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Lahore Grammar School Defence

Name: ______________________
Dear Parents,

As the holiday season approaches, we embark on an exciting educational

journey with your child's holiday homework. This special opportunity
allows us to reinforce the concepts they've learned throughout the year
and ignite their curiosity through engaging tasks and projects. We
understand that the holiday break is a time for rest and enjoyment, and we
want to ensure that your child finds a perfect balance between relaxation
and productive learning. Our carefully designed holiday homework aims
to provide a stimulating and enriching experience, tailored to their
interests and academic growth.

The summer homework encompasses a wide range of learning

experiences covering various components, including reading, writing,
math, and creativity. We encourage you to provide support and guidance
to your child as they delve into these activities, creating a positive learning
environment within the comforts of your home.

By completing the assigned tasks, your child will have the opportunity to
reinforce their reading and comprehension abilities, practice fundamental
math concepts, and engage in imaginative and hands-on projects.
Furthermore, we have included a reading list to encourage a passion for
books and reading throughout the summer.

We extend our warmest wishes to you and your family for a

rejuvenating summer holiday filled with relaxation, enjoyment, and
cherished moments.
Lahore Grammar School
Summer Holiday
Grade V

Dear students,
We have curated a series of enriching language learning
experiences specifically tailored to the concepts covered
in Grade V.

Section 1: Comprehension Passages and Vocabulary

Section 2: Grammar
Section 3: Creative Writing
Section 4: Book Reflections
Section 5: Inference
Section 6: Recommendations for Reading
Section 7: Poetry
1. Comprehension Section ………………………………………………………. 5
a. Hit and Run …………………………………………………………… 6
b. Cyclone ……………………………………………………………….. 14
c. Katherine Johnson ………………………………………….…………. 24
d. Squanto ……………………………………………………….……….. 27
e. Traffic Jam in the Sky ………………………………………………… 31
2. Grammar Section ……………………………………………………………… 34
a. Sentences ……………………………………………………………… 35
b. Verbs ……………………………………………………..…………… 37
c. Adverbs ……………………………………………………………..… 42
d. Conjunction …………………………………………………………… 47
e. Quotation Marks ……………………………………………….……… 50
f. Punctuation marks ……………………………………………..……… 53
g. Apostrophe to show possession …………………………………..…… 57
3. Creative Writing Section ……………………………………………………… 60
a. Essay 1 ………………………………………………………………… 62
b. Essay 2 ………………………………………………………………… 65
c. Essay 3 ………………………………………………………………… 70
d. Essay 4 ………………………………………………………………… 74
e. Essay 5 ………………………………………………………………… 79
f. Essay 6 ………………………………………………………………… 84
g. Essay 7 ………………………………………………………………… 89
h. Essay 8 ………………………………………………………………… 94
4. Book Reflections Section ……………………………………………………… 101
5. Inference Section ……………………………………………………………… 108
a. Inference passage 1 ……………………………………………….…… 109
b. Inference passage 2 …………………………………………….……… 110
c. Inference passage 3 …………………………………………………… 111
d. Inference passage 4 …………………………………………….……… 112
e. Inference passage 5 …………………………………………….……… 113
f. Inference passage 6 …………………………………………….……… 114
6. Recommendations for Reading Section ……………………………………….. 115
a. Adventure ……………………………………………………………… 116
b. Fantasy ………………………………………………………………… 117
c. Fiction …………………………………………………………………. 118
d. Mystery ………………………………………………………………… 119
e. Autobiography …………………………………………………………. 120
7. Poetry Section ………………………………………………………………….. 121
a. Song lyrics ……………………………………………………………... 122
b. Nonsense verse ………………………………………………………… 125
c. Limericks ……………………………………………………………… 128
d. Couplet ………………………………………………………………… 130

“Hit and Run”
They said he was done for – broken spine and all –
Just another hit and run;

‘Still, if dogs will go roaming on the streets…’

Someone went to get a gun.

He was a collie, with a golden coat

That was soaked with sun.
‘Jolly fine dog’ they said, ‘and a pity to end this way
‘In a hit and run. ’

His head was classic, marvellously wrought;

In every line, in every movement

No shallow hate or fear

In his deep, deep eyes;
Only a puzzled look, pained and strange,
Like one who tries

To repeat the familiar act and finds

His art gone.
‘Here comes Harry with a gun’ they said;
‘Now it won’t be long.’

He raised his shoulders on his two front paws
As if to go;
Dragged the wreckage of his body to the kerb,
Looked round with slow

Reproachful gaze at its uselessness

And, with a sigh,
Resigned himself to wait. The clouds were sleeping
And the sun was high.

‘It was a green car, and going like a jet, ’

A youth said.
Business, no doubt – speed justified of course –
And, after all, a dead

Collie, golden as wheat in the sun,

Was a small price to pay For
For the scheduled arrival, the luncheon sharp at one,
The mingling with gay

Sots to celebrate something or nothing…

Down by the school
The children were playing; some with a ball
Where the pines were cool

Shouted and sang. The whole yard

Echoed the fun
‘When you hit the ball, run! Hit it and run! Hit and run!

Hit and run!’

I smoothed the rich, warm silk of his neck.

He lifted his face
Gravely and his eyes smiled; even his thanks
Were said with grace.

They carried him to a vacant paddock then

And borrowed a spade.
He watched them gravely still
While they made

Their preparations. ‘That’s deep enough, ’ one said,

‘Or we’ll be here all day. ’ So I gave him my heart
And walked away.

By now, I suppose, they have taken the sun

From his silken throat,
And are busy spading gobbets of dirty earth
Over his golden coat.
Colin Thiele

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did the bystanders say that the dog was ‘done for’?

2. What words of the poet show that the collie was a beautiful dog?

3. Why had Harry gone to get his gun?

4. What words of the poet tell you that the hit-and-run car was going very fast?

5. What does the poet feel about the hit-and-run driver?

6. What kind of nature did the collie have?

7. What does the poet mean by ‘So I gave him my heart’?

8. What happened to the collie at the end?

9. While you were reading the poem, what feelings did you have about the collie?

10. Do you think the title, ‘Hit and Run’ is a good one? Why?
Could you suggest one of your own?

Dogs have 18 muscles to move

their ears and a dog nose is its

Dictionary words:
Find the meaning of the following words as used in the text:

Word Meaning
















It was the middle of the night when my uncle woke me up and told me to climb a
tree. I thought he was playing a joke on me, though he’s not a person who plays
jokes. In fact, he’s usually a rather gloomy man and he thinks climbing trees is a
waste of time, unless it’s to pick coconuts or betelnuts or something useful.

My favourite climbing tree is the big branchy one with the thick that stands near
our house. (I mean, it used to stand there. I still can’t get used to the idea that it’s

When Uncle woke me, it was very dark and I could hear the wind blowing hard
and roaring in the branches of the tree. He hurried me outside and I couldn’t even
see the stars, so the sky must have been covered with clouds. It seemed an odd
time to be climbing trees and I started to ask a question, but Uncle told me not to
argue and to get climbing.

I knew that best way up with my eyes shut. I felt for the low branch above my head,
pulled myself up until I could hook my legs over it and hoisted myself up and on to it. I
called to Uncle that I was up, and he shouted, ‘Higher! Higher!’ I felt for the branches
and stumps that I knew and climbed upwards until I was clinging to a thin branch that
was tossing and swaying and seemed to be doing its best to throw me off.

The grownups were arguing in the darkness below. My uncle was trying to persuade my
aunts and cousins to climb up too. I really thought he’d gone crazy like the man in the
village the other side of the Island who sometimes sits in the trees like a monkey. (I
mean he used to, he’s not there any more). Uncle kept shouting. The water’s coming!
The water’s coming!’ Of course he was right, it did come. I don’t know how he knew.

About the noise of the wind in the branches I could hear some of the words of the
argument going on below me. Uncle was shouting, ‘Up the tree!’ Other voices were
saying ‘Not that one’, or ‘To the boats! To the boats! ‘I shouted down, ‘Come on ,I’ll help
you!’ But of course none of these could climb as well as me: they were either too old or
too young. I don’t think any of them got into my tree.

The wind tore at me and the branches thrashed about me but I was beginning to
see things better. It was still nearly pitch dark but suddenly there was something darker
and blacker flying through the air like a huge bat and wrapping itself round the lower
branches of my tree. I heard the women’s voices walling, ‘The roof! The roof!’, and I
knew it was the thatch of our house going to pieces. I’d seen this happen before. Roofs
blow off quite often in the island. And quite often the water comes up nearly to the top
of the mound on which out house is built. But we’d never climbed trees in the middle of
the night before.

When water came, it was different from other times. I could hear a roaring of
water approaching even above the noise of the wind in the trees and then suddenly it
was rushing around the trunk of the tree and pouring over the lower branches. I mean,
it didn’t rise slowly like the other floods I’d seen; it was halfway up the trunk all at once
and I was wet with spray in the highest branches. And then the whole tree seemed to be
moving. Yes, I know the branches had been moving but now I had the feeling that
everything was slowly toppling, and then I was in the water though I was still holding the
branch. And now it was the water instead of the wind that was trying to tear me off the
branch, and the rough bark was hurting the skin on my chest and arms as I clung for my
life. I struggled and reached for branches above me, caught one and pulled myself clear
of the water. There were great salt waves washing over the tree. I could taste them and
my eyes stung as I tried to climb above them. The tree was flying right over on its side,
and climbing it was quite different. I reached a branch that was clear of the waves and
clung on with my arms and legs.

