organization and they work in- she wishes to remain as a member of that organization
tensively for achieving the organization’s goals. Human (Robins, 1999).Nowadays it has been recognized that
resource activities should influence the organization’s commitment is a multidimensional structure and the
performance and the employees’ performance through consequences of commitment is varying throughout
the workforce abilities (e.g. using selective hiring, train- these dimensions. Also, it has been recognized that
ing), motivation (e.g. paying for performance through various forms of commitment may have different hy-
using performance appraisal), and opportunity to show potheses for behavior. If an organization want to be
oneself(e.g. using teams and suggesting systems) (Ger- hopeful that it will reduce absenteeism and transfer-
hart, 2005). In addition, he suggests that performance ence, and in the same way, it will improve occupational
appraisal process offers some potential benefits such as behavior by fostering more commitment among em-
improved work performance. Performance appraisal is ployees, it is important for it to understand the ways
a vital element in a broader domain of human resource commitment develops and the works that can be done
activities. Mechanism of assessing the performance is for developing proper type of commitment. Allen and
every day assessment of employees in line with achiev- Meyer (1990) categorize organizational commitment
ing the objectives set by the organization. Performance into three dimensions: (1) attitudinal or affective com-
appraisal is an effective factor on job satisfaction that mitment, which originates from positive work experi-
leads to improving employees’ performance. Smither ence, (2) continuous commitment, which originates
(1998) suggests that only factor that contributes to an from prior investment and possible cost of leaving the
effective performance appraisal system is ensuring that organization, and (3) normative commitment, which
the focus of the system is on performance. Therefore, is loyalty or feeing of obligation in remaining attached
the relationship between human resource activities such to the organization. Allen and Mayer (1990) consider
as performance appraisal and work performance would affective commitment as the most important compo-
be very evident. One of the first steps in creating an ef- nent of organizational commitment and they regard it
fective performance appraisal system is determining or- as the affective attachment of an individual to an orga-
ganizational goals. These would then be interpreted into nization and identifying oneself with the organization,
administrative and individual goals that allow the em- and they consider it to be consisted of three aspects:
ployee to know beforehand the criterion by which his/ • A form of affective attachment o the organization
her performance will be assessed. This process involves • Individual’s willingness to identify himself/
defining the job role, defining job and responsibilities herself with the organization
and explaining how the role and responsibilities create • Willingness to continue working in the orga-
relationship between employee and organization’s per- nization.
formance. Stroul (1987) suggests that another impor- Allen and Mayer (1990) believe that an indi-
tant goal of performance appraisal is providing feedback vidual feels affectively attached to an organization
for supporting employee growth and development. The when he regards the organizational goals as his own
aim of determining goals and creating relationship in goals and when he is convinced to help the organi-
the process of performance appraisal is improving in- zation to achieve its goals. They further explain that,
dividual’s performance in order that a positive relation- individual’s identifyingwith the organization occurs
ship between employee satisfaction with performance when the individual’s values are consistent with or-
appraisal and work performance is created. Therefore ganizational values and when the individual is able
the first hypothesis of the study is defined regarding ex- to internalize organizational values. Without doubt,
plaining the relationship between satisfaction with per- there is psychological relationship in this identify-
formance and work performance: ing with the organization, and the individual feels

