Brainstorming 2

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Sometimes I find myself at dawn looking at the ceiling without any sense, asking myself silly

questions about life. Questions like why am I the way I am? Why do I have this personality and
why do I act in such a way? And as silly as these questions may sound, they actually make a lot
of sense. Why does the human being acts the way he acts , and why we are all different in
some way. These questions that have made me spend many sleepless nights will finally be
answered. Well, after thinking about them a lot, I think I found a good answer. At birth you get
certain qualities from your family but more than anything they are physical qualities, instead the
personality develops and changes throughout our lives and this is due to the environment in
which we find ourselves and the people that surround us . You may think that this logic of
personalities is not true, but if you start to analyze your life, and by these i mean , your tastes,
your traumas, your friends, your religion, your family. You will know why you act the way you do.

After this introduction of changing personalities I am going to tell you a little about myself and
my origins,roots and why i act the way i do .

First of all, let me introduce myself, I'm Alexa, I'm 16 years old, I'm Mexican and I consider
myself a pretty angry, distracted, unstable, funny, desperate girl, and with a daark humor

But why am I like this? Well I'm going to tell you the story of my life. I was born on August 5,
2006, when I was still a baby my mom died , maybe that's why I have a dark humor, I mean
when one of the The most traumatic things that can happen to a girl happen to you at such an
early age, you begin to know how to make fun of your problems. After the death of my mother,
my father remarried a woman who already had 2 children, and from one day to another i had 2
stepbrothers, 3 half brothers and a new mom. The truth is that a big family is really fun but it
also makes you desperate, I think that brothers don't know how to ask for things and maybe
after 16 years of putting up with that I became a little desperate .I mean they can't blame me 5
siblings sooner or later will drive u nutts ,however i have learned so much from them that every
anger is worth it. I think that the people i have learned the most throughout my life are from my
brothers. They are like my role model. They have taught to never give up , that it doesn't matter
how many times you fall on the road, you keep trying and that has made me an extremely
persevering person. Who knows what I want and gets it no matter what it costs. My brothers
have also helped me to continue to see meaning in life when for me there was no longer any,
this may sound drastic but as I mentioned i am an unstable girl that sometimes feels too much .

Perhaps this is because I am Latina and people often say that Latinos are warm-blooded and
that we feel a lot and although I do not see the logic in this, I have to say that being Mexican is
one of the greatest prides I have. For me Mexico is the most beautiful country in the world and I
have lived in Europe and North America, however Mexico has an incomparable spark. Now that
I'm in Canada and I remember my family traditions, I just want to go back and be with my family
eating our favorite type of tacos , in the street at 5 am talking about nonsense , to set up the
altar in November for our loved ones who are no longer here , to make posadas in December
and split the kings thread. All these Mexican traditions fill my life and make me feel very proud
of myself.
Even Though for a while i didn't said this things out loud because sometimes people made this
really racists comments and it was a bit tired to hear them all the time . Until one day i decide
that the only opinion that matter is mine .

Maybe in a few years i will be reading these and i will be a completly different person , and thats
okay because as i mention , we change all the time . Although changes in general are scary
without them we could never became the best version of ourselves .Nevertheless its important
that we stay truthful to our roots and our past . Always remember where yo come from and who
are you .

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