The water didn’t seem to be rushing around the trunk as it had been and in the
darkness the tops of the other trees seemed to be moving away. Then I knew I was
afloat and alone in the darkness and the storm.

How should I know how long I floated, or how far? All I knew was I must hang on.
Though the current didn’t drag at the tree, now that we were floating along with it, the
wind still tugged at me and the spray broke over me. The night seemed without end. I
even thought that perhaps the sun had been washed away too and it would never

I don’t know how I got the feeling that I was always moving through the water,
voyaging like a ship through the night. I can only remember the darkness of the sky and
the blacker darkness of the waves, but perhaps I did see solid things that stayed still
while I moved past them. They must have been the tops of the palm trees that were still
hanging on to the earth with their roots while the water swirled around them.

Then I think I remember feeling I must be dead or that everything had come to an
end, because the wind died down and the waves stopped tearing at me and when I
looked up I saw the stars. But all around me was darkness and water and all I could do
was lie exhausted on my branch. I was nowhere and there was nothing I could do.

And then it all started again, I thought: no, there can’t be were of it; I can’t go on.
But the wind was soon raging again and the waves were once again snatching at me.
And somehow, I did hold on, though there didn’t seem to be any reason why I should.
But I must have had enough of my wits about me to notice that I seemed to be going
back the way I had come. Perhaps I saw those same palm-tree tops passing the other
way but no, I don’t know where I got feeling that I’d turned round and gone back. Now
that I come to think of it, perhaps I never did. But I had this very strong feeling at the

By there I suppose I had no hope that the storm would ever stop or that things
would ever be different. But now there came a change in the movement of the tree.
Instead of drifting smoothly like a boat, it was bumping and lurching, and I remember
thinking: we’ve gone aground. We stuck fast, and now the current was rushing past
again, though the wind and waves were not so fierce. And it wasn’t so dark. There was
the glow in the sky you see before sunrise. Perhaps there was a sun after all!
I think the sun rose, the water drained away and the wind dropped all about the
same time. And there I was.

Where? I was in the tree. The tree was lying on its side among mud and puddles. I
had a feeling I was back where I had started, though nothing I could see as the light got
stronger looked like the home I knew.

It was land of mud and battered trees. There was a mound and a creek, but there
were no houses on the mound and no boats in the creek. Yet if there had been houses
on the mound, boats in the creek, more trees here and there and more branches on the

trees here and there and more branches on the trees that were standing, it could have
been home.
Answer the following questions:

1. What did the boy think when his uncle told him to climb a tree?

2. What kind of person was Apu’s uncle? What were the uncle’s thoughts about
climbing trees?

3. Why did the uncle want the boy’s aunts and cousins to climb too?

4. Why could the boy’s relatives not climb as well as he could?

5. What was flying through the air ‘like a huge bat’?

6. The water rose very, very quickly. How do you know this?

7. ‘And then the whole tree seemed to be moving .’ What was happening to the

8. ‘I clung for my life.’ Why did Apu have to cling so tightly to the tree?

9. What were the boy’s feelings when ‘the wind died down and the waves
stopped tearing at me’? What did he do?

10. How did he feel when the wind and the waves started up again?

11. What evidence can you find to tell that the storyteller was not an adult?

Dictionary words:
Find the meaning of the following words as used in the text :

Word Meaning









pitch (as in pitch dark)














A cyclone rotates counter

clockwise in the northern
hemisphere and clockwise in the
southern hemisphere

Katherine Johnson
Katherine Johnson is a very important figure in history.
She is special not only because she was a woman
working in a traditionally male field, but she was also
African American. When Katherine began working
for NASA, African American people were treated as if
they were not equal. She led the way in showing what
women and African American people could achieve.

Katherine Johnson was born in 1918 in West Virginia.

Early in her life, Katherine’s skill with numbers was
clear. She began high school at ten, and at fourteen
went to West Virginia State College. She studied
mathematics and French. She graduated with high
honors in 1937. She went on to teach at a school “Katherine Johnson at NASA in 1966” by [NASA @
in Virginia. Wikimedia commons] is licensed under CC BY 3.0 US

In 1939, Katherine was one of only three African American students chosen to attend
West Virginia University. In the early 1900s, it was uncommon for women to go to a
university, especially if they were African American. Katherine took a break from her
studies to raise her three daughters, then returned to teaching.

Katherine began working for the National Aeronautics

and Space Administration (NASA) in the 1950s. She
impressed her supervisor so much that within two
weeks of starting the job, she was asked to work on
a special project about space flight research. Her job
was to study data from a test flight into space and
to investigate a plane crash that had occurred due to

In the 1950s, the United States and Russia began to

compete in a space race. Katherine was asked to use
her amazing math skills for different calculations
and research. She plotted the path for America’s
first human spaceflight in 1961. This was a huge
responsibility because if her calculations were wrong,
the astronauts could have died.

During her successful career with NASA, by [NASA @Wikimedia commons] is
licensed under CC BY 3.0 US
Katherine co-wrote 26 papers and
calculated paths for space shuttles and
emergency return directions. In 1986, after
35 years of working at NASA, Katherine
Johnson retired.

In 2015, Katherine Johnson was awarded

the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack
Obama. This medal is given to people who
have helped America progress in the world.

In 2016, a building at NASA was named

after her, and Katherine received a Silver
Snoopy Award. This award is given to those
who have made an outstanding contribution
to flight safety and mission success.

Katherine Johnson died on February 24,

2020. She led the way for women and
African Americans in the fields of space and

1. In what state was Katherine Johnson born?
West Virginia
2. Which university did Katherine Johnson attend?
West Virginia University
West Virginia Tech
3. For which famous organization did Katherine work?
4. What was Katherine’s major field of study?
5. Why is Katherine Johnson an important example of the Civil Rights Movement?

6. Which of her accomplishments do you think made Katherine Johnson the proudest? Why?

Tisquantum, or Squanto, as he is better known, was a member of the
Patuxet Native American tribe in what is now the northeastern
United States. It is thought that he was born in 1580. He
is best known for supporting and guiding the first English
settlers who arrived in that area.

Not much is known about Squanto’s early life, although some

documents have recorded general information about his tribe.
The land he lived on, near what is now known as Cape Cod, was good for farming for
extended seasons. Because of this, Squanto’s people were able to produce enough harvest
to remain settled. They did not have to live as nomads, like many other native tribes of
the time. When settlers arrived in the "New World," they discovered land that was ready
for farming although no people were living there. Many of Squanto’s tribe had died after
catching new diseases brought by explorers and traders and no longer occupied the land
where the Patuxet once lived.

Squanto was abducted in 1605 by explorer and settler George Weymouth, who had
come to scout the land for future settlements. Squanto found his way home and was
kidnapped several more times over the course of his lifetime. During his time in captivity,
Squanto learned to speak English. His English skills were what enabled him to support
the colonists as they tried to settle in Plymouth. He taught the settlers how to catch
fish, hunt, and grow crops. He also organized meetings between the settlers and leaders
of the tribe he lived with. With Squanto’s help as an interpreter, Chief Massasoit and
the colonists were able to make a peace treaty. Many scholars believe that without
Squanto’s help, the settlers would not have been able to survive the cruel winters of New
England. After the crops were harvested, Massasoit and many of his warriors shared in
the "First Thanksgiving" with the English settlers. Squanto is considered a key figure in
this event because he helped peaceful communication between the two groups.

Squanto suddenly fell ill after working with the colonial leader, William Bradford.
They were on an expedition to find new groups to trade with and land to explore.
One night during the voyage, Squanto became very sick with a fever and his nose
started bleeding. Within a few days, Squanto passed away. According to reports, at
his death, Squanto asked Bradford to pray to his own God so that he would go to the
Christian heaven.

1. Squanto’s early life was .

lived in the southeastern United States.
lived in the northeastern United States.
peacefully lived among his tribespeople.
2. Squanto .

never learned to speak English.

helped translate between the settlers and Massasoit.
tried to protect his native lands from European settlers.
taught the settlers how to make clothes.
3. When the settlers arrived in the New World, they .

found the land occupied by Native Americans.

met Massasoit who introduced them to Squanto.
fell ill with diseases from the New World.
found the land deserted and ready to occupy.
4. Squanto was affected by the settlers in all of the following ways except:

He was kidnapped.
He was asked to leave the settlers’ land.
He was impacted by the settlers’ religion.
He was appreciated by the settlers.
5. Imagine you are Squanto. Write a persuasive piece trying to explain to Massasoit why he
should try to live peacefully with the settlers.

6. Write a statement to describe the main idea of paragraph 3. Use details from the text to
support your answer.

Traffic Jam
Jam in
in the
the Sky!
Who doesn’t like to be woken up to the smell of
pancakes and hot chocolate? For breakfast! Ah, I just
love Christmas mornings. Mom usually spoils us with
a very sugary breakfast on Christmas morning. Oh,
and on our birthdays as well! You could call this the
Botha’s Christmas tradition.

My favourite thing about Christmas is definitely all the good food. Gammon, pumpkin
fritters, and of course the malva pudding for dessert. My dad’s favourite thing is waking up
to a strong cup of coffee and my mother’s special Christmas pancakes.