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somewhat proud of being identified with the orga- reflect the employees’ progress, they will probably show
nization. more affective attachment to the organization. Roberts
The process of performance appraisal helps in and Reed (1996) suggest that employees’ satisfaction
elucidating the expectations of organization from the with performance appraisal due to improved coopera-
activities, performances and outcomes of the employ- tion of employees and the clarity of organization’s goals
ee. If the employee dose not knows in which fields he in the performance appraisal process may be positively
has the authority for decision making, what activities related to affective attachment to the organization.
he/she is expected to do and how she/he is judges, Thus, the following hypothesis is stated:
he/she can not decide and therefore he/she will have • Hypothesis 2: there is a significant relation-
to resort to trial and error to fulfill the expectations of ship between employees’ satisfaction with perfor-
his/her superior. Jaworski and Kohli also affirm this mance appraisal and affective commitment to the
relationship and they believe it is the communication organization.
and interaction of the manager that conveys to the
employees what is expected of them, and how much Satisfaction with performance appraisal and decrease
their performance is in congruence with these expec- in willingness to leave work
tations. Such a transparency increase focus which in Leader-member exchange is an exchange theory
turn improves performance and satisfaction. There- in leadership that focuses on the supervisor and any
fore, in their clarifying role, performance appraisal of the subordinates. This relationship is a binary rela-
investigations are often accompanied by reducing tionship, in other words, it is a relationship between
role ambiguity, increasing job satisfaction and affec- the supervisor and any of the subordinates in a dis-
tive organizational commitment. crete manner. The process of performance appraisal,
Kuvaas (2006) points out that organizations can to a certain extent, is utilized for constructing the re-
utilize performance appraisal activities to convey lationship between supervisors (leaders) and employ-
organization’s strategies, goals and attitudes. In ad- ees (members) (Fakhimi, 2004; Morhed and Grifiin,
dition, the affective and emotional impacts of these 1995). Performance appraisal system by using inter-
superordinate goals can capture the heart of employ- action helps the relationship between the supervisor
ees and give them a reason to continue their activities. and the subordinate. Performance appraisal feedback
Therefore, employees can experience higher levels of makes employees involved, aware and motivated. In
organizational commitment as the performance ap- experimental studies, leader-member exchange has a
praisal activities can convey very consistent strategies negative relationship with willingness to leave work.
and as a result, the employee will be affectively at- Therefore, there may be a negative relationship be-
tached to his/her organization in an effective manner. tween satisfaction with performance appraisal and
The competitive working involves valuing individ- the willingness of employees to leave work.
uals based on their experiences, beliefs and priorities. The factor that impacts the satisfaction with
Their participation in the organizations is necessary performance appraisal is being ensured of fairness
as employees and managers should communicate the in the process of performance appraisal. One factor
organization’s goals with each other. Not only specific that influences fairness is judgment based on reason-
characteristics of individuals that are necessary for the the assessors should use same criterion in assessing
positions in the organization should be taken into ac- all employees without involvement of external fac-
count, but also their experiences, skills and outcomes tor, distortion or personal prejudice. Performance
in the future innovations should be considered. These appraisal based on political considerations can de-
innovations that are determined by performance ap- struct proper assessment. Vigoda (2005 points out
praisal in all the levels of organization’s hierarchy are that when employees feel that they have been treat-
considered important dimensions in the success of ed unjustly, the first reaction they have is changing
an organization’s strategy. Levy and Williams (2004) in occupational attitudes that in long term results in
suggest that performance appraisal activities have the- retaliatory reactions like quitting. Therefore, based
potential ability to improve employee’s perception of on the points mentioned and based on evidences in
being valued by the organization, a perception that is the related studies the following hypothesis is stated:
vital for affective attachment to the organization. • Hypothesis 3: there is a significant relation-
In addition, Kuvaas (2006) points out that that if the ship between satisfaction with performance apprais-
employees realize that performance appraisal activities al and willingness of employees to leave work.

