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I am watching Tv in the bedroom.

Ms. Vania is teaching English to her students.

Is she cooking pasta?
My friends are playing tenis.
Is it raining outside?
I am not going to school today.
They aren´t drinking coffee.
Are you studying English?
Jhon am not studying for an exam.

What is she doing? She is reading.

What are they doing in the kitchen? They are cooking.
What are many and frank doing? They are studying English.
What is Martha doing on the sofa?

1- The dog 5 Are eaIng dinner in the dining room.

2- Walter 4 Is in the bedroom reading a board.
3- Charlie 1 Is sleeping on the bed.
4- BeOy 2 Is eaIng breakfast.
5- Mr. and Mrs. Smith 3 Is eaIng lunch.

It's a beauIful day in the park, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing Mr. Jones are
reading the newspaper and Mrs. Jones is listening to the radio. Sally and PaOy Jones are
studying, and Tommy Lee Jones is playing the guitar. It´s a beauIful day.

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