My mother just enjoys all the love and joy it brings to - and being together as one big happy
family. Rohan, my little brother’s favourite thing is… well you can imagine what a 6-year-
old’s favourite thing is about Christmas: Santa and presents.

The best Christmas ever was in 2021. We took a plane to a very snowy destination: England.
It was our first winter Christmas. Rohan was only 5 years old, and it was his first time on a

We had just taken off and were passing through some big white clouds. Suddenly his eyes lit
up, and he was in total shock. Rohan turned to face us and said, “No wonder Santa was late
last year with our presents. Look at this traffic jam in the sky!”

Who knew my 5-year-old brother was a comedian.

Traffic Jam in the Sky!

Answer the following questions based on the story.

1. What is the title of the story?

2. How many people are in this family?

3. What is the family’s surname?

4. What did the family’s house smell like Christmas morning?

5. Do they only get a sugary breakfast on Christmas morning? Give a reason for your

6. What is the narrator’s brother’s name?

Traffic Jam in the Sky!

7. What is the narrator’s dad’s favourite thing about Christmas?

8. When, according to the story, was their best Christmas?

9. Where did they spend their Christmas that year?

10. Why do you think the little brother thought Santa was late because of the ‘traffic jam’?

11. Write about your favourite festival that you celebrate.


Topic: Proverbs

Make sentences using the following proverbs:

A proverb is a simple and insightful, traditional saying that
expresses a perceived truth based on common sense or experience.

1. first come, first served

2. if you’ve got it, flaunt it

3. a fool and his money are soon parted

4. a friend in need is a friend indeed

5. out of the frying pan into the fire

6. all that glitters/ glistens is not gold

7. the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

8. money doesn’t grow on trees

9. half a loaf is better than no bread

10. more haste, less speed

Topic: Verbs

1. Read the sentences and circle the verb in each of them.

1. Daniel ran in the race.

2. Lilly danced for her exam.
3. Jessica read her favourite books.
4. The rabbit hopped away quickly
when the car came past.
5. The sun shone brightly.
6. Hamsters eat fresh vegetables.
7. Fish swim in deep and shallow

Now rewrite all 7 of the sentences above below, changing the verbs to
make them more exciting.

Example: Daniel sprinted in the race.








2. Sort the verbs on the next page according to the type of verbs
they are in the given columns:

Doing Verbs Saying Verbs Thinking Verbs

cried exclaimed know

whispered blurted wonder

imagine learn laugh

remember exaggerated jump

noticed begged cook

decide eat wonder

calculate dream dance

3. Complete the sentences using the verbs from the word bank below:

ate chased watched stopped got rain read

rode missed jump rained flooded flew

1. The dog the cat.

2. Rana for the bus but she it anyway.

3. Kuba a chocolate ice cream.

4. I a scary film and it made me !

5. The lift and a lot of people out on the fifth


6. Kareena her book and then her bike.

7. It so much last night that the garden was .

8. It was very late by the time Jack into bed.

9. The bird high in the sky and soon from


Topic: Adverbs

Identifying Adverbs
An adverb describes or modifies a verb, an adjective, another adverb or even a whole sentence. Adverbs
usually fall into three categories: when, where, how. Many adverbs end in ‘ly’, but there are also many that
do not.

I ran quickly to class after lunch.(‘Quickly’ is an adverb that modifies the verb ‘ran’).
He looked incredibly tired after his long race. (‘Incredibly’ is an adverb that modifies the adjective

Choose an adverb to fill each gap in the sentences below.

a. we found the missing key.

b. She felt lucky to have won the lottery.

c. He responded to the question _ .

d. They worked together to answer all of the quiz questions.

e. The brothers admitted it was them who had flooded the bathroom.

f. The puppy nestled under its new blanket.

Some adverbs describe the possibility of something happening, e.g. certainlyand

Underline the adverb of possibility in each sentence below and then choose a
suitable way to complete the sentence.

a. Dark storm clouds appeared, and it was obviously going to .

b. Perhaps in the future, students will travel to school by .

c. Undoubtedly, the best pet to have is a .

d. Clearly, the is fantastic because people keep buying it.

e. If you haven’t tried , then you definitely should!

Look at the sentences below. Circle the adverb in
each one.
a. He smiled cautiously.
b. She frowned angrily.
c. He walked to school quickly.
d. Next, she looked for her coat.
e. It would be his turn soon.

Adverb Word Bank

happily tomorrow next soon carefully slowly

Complete the sentences below. Use the Adverbword

bank to help you.

a. She ran down the

b. It will bemy birthday .
c. He wandered home.
d. , she had to wrap her
brother’s present.
e. Her dad was coming to pick her up

For each incomplete sentence below, add an adverb to describe the verb.
You may choose from the word bank below or include your own ideas.
Word Bank

quickly quietly foolishly slowly noisily angrily

happily neatly silently hurriedly nervously sleepily
gladly busily excitedly crankily

1. “Where is your homework?” the teacher asked .

2. “Hooray!” cheered the children .

3. The lioness waited for her prey.

4. “I need a drink of water!” demanded Jack .

5. She folded up her clothes and put them away.

6. I _ walked into the dark tangled woods.

7. “I’ve just found a magic key!” she exclaimed .

8. The ocean waves crashed onto the shore.

9. The boy yawned as he got ready for bed.

10. The music was playing in the house next door.

11. “This weather today is awful,” Grace grumbled .

12. I ran toward the bus stop, hoping I wouldn’t be late.

5. Make sentences for each of the following adverbs:

• mysteriously:

• merrily:

• eagerly:

A conjunction is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses.

Choose the correct type of conjunction from the box to complete

these sentences.

and but or so whether/or either/or

both/and not only/but although because so that
even if before whenever even though until

1. I went to bed very late I am tired today.

2. My dad has fixed my bike I can take it to the park.

3. We are having pasta curry for dinner.

4. I listened to the weather forecast put an umbrella in my bag.

5. I will always support my local team they always lose!

6. The weather is forecast to be hot humid.

7. My brother is grumpy he has got to do his homework.

8. He goes abroad on holiday he doesn’t like flying.

9. My mum is a brilliant doctor, she is a great

runner too.

10. I enjoy playing hockey it’s not my favourite sport.

11. We could go to the park to the cinema.

12. I’m not sure I’m going to the match not.

Use the correct conjunction, either although or otherwise, and
complete the sentences.

1. I need to practice my times table I’ll never learn them.

2. I like to eat sweets they’re bad for me.

3. I exercise regularly I will become unfit.

4. She should take more care she will have an accident.

5. He’s very shy he’s not as bad as he used to be.

6. She didn’t clean her room her mum told her to.

7. She needed to clean her room her mum would be angry.

8. I’ll play after dinner I don’t know when that will be.

9. We enjoyed camping it rained every day.

10. Make sure you call me I will worry about you.

11.You should follow the directions you will get lost.

12.I put on my wellies I would ruin my trainers.

13.He sang a song he wasn’t a very good singer.

14.He needed a bath he would smell bad.

15.I like dogs they sometimes smell bad.


Quotation marks are punctuation marks used in pairs in various

writing systems to set off direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase.

Read each sentence. Rewrite the sentence using quotation marks

Example: Poppy told her teacher that she forgot her homework.
Poppy said, “Teacher I forgot my homework.”

1. Felix asked his mum if they could go to the movies.

2. Ciara thought that the ice cream was delicious.

3. Preet thanked his grandma for the new basketball.

4. Gabriella told her mum that she had a soccer game on Saturday.

5. Isaac asked Tao if he wanted to come over after school.

Sam has written out some sentences using quotation marks. Write if they are
correct or incorrect. If it is incorrect, rewrite the sentence to make it correct.

2. “Where are you going”? Penny asked her mother.

2. “I saw Tom down at the park this morning,” said Jermaine.

3. “Oh! You scared me!” Exclaimed Alice.

4. “What time are you leaving for work? Dad called out to Mum.

Read each sentence. Add the missing quotation marks.

1. Have you seen my red coat? asked George.

2. Time to go to the beach! Dad yelled. Be sure to grab the sunscreen and towels.

3. Peter wondered, How much longer until we have lunch?

4. My birthday party is tomorrow, Jill cheered.

5. Savannah whispered, I am going to go check out my book now.

6. This summer we went to the zoo, said Sam, and we went to visit Grandma.

7. It’s hot outside, Ben whined.

8. A cheetah is the fastest animal, explained Maxi. It can run 75 miles per hour.

9. Jordan cried, I scratched my knee when I fell.

10. It’s upstairs, remembered Ella, near the bookshelf.

11. Cooper sang, Today was the best day ever!

12. Payton asked, Can I borrow your pencil?


Fill in the correct punctuation in the sentences below. Remember capital letters,
full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas.

1. nita wrote a shopping list for bread eggs cheese and milk

2. dean and sara bought a new kitten and named it ziggy

3. why do i have to go to school

4. what a beautiful day it is today

5. my nan flew to spain last thursday

6. lizzie saw horses cows and sheep at hollybrook farm

7. have you ever seen queen Elizabeth

8. little red riding hood went to visit her grandmother

9. which vegetables would you like with your lunch

10. jamil wondered where geeta had gone

11. where did i put my golfing magazine

12. have you ever read the wizard of oz

13. how inconsiderate you have been

14. lewis made a silly mistake and sam laughed at him

15. when do jack and cai finish school

Read the sentences below. Can you spot the spelling, grammar and
punctuation mistakes?