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Satisfaction with performance appraisal and skillful in the activity that he/she has chosen or not.
motivation Based on the investigations that were done on perfor-
Motivation can be seen as an attitude in indi- mance appraisal (beginning of this chapter) I believe
viduals that inclines them to a specific behavior or that these constituent elements of intrinsic motiva-
action (Alvani, 1996). Motivation is the result of tion are evident in the activities and process of perfor-
mutual relationship (interaction) of the individual mance appraisal. For example, performance appraisal
with situations and conditions in which he/she is specifies direction (the feeling of meaningfulness). It
placed (Robins, 1999). allows employees to discuss and investigate the neces-
Understanding motivation and its constituent el- sary activities and criterion that should be fulfilled. In
ements is necessary for understanding its relationship addition, performance appraisal is used for monitoring
with employees’ efficiency. Unlike external motiva- performance of employees that is inline with the goals
tion that is based on reward and punishment, intrin- set by the organization or administration (the feeling of
sic motivation is based on valuing the experiences progress). Finally, feedback as a result of performance
that the individual has directly gained from doing his appraisal, defines the feeling of competence that is last
work. These positive experiences make the individual constituent element of intrinsic motivation.
to be energized by his work, to be excited about it and From the perspective of performance apprais-
to be involves in it (Thomas and Tymon, 1997). In- al, intrinsic motivation is focused on enriching at-
trinsic motivation basically is emotions and passions titudes, experiences and skills. Earlay et al, (1990)
that individuals gain from their work. These feelings suggested that goal setting and feedback has a posi-
improve and energize self-management efforts of the tive effect on performance through enhancing re-
individual and make the work personally fulfilling. quired motivation for work performance. Also, there
Thus, creating intrinsic motivation helps in creation may be a relationship between satisfaction with per-
of an upward stream of feelings and positive experi- formance appraisal and employee efficiency that is
ences (Thomas, 2000). Thomas and Velthouse (1990) affected by intrinsic motivation.
suggested that intrinsic motivation enables employ- Performance appraisal activities such as cooper-
ees to become self-managers or self-leaders which ation, goal setting and communication affect satis-
in turn create higher levels of self-awareness and faction with performance appraisal that consequent-
personal responsibility. Those who have high level of ly affects employee motivation and productivity.
intrinsic motivation become more self-improving in Latham has pointed out that by using performance
reaction to the changing demand from the environ- appraisal systems for exchanging and interpret-
ment, without waiting for formal training and correc- ing strategic perspectives and goals for employees,
tion from the organization. employees may experience enhanced intrinsic mo-
Thomas and Velthouse (1999) study created a tivation through increased meaningfulness of their
comprehensive model of intrinsic motivation that work. This is based on the discussion that superor-
consist of four main judgment called task assess- dinate goals have this potentiality to convey some-
ment that is consisted of the sense of meaningfulness, thing to the employees that they believe.
choice, competence, and progress that when com- Kuvaas (2006) found a positive relationship be-
bined, create a set of intrinsic rewards necessary for tween intrinsic motivation and affective attachment
developing and maintaining power. Also, they pointed that indicate some benefits of an interesting and at-
out that the feeling of meaningfulness is gained when tractive work depends on the organization. The em-
the individual progress in a path that he/she believes ployees that have a more interesting, more attractive
it worth spending time and energy on, and when the and enjoying job, have less willingness to quit their
purpose that he/she is after is important to him/her. job. This, results in poor possibility for them to be
They believe the feeling of progress involves the sense absorbed by other organizations through proposing
in the individual that he work is proceeding forward external motivations. Finally, various studies indi-
and the individual’s activities truly helps in complet- cated a negative and important relationship between
ing something. The feeling of power of choice is gained intrinsic motivation and willingness to quit job.
by the individual when he/she feels that he is free in Thus, the same is expected in bank which results in
choosing activities that he regards meaningful and finding the final theory in the present study:
he can perform them in a manner that he/she deems • Hypothesis 4: there is a significant relation-
appropriate. The last constituent element of intrinsic ship between satisfaction with work appraisal and
motivation, competence, is whether the individual is employees’ motivation.