1. There not in they’re house because their over they’re, in the park.

2. The golden sands felt warm and soothing beneth my worn out and weary feet. Their
where beads of condensation dripping from my cold refreshing glass off water.

3. You’re car is blocking are drive. Our you going to move it soon. I think your being
most inconsiderate!

4. Swaying in the wind, the trees dances to the rythm of the storm. The moon looked
down on the danced trees and smiled in ameusment at the glittering stars.

5. Running and smiling the children jumped out of the school and into the crystal wite
blanket covering of snow. The glittering snowflakes shined and twinkled as the
children ranned past.

6. The twins decided they each wanted a smartphone for there birthday. they’re
parents decided they were to young for such an expensive gift. Begrudginly the
twins agreed to a trip to the cinema with their friends.

7. They’re house was the sppokyest looking house on are street. It had an angry face a
creaky door a broken roof and an uninviting demeanour.

When pencils were first invented, moist bread was

used to erase any mistakes!
You could also try to find out:
• how the erasing power of rubber was
• when rubbers were first put on the end

Apostrophe to show possession

An apostrophe is a small punctuation mark (’) placed after a noun to show that the
noun owns something

An apostrophe is placed before ‘s’ for singular nouns.

Example: Kylie’s shoes

An apostrophe is placed after ‘s’ for plural nouns.

Example: ladies’ choice

Add the missing possessive apostrophes:

1. Saras teacher was very kind. Her teachers motto was to treat others with
2. His dogs bark was high pitched and very noisy. His wife patience was
running out.
3. The bakers cookies were delicious. The bakers wife loved eating them for
4. Jims car stop working. The cars engine was having problem.
5. James uncle was rich. His uncles source of income was the family business.
6. We went to Sam s house but he wasn’t there. He was at Brians house.
7. The shops owner wasn’t very nice. Mights dad shouted at him and we left.
8. The local soccer team coach was the best in the country. He coached my
brothers team.
9. Peters car broke down. His sisters car was also at the garage so there was
no one to help him.
10.Marys birthday is in May. Her brothers birthday is on the same day, so they
have a combined party.
11.The cars paint had worn off. The owners interest in the car had faded.
12.The teachers cars are parked in the parking lot.
13.The musicians instruments are on the stage.
14.The artists paintings are in the art gallery.
15.The writers pens are on the desk.

Add the apostrophe in the following sentences to show possessions

1. The book that belongs to Anna ________________book.

2. The toy that belongs to the dog ________________toy.
3. The car that belongs to my parents _____________car.
4. The bike that belongs to my sister ______________bike.
5. The coat that belongs to Jack __________________coat.
6. The phone that belongs to Sarah _______________phone.
7. The house that is owned by Smiths _____________house.
8. The laptop that belongs to me _________________laptop.
9. The shoes that belongs to Maria _______________shoes.
10. The pen that belongs to the teacher _____________pen.

An apostrophe – to show contractions :

1. Where is my Dad? asked Millie.


2. She has not been to school for two days. Her teacher is not very nice.


3. We have been all over the country this week.


4. Her new house was not very beautiful.


5. Jack was not the smartest boy in the school.


6. Mary does not like vegetables and fruits.


7. They would love to play soccer together.


8. “I am your biggest fan!” he shouted.


9. They are the best players in the team.


10. She would have liked to come to the party, but she wasnt feeling well.


Creative Writing


1. As you all know you have to make a mind map of

your story in the beginning.
2. The story has to have an impactful start; it should
immediately capture the attention of the reader,
building curiosity and excitement through and
3. Your story should include detailed description of
characters, setting, problem and resolution.
4. Do not forget to make paragraphs.
5. Punctuate the sentences.
6. The ending has to be very powerful it should not
be an abrupt one; it should leave the reader
intrigued and thrilled.
7. Don’t forget to illustrate.


Write a story about a friendly robot who has an unusual set of skills.

Some things to think/write about: Describe the robot. Who creates it? Does the
robot have a gender? How is the robot friendly? What kind of skills does the robot

Write a story about a young pair of friends who wake up one day to realize they can
read one another’s minds.

Some things to think/write about : Who are these two friends? Are you going to
write as one of the characters or in third person? Describe these two friends. How
do they end up reading minds? What happens in the end? Remember, for a topic like
this , you can be as creative as you want to be!

Write a story about what life was like for your grandmother as a young girl.

Some things to think/write about: Describe your grandmother as a younggirl.

Are you going to write about your paternal or maternal grandmother?What was
her school like? How was her life at home? Where did she live?Without any
modern technology, how did your grandmother spend her sparetime?
Note: You can actually ask your grandmother (or parents) about how thingswere
for her when she was your age.



House by the Sea
Father spotted a stone house perched on the top of the cliff. He fell in love
with the house and its spectacular views. With his savings and bank loans,
father buys this beautiful sea side house. The family moves in.

Somethings to think / write about: Describe the father and his family and the
beautiful house. How do his children feel when they step into this new
gorgeous house? Is there a secret staircase carved in the steep rocky cliff
which leads to the beach? What do the children discover in the attic of the

The Lottery
Daniel was at the local grocery store stocking up on his stash of lollipops, tangy
bubblegum and milk chocolates. With his last dollar left, Daniel picked up a
cheap lottery ticket. The grand prize was a grand luxury car. Daniel handed the
lottery ticket to his father.

Some things to think/write about: Describe Daniel and his father. Describe
the luxury car that is supposed to be the grand prize for the lottery winner. What
are the father and son doing when the lottery number is announced on
television? Do they win? If yes, what are their feelings and emotions? If not, how
do they feel then?


The Dream
The elementary school play was the most important event on the calendar.
Everyone who acts in the school play is automatically elevated to a ‘cool’ and popular
level. Denise intends to audition for the main role.
Somethings to think/write about :
Describe Denise. Write about her dream to play the lead role in this year's musical
play. How does Denise start to practice for the big audition? Is it during school breaks,
at home till she falls asleep or during breakfast that she practices her lines? Write
about the final audition day. Was Denise nervous or excited? Who were the other
children competing with Denise?

The Girl Without a Pet
A grand ‘Pet Day’ is coming up soon at school. Jenna is the only child who does not
own a cat, dog or even a goldfish. Her mother is allergic to animal hair. Jenna,
however, is determined to purchase an animal with her savings by the time its ‘Pet

Somethings to think/write about: Describe Jenna and her family. What kind of animal
does Jenna want to buy? Is it a puppy, cat or goldfish? Does she have countless
arguments with her parents about purchasing a pet? What happens at the end of the
story? Is Jenna able to achieve her goal and own an animal by the time it’s ‘Pet Day’?

Melancholic Samuel
Samuel was the blue eyed beautiful boy of the family. He was pampered, adored and
loved by his family. The more Samuel was loved, the angrier he became. Never happy,
Samuel was forever arguing and fighting with his siblings. This behavior was triggered
by an incident that took place.

Somethings to think/write about: What was the incident that caused Samuel to
behave this way? Was he bullied by his neighbours or schoolmates? Describe Samuel.
Was Samuel spoilt and not interested in getting along with his siblings? Did he refuse
to attend school? How did his teachers and parents react to his negativebehaviour?







Book Reflections

☺-Task: Write a brief reflection after reading your favourite book.

Title of Book # 1: _______________________________________

Tips for writing a good reflection:

• What was the book about?
• Who were the characters?
• What did you like about it?
• Did you learn something new?










































☺-Task: Write a brief reflection after reading your favourite book.

Title of Book # 2: _______________________________________

Tips for writing a good reflection:

• What was the book about?
• Who were the characters?
• What did you like about it?
• Did you learn something new?











































Read the passages and record your inferences.

Ben looked out over the vast blue expanse before him. ‘I wonder where I’ll end up
tonight,’ he thought to himself.

wreaked havoc on his plans to make it back home in time for the weekend. He
would have to radio in with his coordinates to make sure no one got worried.

An unfamiliar noise startled him and he looked around. “Where did you come from?”
he asked no one in particular. The bird wasn’t like any he had seen before. It was
shook his head and laughed, ‘I must be going mad!’ he thought to himself.

1. Where is Ben, and what is he doing?

2. Why might Ben be talking to a bird?

3. How do you think Ben feels? Why might he feel this way

Draw a picture of what you think Ben is doing.

Aanya gave a sideways glance to peek at what Coco had written, but their eyes met.
Coco’s hand immediately covered her work and she shot the other straight into the air.“Mrs
Alam, Aanya is cheating!”

“I am not!” Aanya said with clenched teeth. “Put your hand down!”

“No way, cheaters need to get caught.” She whispered back, and then spoke louder for all
to hear. “Excuse me Mrs Alam, but Aanya has been looking at my work and I think she has
copied all of my answers. She will need to be moved.”

Aanya could feel the colour rising in her cheeks and she knew everyone had turned to

1. How do you think Aanya was feeling? What makes you think this?

2. What type of people do you think Aanya and Coco are?

Aanya- ________________________________________________________________________________________

Coco- ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What lesson does this text teach you?

Draw a picture of what you think the scene looks like.

careful. He slowly hoisted his right foot up onto the cross beam and swung his left foot
plans he had written up in his bedroom the night before.

In and out, no mucking around. Get what you need and get out. Don’t get caught.

His mind lingered on the last one: Don’t get caught. That really would ruin things.
make out the items he was here for.

1. What was Josiah doing? Why do you think this?

2. Why do you think he doesn’t want to get caught?

3. How do you think Josiah would feel if he got caught? Why?

Draw a picture of what you think the scene looks like.

Recommendation for

Dear students,

Here are some books from different genres you can choose to read over
the summers. Which ones will you read?

Title:Treasure Island

Author: Robert Louis Stevenson


Summary : Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island in 1881. It is set in the
days of sailing ships and pirates and tells of the adventures of Jim Hawkins and his
search for the buried treasure of an evil pirate, Captain Flint. The story begins at
'The Admiral Benbow', the inn that belongs to Jim Hawkin's parents.

Title:The Secret Keepers

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart
Summary When Reuben discovers an extraordinary
antique watch, he soon learns it has a secret power and his
life takes an intriguing turn. At first he is thrilled with his
new treasure, but as one secret leads to another, Reuben
finds himself torn between his innately honest nature and
the lure to be a hero.

Book title: Around the World in Eighty days

Author: Jules Verne
Genre: Adventure/Fiction
Plot summary: Around the World in Eighty Days is an adventure novel by the
French writer Jules Verne, first published in French in 1872. In the story, Phileas
Fogg of London and his newly employed French valet Passepartout attempt to
circumnavigate the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager set by his friends at the
Reform Club.


Title: The Golden Compass

Author:Philip Pullman


Summary :Lyra is rushing to the cold, far North, where witch clans and armored
bears rule. North, where the Gobblers take the children they steal--including her
friend Roger. North, where her fearsome uncle Asriel is trying to build a bridge to

Title: Dealing with Dragons

Author: Patricia.C.Wrede

Genre: Fantasy

Summary: Princess Cimorene is frustrated by her life and persuades the

castle staff to teach her fencing, magic, cooking, Latin, and other
interesting subjects that are considered very "improper" for princesses to

Title:The Hobbit

Author: J.R.R.Tolkein


Summary : Bilbo Baggins lives a simple life with his fellow hobbits in the
shire, until the wizard Gandalf arrives and convinces him to join a group of
dwarves on a quest to reclaim the kingdom of Erebor.

Title: A Wolf called Wander

Author: Rosanne Parry

Summary: Swift, a yearling wolf, is separated from his family after

a rival wolf pack attacks and claims his family's territory as their
own. His thousand-mile journey across the Pacific Northwest to find
a new home brings danger, hunger, and desperate loneliness.

Title: Bridge to Terabithia

Author: Katherine Paterson

Genre: Fiction

Summary: Bridge to Terabithia is about Jess Aarons and Leslie Burke, two
fifth-graders who become friends and create an imaginary land called Terabithia,
where they can go to forget about their problems. The book deals with themes of
friendship, childhood, and being an individual.

Title: The Great adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Author: Arthur Conan Doyle

Genre: Fiction/Mystery

Summary: Sherlock Holmes is a private detective who has keen powers of

observation. He lives at 221b Baker Street in London. He notices things that
others simply don't and then he draws accurate conclusions about what he sees.
He experiences strong mood swings, plays the violin, and is a master of
deductive reasoning.

Title: Chasing Vermeer
Author: Blue Balliett
Genre: Mystery
Summary: After a famous Johannes Vermeer painting, A Lady Writing, is
stolen en route to the Art Institute of Chicago, Calder and Petra work
together to try to recover it. The thief publishes many advertisements in
the newspaper, explaining that he will give the painting back if the
community can discover which paintings under Vermeer's name were
really painted by him. This causes Petra, Calder, and the rest of Hyde Park
to examine art more closely. Themes of art, chance, coincidence,
deception, and problem-solving are apparent.

Title: Escape from Mr.Lemencello's Library

Author: Chris Grabenstein
Genre: Mystery
Summary: Kyle Keeley is obsessed with the board
games of Mr. Lemoncello, the world's most renowned game
maker. Big news hits his town when Mr. Lemoncello tears down
a bank to embark on his latest project: a state-of-the-art, top
secret library, and he's holding an essay contest where 12
winners can spend one night in a lock-in before the library's

Title: The Mysterious Benedict Society

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart

Summary: The Mysterious Benedict Society is an amazing series of books

about a group of children with extraordinary gifts and talents. They are
recruited by the Mysterious Mr. Benedict, the society's figurehead who
suffers from narcolepsy, to infiltrate an evil institute run by his despicable
twin brother.


Title: The story of my Life

Author: Helen Keller
Genre: Autobiography
Summary: At the age of nineteen months,
Helen Keller became deaf and blind after a
serious illness. With the help of her teacher,
Anne Sullivan, Helen overcame adversities to
learn to read, write, speak, and enjoy the
world around her.

Song Lyrics

Let’s write some song lyrics! Give the song your own title and let’s get


Here is your chance to create some more lyrics!


Nonsense Verse Poem
A nonsense verse is a form of light verse, usually for children,
depicting imaginative
imaginative characters
characters in
in amusing
amusing situations
situations of
fantasy, whimsical
whimsical in
in tone
tone and
and with
with aa rhythmic
rhythmic appeal, often
appeal, ofte n
employing fanciful
fanciful phrases
phrases and
and meaningless
meaningless made-up words.
made-up wor ds.


Write two Nonsense verse poems on the following pages:





limerick 1
There was a strong boy named Josh

limerick 2
There was a brown dog with a big nose

Write couplets on the topics given on the following pages.


Lazing on the Balmy Beach

A Slice of Summer

Lahore Grammar School Defence

• The Mathematics Holiday Homework pack is designed to reinforce

all the mathematical concepts covered during this academic year.
Each section will allow critical thinking and building connections
with real-life situations.
• A list of web-links for interactive online games, quizzes and
activities has been attached to the written pack, for additional
revision of concepts.
• It is mandatory to attempt all questions.
• Read the instructions carefully for each assignment.
• Show complete working. Use and attach extra A4 pages where
• Work presentation, neatness and accuracy of calculations will be
• The homework must be submitted in school on return after the
Summer Holidays.

Times Tables 6

Whole Numbers - Place Value 12

Whole Number - Operations 17

Fractions 25

Decimals 35

Percentages 52

Unitary Method 56

Measurement 59

Angles 67

Triangles 71
Lahore Grammar School Defence
Digital Resources

Use the following web links to access digital games and interactive

Topic Links

Whole Mr. Nussbaum - Place Value Workshop - Online (

Double-Digit Array Multiplication Game | Game |

Multi-Digit Addition Regrouping: Mad Scientist Edition | Game |

Math Agent App Review | Common Sense Media

Math BINGO • ABCya!

Fractions Fraction Fling • ABCya!

Jumpy: Multiplying Fractions | Game |

Jumpy: Word Problems With Adding and Subtracting Fractions | Game |

Fraction Games for 5th Graders Online - SplashLearn

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Decimals Decimal Games for Kids Online - SplashLearn

Decimal Math Games (

Mr. Nussbaum - Decimals of the Caribbean - Online Game (

Decention Jr | Fractions, Decimals and Percent | Math Playground

Percentages Virtual Manipulatives - Fraction, Percent & Decimal Tiles • ABCya!

Playground percentages (

Online Percentage Games For Kids (

Unitary UNITARY METHOD - Quiz (

Unitary Method (

Consumer Math: Unit Prices - Grade 5 - Practice with Math Games


Compare and Convert Metric Units - Grade 5 - Practice with Math Games

Science - metric system (

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Angles and Find Right Angles Game - Math Games - SplashLearn

20 Fun Angles Activities for Kids + Creative Teaching Resources | Teach Starter

Alien Angles | Math Playground

Crickweb | KS2 Numeracy Tools

IXL - Triangle Inequality Theorem (Geometry practice)

Online Geometry Math Games for Kids (

Interactive Math Lesson | Classifying Triangles (Right, Acute, Obtuse) (

Interactive Math Lesson | Classifying Triangles (Equilateral, Isosceles, or Scalene)


Lahore Grammar School Defence

Times Tables

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Times Tables Booklet
Knowing your times tables is a big help in doing well in math. Having a
Times table booklet handy will help you learn your times tables even faster!
Make a sturdy booklet that you can use for a long time. It should have 1 to 16
times tables.

Here is a link that might be helpful in making the booklet.

Double check your tables in the times table booklet by the following
multiplication grid.

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Times Table Practice

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Times Table Maze

Work your way through the maze solving each times table question you
come across.

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Times Table Maze

Which answer is correct a, b or c for each column? Circle the correct
answer for each column. You will have three letters now, one for each column.
Choose the path according to your answer letters.

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Times Table Challenge

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Whole Numbers –
Place Value

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Identifying Place Value

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Know your Place Value

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Place Value Puzzle

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Place Value Scramble

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Whole Number -

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Multiplication of Whole Numbers
Multiply two and three digit factors. Regroup where needed.

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Division of Whole Numbers

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Division of Whole Numbers

Solve the following using long division.

Note: Working can be done on pg. 22 and pg. 23.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Solving Word Problems using Estimation
Use estimation to answer the word problems given below.