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Methodology the assuming limited population (892 individuals),

and in the 95% confidence level and 5% acceptable
In terms of purpose, the present study has been error the sample size was determined to be 269 indi-
applied and in terms of methodology it has been of viduals. Also, stratified sampling method was used for
descriptive-survey type. The population was all em- sampling; first, the population was categorized based
ployees in headquarters offices of Bank Refah. These on headquarters office and then some individuals were
headquarters offices include: new services department, chosen from each office using random sampling.
department of credits and investigating projects, prop-
erty department, training and knowledge development Sources, validity and reliability of questionnaire
department, human resource department, inspection
department, international affairs department, design- The main tool for data collection in this study
ing and developing information technology depart- has been questionnaire of closed type and based on
ment, organizing and improving methods depart- Likert’s seven point scale that has been developed
ment, public relations department, risk management in a standard way after studying previous studies. In
department, legal department, department of supplies, table 1 sources of developing each part of the ques-
department for designing products and market expan- tionnaire can be seen. After developing the ques-
sion, department of exchanges and treasury, depart- tionnaire, its validity and reliability were measured.
ment of combating money laundering, department Validity was investigated through consulting with
of litigations, department of follow-up and collecting the related experts and scholars and confirmation by
debts, accounting department, department of employ- them and making necessary modifications. In order
ees’ salary and benefits, financial affairs department, to measure the reliability of items of the question-
department of protecting documents and IT, depart- naire Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used. And
ment of building engineering and security department. based on the result of this test (table 9), and all the
And the total population was 892 individuals. For cal- values being over 0.7, the reliability of various parts
culating sample size, Kukran formula was used with of questionnaire is confirmed.

Table 1. Scale, sources and reliability of questionnaire components

Number of Cronbach’s
Variables Source Scale
questions Alpha
Satisfaction with
Meyer & Smith (2000) 7 Likert’s seven point scale 0.96
performance appraisal
Intrinsic motivation Meyer & Smith (2000) 5 Likert’s six point scale 0.90
Work performance Kuvaas (2006) 6 Likert’s six point scale 0.87
Affective commitment
Meyer, Allen & Smith (1993) 4 Likert’s six point scale 0.89
to the organization
Willingness to quit job Meyer & Smith (2000) 5 Likert’s five point scale 0.95

Data analysis Therefore we use parametric tests (Pearson’s cor-

relation coefficient test) for testing the existence of
First, for inferential data analysis and for de- correlation and relationship between dependent and
cision making about hypotheses, Kolmogorov- independent variables. The following table shows mea-
Smirnov test was used in order to measure whether surement of the level of relationships between research
the data are normal; so that it will be clarified that variables using Pearson’s correlation coefficient test.
which set of parametric or non-parametric data As the results in table (3) also show, there is a di-
should be used. The results (table 2) indicate that rect relationship (0.130) between satisfaction with
data distribution regarding all variables is normal as performance appraisal and work performance. This
based on the results the value of sig is higher than the relationship is weak and in the 95% level is significant.
standard level of 0.05. Also, there is a relationship between satisfaction with

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performance appraisal and affective commitment to job and increase in motivation (table 3). Now, in order
the organization in a relatively strong level and equal to to investigate whether research variables are affected
0.639 which is significant in 99% level. There is also a by “satisfaction with appraisal” linear regression equa-
significant relationship between satisfaction with per- tion is provided. In order to do this, first the condition
formance appraisal and decrease in willingness to quit of linearity is investigated by ANOVA test (Table 4).

Table 2. The results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

Satisfaction with Affective
Intrinsic Work Willingness to
performance commitment to
motivation performance quit job
appraisal the organization
Acceptable number 262 265 269 269 267
Standard deviation 0.90 0.91 0.86 0.88 0.93
Mean 3.52 3.66 4.18 4.10 2.18
1.364 1.267 1.111 1.258 1.015
Smirnov statistic
Sig 0.073 0.084 0.091 0.120 0.099

Table 3. Correlation matrix of research components

Satisfaction Affective
with Intrinsic Work commitment Willingness
performance motivation performance to the to quit job
appraisal organization
Satisfaction with
performance Person’s coefficient 1 .729** .130* .639** -.589**
Person’s coefficient .729** 1 .253** .651** -.550**
Person’s coefficient .130* .253** 1 .336** -.182**
commitment to Person’s coefficient .639** .651** .336** 1 -.545**
the organization
Willingness to
Person’s coefficient -.589** -.550** -.182** -.545** 1
quit job