Note: Working can be done on pg. 22 and pg. 23.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Division Rough Working Sheet

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Division Rough Working Sheet

Lahore Grammar School Defence


Lahore Grammar School Defence
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Multiplying Mixed Fractions and
Whole Numbers

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Multiplying Mixed Fraction with
Mixed Fraction

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Dividing Fractions by Whole Numbers

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Cupcakes Challenge - Fractions
Aunt Marie needs help figuring out how much of each ingredient she
will need to buy in order to make this cupcake recipe. Can you help

This recipe is for 12 people. If Aunt Marie wanted to cut the recipe in
half, how much of each ingredient would it call for?

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Word Problems – Fractions

Read and solve the following word problems


1. In an open relay race, Joe planned to swim 3 laps and Eric planned to swim 2
laps. How many combined laps did Joe and Eric plan to swim?

2. In the second heat, Jeremy planned to swim 2 laps and Graham planned to
swim 1 laps. How many laps did Jeremy and Graham plan to swim all together?

3. Andrea’s relay team has practice drills for 1 hours, while Ivan’s junior varsity
squad has to swim laps for 2 hours. How many hours, combined, will Andrea and
Ivan’s groups be swimming?

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Food Mathematics
Bear is hungry and wants to enjoy a
balanced meal!
Can you use your math skills to design
today’s menu for him using the daily
guidelines shown to the right?
Put a B for breakfast, L for lunch, D for
dinner, and S for snack next to the items
you choose. You can select an item more
than once. Just make sure the totals for
the day match the guidelines listed

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Always, Sometimes, and Never –
Fraction Multiplication

Directions: Cut out and read the cards. Then, place them into three
groups: Sometimes True, Always True, and Never True. Be sure to justify
your choices with examples.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Strawberry Fractions

Lahore Grammar School Defence


Lahore Grammar School Defence
Decimals to the Thousandths Place

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Decimals – Expanded Form

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Converting Fractions and Decimals

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Number Line Riddle -
Fractions and Decimals

Fill in the number line using both fractions and decimals. Then match
the numbers given below with the corresponding letter on the number
line to complete the fun fact.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Comparing and Rounding Decimals

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Decimal Addition and Subtraction

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Decimals Challenge

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Multiplying Decimals with
Powers of 10

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Dividing Decimals by
Powers of 10

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Decimals Multiplication

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Dividing Decimals

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Decimal Operations:
Follow the Path

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Holiday Shopping: Decimal Practice

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Decimal Operations:
Word Problems

It’s a busy day at the Sweet Sprouts Farm and Market, and customers are looking
to buy fresh produce and other goods. Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Pizza Night Budget

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Pizza Night Budget

Lahore Grammar School Defence


Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Complete each row of the table by filling in the missing numbers. Write all
fractions in simplest form.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Calculating Percentages Maze
Directions: Calculate the percentages. Use your answers to draw
a path from start to finish.

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Unitary Method

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Unitary Method: Calculating Unitary Prices

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Unitary Method

Lahore Grammar School Defence


Lahore Grammar School Defence
Metric Measurement Conversions
Write the abbreviation for each measurement.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate unit.

1. Soda may be purchased in two or three bottles.
2. The weight of a bowling ball is 7.25 .
3. The length of the common housefly is about 1 .
4. The mass of a paperclip is about 1 .
5. One teaspoon of cough syrup has a volume of 5 .
6. Stand with your arms raised out to your side. The distance from your
nose to your outstretched fingers is about 1 .
7. The distance you can walk in 10 minutes is about 1 .
Convert the following metric measurements:

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Metric Measurement
Mass and Capacity
Take a trip to the candy shop to buy some sweets! Use the chart to convert
the measurements, then write your answer in the space provided.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Metric Measurement
Use the conversion chart and the examples to solve the word problems below.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Metric Measurement
Word Problems
Solve the following word problems using the information provided.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Costume Time

Maya is brainstorming fun costume ideas for Halloween, and she decided to
sketch them out in her notebook. Help Maya organize her sketches by adding
the day and time she drew them. Then circle the one you like best!

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Elapsed Time Board Game

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Elapsed Time Board Game
You need:
• An analogue clock for each player,
• Dice,
• Counters.

Each player begins at 9:00 am.

Roll the dice to move around the board. When you land on a space, follow the
directions given by adding or subtracting the time on your clock.
The first player to reach the time of 3:00pm is the winner!

Use this space to do your working.

Lahore Grammar School Defence


Lahore Grammar School Defence
Types of Angles

Ianʼs arrived safely at the Tower of London, where Snide is about to make her
big heist! However, sheʼs set up a series of laser trip wires to throw him off.

Help Ian make his way safely across the room by finding out which laser beam
angles are obtuse and which are acute. Once you do that, Ian will know which
ones are safest and easiest to step over.

Which of the angles are acute? Which of the angles are obtuse?

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Seek and Find
The numbers below are angle measures. Use two different highlighters
or circle and box the supplementary and complementary angle
measures below. There are five supplementary and five complementary
angle pairs.

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Angle Match

Match each type of angle (Right, Acute or Obtuse) in the middle to the
appropriate angle on the left, then measure and match that angle with an
appropriate angle given on the right. One part has been done for you.

Lahore Grammar School Defence


Lahore Grammar School Defence
Classifying Triangles

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence
Hidden Triangles Puzzle

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Triangle Angle Sum Practice

Calculate the missing Angle.
A) Ellie has measured the three angles in a triangle. One angle is 61°
and another is 77°.What is the measurement of the third

B) Adam found one angle in a triangle to be 55°, another is 70°. What

would the third angles measurement be?

C) Shaalu, Caitlyn and Aleisha are investigating scalene triangles. They

have each been givena scalene triangle with one 52° angle labelled
for them and two missing angles that they must measure.
My missing angles
My missing angles My missing angles


One of them has made a mistake, who was it?


Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Geometric Art

It’s time to make a cubist masterpiece of your very own! You

can use the pictures of cubist art given here as reference or do
some research on cubist art and artists on your own for

Create your own art piece. Use any combination of polygons of

your choice. Make sure to use a ruler and sharpened pencil.
Color it as well. You have used shapes but what does this have to
do with angles? Simple! You need to find as many angles as you
can and try to measure each angle using a protractor. Have fun!

Lahore Grammar School Defence

Create your unique art piece here.

The assigned set of inquiry tasks, will help you
demonstrate the learner profile attributes and
approaches to learning skills.

Table of Contents
Vision Board 4

Methods of communication 5

Caring 6

Challenge Yourself 7

Taking Risks 8

Global Thinker 9

Responsibility 10

Action 11

Thinking Skills 12

Inference 13

Making connections 14

Evaluating 15

VTR 16

Being responsible 17

Self-initiated action 18

Pastoral Care 19

ChatGPT 25
Ref le ctio n
J o ur n al
Reflective thinking turns
experience into insight....

Reflection: seeing the goals before they are met! Vision
Create a vision board below to show your hopes, dreams and goals. Board
Cut out words and pictures from old magazines that represent your
vision for yourself in the next year. Glue them onto the board below.
Share your vision with a partner.

Methods of Communicating Methods of
Think about the different ways that we communicate with one another.
List as many ways that you can think of.
Share your ideas with others to complete the box below.

Reflect on your communication skills:

bes communicate this?

If you were struggling with something, how could you


Ways that
I'd like to
Think about the caring that you see in school.
Reflect upon how this makes you feel.

List the ways that having
a caring environment in
class helps your learning.

My feelings...

Illustrate an example of caring happening in your school.
Caption it.

What are your thoughts about this statement? Challenge

Get out
of your
own way.

Challenge Name 3 things that you will do to challenge

yourself this week.

1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

What does it feel like when you step out of your comfort zone?

Reflection on your feelings when you have
taken a risk successfully. Risk
Using only ONE taker

word, sum up how
you feel!

S Think of time when you have been a risk taker

Create a visual below to show the moment

Add a caption that will describe it.

E Action steps
List 3 things that you can do to take action towards being more of a

risk taker in the next week. ________________________________
Look at the image below.
Note your observations around the picture. Global
I observe:

Do you think the issues observed are local issues to the Dominican Republic or
perhaps could have a global impact? Explain your thoughts.__________________

What would you suggest the next steps should be for this country? __________
What do you notice?

What words come to mind as you observe this image?

How might others perceive this?

How does this image make

you feel?

How might this connect with global


How might it connect with sharing the planet?

How does this quote make you feel?
Choose ONE word that stands out the most to you.
"The one How have others thought differently?
What might change your perspective?
thing we
need more
than hope is
Once we
start to act,
hope is

What might
this person
know, believe
or understand?
How might this quote connect
with the concepts of our theme?

Thinking Skills

I can use my literal thinking to infer meaning.

Literally thinking Inferential thinking
What I know ..... What I infer ....

What question you

might ask this


I can infer meaning through my observations.

I observe

So, I infer

And I wonder

Sharing the Planet
I can make connections between the new information and my schema.
Making connections

What do I notice?

What do I already know about this?

What do I wonder about this?

What does it remind of? Where might i have experience

something similar?

Sharing the Planet
I can make connections between the new information and my schema.

What do I notice?

What do I already know about this?

What do I wonder about this?

What does it remind off? Where might I have experience

something similar?

Sharing the Planet
Thinkers observe. Thinkers reflect. Thinkers wonder VTR

Write your thinking in the bubbles. Observe -reflect-wonder.

Categorise your thinking according to the concepts.
Form I wonder....? Function I wonder....?
I observe.... Is purpose is....

Responsibility Change
Who or what is responsible? How has it brought change?
How is it changing?

Causation Perspective Connection I wonder ....?

What made it happen? My opinion is.... This makes me think of.....

Sharing the Planet
Observe and record
Look slowly at the image Key Words: Explain how this key word relates to the image Being responsible
Record your observations below. Responsibility(noun) - a thing that one is required to do as
part of a job, role or duty.

Research skills: Write 3 higher level questions that you wonder about this image.

I observe:

Taking Action: What are you inspired to do next?

Knowledgeable: Write a sentence with an
How are you going to take action to learn more?
Adjective to describe what you Know about
How can you find out more about the big ideas?
this picture. Highlight or underline your What are your next steps?
adjective. How can you use this information to make a difference?

Sharing the Planet
Observe and record
Look slowly at the image Self-initiated action
Record your observations below. Key Words: Explain how this key word relates to the image
Responsibility(noun) - a thing that one is required to do as
part of a job, role or duty.

Research skills: Write 3 higher level questions that you wonder about this image.

I observe:

Taking Action: What are you inspired to do next?

Knowledgeable: Write a sentence with an
How are you going to take action to learn more?
Adjective to describe what you Know about
How can you find out more about the big ideas?
this picture. Highlight or underline your What are your next steps?
adjective. How can you use this information to make a difference?

Pastoral care

We've created the mnemonic K.I.N.D.N.E.S.S. as a prompt to
help you focus on some of the key (kindness) ingredients that
will help you build and maintain your wellbeing. They relate to
aspects of your physical and mental health. We've given an
outline and a few examples for each letter of the mnemonic.
Once you've read through the examples, consider the things
you're already doing and think about areas you may wish to
expand or introduce.

Making a start on your kindness ingredients

The learning experience poses a range of questions to prompt

you around each of the eight Kindness ingredients. It’s likely
you’re doing a range of activities under each heading already,
so start by making notes about these, because they may be
things you want to maintain or increase. Then spend some time
thinking about what would be helpful to try. Make notes in the
space provided in the worksheet

What I do
KINDNESS already and what I’d
ingredients like to try

Keep learning it’s common Reading a book, following

to feel a sense of wonder a nature trail, doing a
and/or achievement when crossword or puzzle,
you’ve learnt something learning to play a musical
new, be it mastering a new instrument, visiting
song or learning about the museum or animal
natural world. What would sanctuary.
you like to learn about or

Interact interacting
connecting and
communicating with
friends and family can Joining a team, group or a
boost wellbeing. How could band, going out or visiting
you interact and family or friends,
communicate more? arranging a party or
playing a game.
Notice it’s important to
notice and acknowledge
how you feel. Do you
notice when your mood Asking for help when you
takes a nosedive and when need it (or noticing when
it gets a boost? someone you care about
needs help), talking to
Decide making decisions friends, family, work
that have your wellbeing colleagues or a therapist.
at heart can help you live Remember it's
a fulfilling life (instead of "OK not to be OK!
a life that’s driven by fear
or avoidance). What
decisions can you make Making plans for your
that are good for your future, having a hobby,
wellbeing? enrolling on a course,
setting yourself a
challenge, facing fears.

What I do
KINDNESS already and what I’d
ingredients like to try

Nurture being kind to Asking yourself 'How can

yourself. If you’re having I show myself kindness
a bad day, think about today?" Painting a picture,
what will help you feel being in nature, Listening
better. How do you look to music, watching a
after yourself and how comedy talking to
might you build on that? somebody or writing about
Does it help if you’re how you feel. Remember if
around animals or nature? things don't go your way,
be kind to yourself.

Exercise Being active

increases, the release of
feel-good hormones and
exercise can help you Going for a walk, trying a
connect with other people. fitness app, working out,
What physical activities trying a new exercise
do you like to do and what class with a friend, taking
activities might you want your dog or a neighbour's
to try? dog out for a walk.

Self-care looking after

your physical and mental Having healthy eating and
health can give your sleeping habits, having
wellbeing a boost. What your hair cut, going to a
could you improve? What spa, buying yourself some
helps you relax or have flowers, going to the
fun? What can you do to beach, acknowledging
pamper or treat yourself? achievements.

Support others a kind Volunteering to help

word or gesture can others, being involved
brighten up somebody with a charity, giving
else’s day and make you somebody a compliment,
feel good. How could you being kind to somebody by
support others? sending them a supportive
text message, card or

Three good things

For a week, write down three good things that have happened each day
in the worksheet on the next page. It could be things that you've done
well or something you're grateful for. If you're struggling for ideas
have a look at the list of examples below.

Three good things worksheet

Days of the week good thing good thing good thing

At the end of the week, having written down
three good things, what do you notice?

If you're struggling to think about three good things, here are a few

Getting positive feedback

Receiving a nice, thoughtful text message
Having fun with a pet
Enjoying a walk
Having a nice family meal
Spending time with someone you care about
Enjoying being outside in the sunshine
Being treated with respect and kindness Having had a good night's
Receiving a compliment
Getting through a difficult day


Creating a ChatGPT Login Account

Open your web browser and go to the ChatGPT website.

Click on the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button. You may find this button on
the homepage or in the navigation menu.
Fill out the required information in the sign-up form. Typically, you'll be asked to
provide the following details:

Full Name: Enter your first and last name.

Email Address: Provide a valid email address that you have access to.
Password: Create a secure password that is unique and not easily guessable.
After filling out the necessary information, click on the "Sign Up" or "Create
Account" button.

Check your email inbox for a verification email from ChatGPT. If you don't see it
in your inbox, make sure to check your spam or junk folder.

Open the verification email and click on the verification link provided. This will
confirm your email address and activate your ChatGPT account.

Once your email is verified, return to the ChatGPT website and log in using your
email address and password.
Congratulations! You have successfully created your ChatGPT login account. You
can now start using the ChatGPT platform to interact with the AI model.

Using ChatGPT is easy. Once logged in to the platform, you can chat with the AI
language model. You can ask ChatGPT any question, and it will provide you with
the best answer possible. You can also engage ChatGPT in a conversation or ask
for its opinion.

Please note that the specific steps or layout of the ChatGPT website may vary, so
it's always a good idea to refer to the website itself for the most up-to-date
instructions during the account creation process.
Dear Students,

Congratulations on completing another successful academic year! As

you embark on your summer break, we encourage you to continue
fostering your knowledge and creativity. To make your holidays more
enjoyable and intellectually stimulating, we have prepared a list of
activities that incorporate ChatGPT, our friendly language model.
These activities will not only help you have fun but also enhance your
critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge in various subjects.

Write a Short Story: Use ChatGPT as a creative writing tool.

Begin a story with a few sentences and let ChatGPT generate the
next paragraph. Continue this collaborative storytelling process
until you have an exciting and unique short story.

Conduct an Interview: Imagine you have the opportunity to

interview a famous historical figure or a renowned scientist.
Prepare a list of questions and use ChatGPT to generate their
responses based on your knowledge of their lives and
achievements. Make it as informative and engaging as possible.

Solve Math Problems: ChatGPT can assist you in solving math

problems. Create a set of challenging math questions for yourself
and input them into ChatGPT. Compare the answers provided by
ChatGPT with your own solutions. Discuss any differences and try
to understand the reasoning behind both approaches.

Plan a Virtual Trip: With the help of ChatGPT, plan an imaginary

virtual trip to a country or city of your choice. Research about
the location's culture, landmarks, history, and local cuisine.
Create an itinerary with activities and attractions you would like
to experience during your virtual journey.
Write a Poem: Collaborate with ChatGPT to create a unique and
expressive poem. Start with a line or two, and then alternate
between your lines and ChatGPT's suggestions. Experiment with
different poetic styles and themes to produce an intriguing and
evocative piece of writing.

Remember, the goal of these activities is to have fun while engaging

with ChatGPT and expanding your knowledge and skills. Feel free to
explore other subjects and ideas beyond the suggestions provided.
We encourage you to use ChatGPT responsibly and always critically
evaluate the generated responses.

Wishing you a joyful and productive summer break! We look forward

to hearing about your experiences and seeing the results of your
collaboration with ChatGPT when you return to school.

i. Build a Paper Airplane Launcher 2

ii. Water Cycle in a Bottle 4

iii. Elephant Toothpaste Experiment 6

iv. Popsicle Stick Catapult 8

These activities are all easy enough for you to try, and you probably alreadyhave all
the naterials you need at home. The steps for all the experiments arelisted to guide
you through the process. Begin with your favourites and let science turn into fun!

1. Build a Paper Airplane Launcher:

Try throwing a paper airplane by moving just your wrist (don't move yourelbow or
shoulder). It's hard, isn't it? How could you get a paper airplane tofly far if you can use
only a short distance to launch it? Try this activity to find out!

You will need:

• Paper
• Rubber bands
• Pen or pencil
• Paper clips
• Tape or stapler
• Construction materials to
build a paper airplane
launcher. You can use whatever materials you have available. Examples
include cardboard, building toys such as LEGO or wood.
• Open area to launch paper airplanes (without wind or strong drafts)
• Build several paper airplanes to test. As paper airplanes can get bent or
destroyed easily, it's a good idea to build more than one.
• Tape or staple a paper clip to the nose of each paper airplane. The outer
straight part of the paper clip should point backward parallel to the bottom of
the plane, so it can serve as a hook to attach to the rubber band. There will
be some pull on the hook, so make sure it's secure.
• Practice throwing your paper airplane using your entire arm. How far can
you throw your plane? How much do you move your arm when you throw it?
• Now try to throw your airplane only using your wrist. Keep your shoulder
and elbow still. How far can you throw the plane now?
• Next try launching your airplane using a very simple "catapult." Now use
the engineering design process to build a more permanent launcher for your
airplane. Draw a few sketches of your design ideas, and pick one to build.
• Build a prototype of your design and test it.