Table 4. ANOVA test for the variables in this study

Mean square F-statistic sig

Regression 11.268
Satisfaction with appraisal- work performance 88.724 000.
Residuals 127.
Regression 10.587
Satisfaction with appraisal- affective commitment 93.690 000.
Residuals 113.
Regression 14.563
Satisfaction with appraisal-reduction in willingness to quit job 133.605 000.
Residuals 109.
Regression 12.365
Satisfaction with appraisal-motivation 111.396 000.
Residuals 111.

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The results indicate that based on the f-statistic dition of normality was investigated for the residuals
gained and its level of significance, the condition of and it was confirmed. Then regression coefficients
linearity exists for both relationships. Then the con- and their significance is investigated (table 5).

Table 5. Calculation of regression coefficients and their significance

B t-value sig
constant 2.821 3.684 000.
Hypothesis 1
Variable coefficient 136. 4.367 000.
constant 0.796 6.986 000.
Hypothesis 2
Variable coefficient 724. 10.318 000.
constant 0.869 6.328 000.
Hypothesis 3
Variable coefficient 630. 9.362 000.
constant 0.703 7.224 000.
Hypothesis 4
Variable coefficient 776. 12.747 000.

Based on t-values and their significance level employees perceive the conditions and the manner of
and the gained coefficients it can be said that linear appraisal as fair and when they are satisfied with the way
equation of different outcomes of satisfaction with the appraisal is done. Generally, motivating aspects in
performance appraisal is as follow: the process of performance appraisal emphasize those
E( y / χ ) = 2/821+ 0/136 χhypothesis 1 characteristics based on which employees perceive the
E( y / χ ) = 0/796+ 0/724 χhypothesis 2 conditions for providing better performance as favor-
E( y / χ ) = 0/869+ 0/630 χhypothesis 3 able. The better and faire and more appropriate the
E( y / χ ) = 0/703+ 0/776 χhypothesis 4 conditions for providing better performance, the more
These equations indicate that satisfaction with will be the motivation of employees and they will try
performance appraisal affects work performance, to gain higher scores in performance appraisal. Thus,
affective commitment to the organization, reduc- one of the most important outcomes and benefits of
tion in willingness to quit job and increase in em- employees’ performance appraisal is increase in em-
ployees’ motivation. Therefore, the four hypotheses ployees’ occupational motivation.
of the study are verified. The results also indicate that satisfaction with
performance appraisal directly results in increase
Results in affective commitment to the organization. If the
employees perceive that the criteria for performance
The results indicate that satisfaction with perfor- appraisal is clear and measurable and that the results
mance appraisal affects various performance elements are used for correcting the behavior and improving
of employees. This effect, on improving motivation, performance, they will express more satisfaction
affective commitment to the organization, reduction with it and they will have a better attitude towards
in willingness to quit job and increase in work perfor- the organization that in turn results in the increase
manceis positive and is significant in the 95% level. in their affective commitment to the organization.
In the first place, satisfaction with appraisal has In fact, the outcomes of performance appraisal
had the highest effect on increasing employees’ mo- have broad applications in an organization. It is often
tivation. In the previous (Lave, 2007) this relationship based on these outcomes that employees are promot-
had emphasized and it had been stated that if satisfac- ed, rewarded and their organizational position is deter-
tion with performance appraisal is in an appropriate mined. Therefore, employees show all their efforts in
manner, it can have an effective role on improving em- these appraisals in order to get higher scores. Thus, if
ployees’ motivation. It seems that, providing feedback they perceive that these appraisals are real and that they
to employees results in correction of behavior and in- are conducted appropriately and their general process
creasing motivation for improving performance when is satisfactory and productive, their interest and af-

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