Once you are done, reflect on what you learnt during this activity:

2. Water Cycle in a Bottle:
How Does the Water Cycle Work?

A few important terms relating to the water cycle are:

• evaporation – turning from liquid into vapor

• condensation – turning from vapor gas to
• precipitation – the product of condensation that
falls from the sky under gravity. E.g. drizzle,
rain, sleet, snow, hail

You will need:

• Plastic Water Bottle

• Water
• Blue food Coloring {optional but helpful}
• Sharpies


1. Draw clouds, a sun, water and land on the sides of the bottle.
2. Mix up about a 1/4 cup of water and blue food coloring for each bottle
and pour the water into the bottle.

3. Place it near the sunlight. After a while, observe the condensation

droplets forming on the bottle.

Don’t forget to paste a photo of your water cycle below:

3. Elephant Toothpaste Experiment:
You will need:
• 2 Tablespoons Warm
• 1 Teaspoon Yeast
• Food Coloring
• Hydrogen Peroxide –
Either 3% or 6%
• Dish Soap
• Empty Plastic Bottle
• Funnel

1. Combine two tablespoons of warm water with one teaspoon of yeast and
mix until the yeast is completely dissolved in the water.
2. Pour 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide into the empty bottle.
3. Add a few drops of food coloring into the bottle.
4. Add a squirt of dish soap into the bottle.
5. Finally, pour the mixture of water and yeast into the bottle. Watch carefully
and observe what happens.

After you are done, fill out the reflection sheet below stating your findings.

4. Popsicle Stick Catapult:
You will need:

• Popsicle sticks (8)

• Rubber bands (at least 5)
• Glue
• Plastic bottle cap to hold a cotton ball
• Cotton balls
• Small open area (One square meter will do. It should be a sturdy, flat
surface such as a table or floor.)
• Optional: markers to decorate your popsicle sticks


1. Put your catapult in an open area with a sturdy, flat surface such as a
table or an open space on a hard floor. Clear about a meter of open
space for the cotton ball to fly and land.
2. Place a cotton ball in the launching cup, push the cup down just a little
bit and let go.
3. Put your cotton ball in the cup, push the cup down farther, release and
4. Try more launches.

Don’t forget to upload a picture of your catapult.



‫‪ o‬رحتریتہبایھچاوراصفوہیناچےیہ۔‬
‫‪ o‬اینپویٹھچںاکاکموخدرکےنیکوکششرکںی۔‬
‫‪ o‬امتماکماترخیاوردنےکاسھترکںی۔‬
‫‪ o‬اینپرحترییالصتیحوکڑباھےنےکےیلاانپ‬

‫ہحفصربمن‬ ‫رہفتس‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫یقیلختاکم‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪21‬‬ ‫وصترییاہکین‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪28‬‬ ‫طخ‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪34‬‬ ‫میہفت‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫‪41‬‬ ‫رگارم‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫‪50‬‬ ‫احمورات‬ ‫‪6‬‬


‫‪1‬۔ خیشیلچیکاہکاینں‬

‫‪2‬۔ رغوراکرساچین‬

‫‪3‬۔ وھچکااوررخوگش‬

‫‪4‬۔ اافتقںیمربتکےہ‬

‫اہکیناکانم‪ :‬۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬


‫قبسآومز‬ ‫اسیسنئ‬ ‫اجدویئ‬ ‫زماہیح‬





















‫ونعان‪_________________________ :‬‬



‫ونعان‪_________________________ :‬‬







‫اپین دقرت یک اکی اومنل تمعن ےہ۔دقرت یک ا س میظع تمعن یک وہج ےس داین ےک اکم رواں دواں‬
‫ںیہ۔زنیم رپ زدنیگاکببس اپین ےہ۔ اِسےک ریغبااسنن‪،‬اجونر‪ ،‬درتخ‪،‬وپدےرغضیسک رطح یک‬
‫زدنیگ نکمم ںیہن۔اپین زدنیگ یک امہ رتنی رضورت ےہ۔داین ںیم اپین احلص رکےن ےک دو رطےقی‬
‫ںیہ۔الہپ رطہقی دقریت ےہ سج ںیم مہ ابرش‪،‬درای‪،‬اتالب‪،‬ولیھجں‪،‬دنی اور ربف ےنلھگپ ےس اپین‬
‫احلص رکےت ںیہ۔دورسا ونصمیع رطہقی ےہ سج ںیم ویٹب ولی‪،‬ونکؤں اور ڈومیں ےس اپین اتلم‬
‫ےہ۔اعیمل امرہنیاکانہکےہہک زنیم ےکادنر اپین یک حطس زیتی ےسمک وہ ریہ ےہ ۔اپین یکیمک وک روےنک‬
‫اچی۔‬‫ےکےیلںیمہڈمیانبےناچےیہاورالبرضورتاپینےکاامعتسلوکروانک ئ‬












‫اوب دبعاہلل درزی کلم اشم ںیم راتہ اھت۔ تہب‬
‫ےس ولگ ان ےس ڑپکے ولساےت ےھت ان ںیم‬
‫اکی وجمیس یھب اشلم اھت ۔ وج تہب اچالک اور‬
‫دوھےک ابز اھت۔ وہ ہشیمہ السیئ رکواےن ےک دعب‬
‫اوکن وھکاٹ ہکس دے اجات اھت اور بجعت یک ابت ےہ‬
‫ہک وہ اچہپن ےک دعب یھب وہ ہکس رھک ےتیل ےھت۔‬
‫اکی دن ااسی وہا ہک وہ داکن رپ ںیہن ےھت ان اک‬
‫المزم اھت وہ وجمیس آای اور اس ےن السیئ ےک‬
‫وسیپں ںیم وھکاٹ ہکس دای وج ہک المزم ےن اچہپن رک‬
‫واسپ رک دای ۔ اس ےن داھکی ہک وہ ڑکپا ایگ ےہ وت اس ےن ہکس دبل دای۔ اوب دبعاہلل ےک آےن رپ ان ےک‬
‫المزم ےن اسرا امرجا انسایہکاس اکایںوجمیسےن ایک ایکاھت ۔ اس یکابتنس رکدبعاہللےناہک اکش مت وہ‬

‫ےلمج‬ ‫اافلظ‬











‫اافلظاضتمداوررتمادف ےکوجڑےاگلاگلرکںی۔‬



‫اافلظرتمادف‬ ‫اافلظاضتمد‬


‫(رخف۔ڈر)‬ ‫‪1‬۔وفادوک۔۔۔۔۔۔اھتہکںیہککاہناکٹےل۔‬

‫(اداس۔وخش)‬ ‫‪2‬۔امشہلئیلیہسےکرھگہناجےنرپ۔۔۔۔۔۔یھت۔‬

‫(زیبار۔نکھت)‬ ‫‪3‬۔ابنتحآجزایدہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔وہےنیکوہجےسدلجیوسیئگ۔‬

‫(رخف۔ہصغ)‬ ‫‪4‬۔لیبناکاھکلوہاومضمنڑپھرکدادیےناےس۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےسےلگاگلایل۔‬

‫(ریحان۔رپاشین)‬ ‫‪5‬۔قفشتہب۔۔۔۔۔۔۔وہیئبجاسےکےئنڑپکوںرپاسنلرگایگ۔‬

‫(رکفدنم۔وخش)‬ ‫‪6‬۔اسلحدنمسریکریسرپمہبس۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےھت۔‬


‫س‬ ‫چ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ل‬ ‫گ‬ ‫س‬

‫د‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ٹ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ع‬ ‫و‬
‫ا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ک‬ ‫م‬ ‫ر‬
‫ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫خ‬ ‫گ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫و‬ ‫ج‬
‫ہ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ز‬ ‫س‬ ‫و‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬
‫ا‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ڈ‬ ‫پ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ک‬
‫ر‬ ‫ء‬ ‫غ‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ظ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ھ‬
‫ص‬ ‫ا‬ ‫د‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ی‬ ‫گ‬ ‫ی‬


‫‪ ‬اافلظاوررتمادفےکوجڑے ئ‬


‫رتمادف‬ ‫اافلظ‬













‫(امعرت)‬ ‫‪ .1‬رہشںیمیئن۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔یکریمعتاجریےہ۔‬

‫‪ .2‬امیبرییکوہجےسےھجمدو۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔یکیٹھچینیلڑپی۔ (ویم)‬

‫(زویر)‬ ‫‪ .3‬انسرےنہکلمےکےیل۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔انبےئ۔‬

‫(دصہق)‬ ‫‪ .4‬۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔تبیصموکاٹےتلںیہ۔‬

‫‪ .5‬امہرےوکسلںیمایبنج۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اکداہلخعنمےہ۔ (رفد)‬




‫ینعم‬ ‫احمورے‬
‫اانپ ّالودیساھرکان‬





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