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Back in the day, students would attend school six days a week, having the availability to rest only on

Sundays. It was assumed that a six-day week was a necessity in order for the students to cover the
requisite academic material. Though, with the passage of time, this format has been altered. Eventually,
nowadays, school only lasts five days and students have a whole weekend to unwind.

Firstly, until the school day scheme was modified, students would be worn out and have little time for
studying. It was certain that the strain of school should have been eased in some way, with the initial
plan being to reduce schools to five days, which allegedly came out to be applied. Moreover, the
students would have an overload of homework which, unquestionably, heavily affected the pupils
physically, not to mention performance-wise. Moreover, not only would schools require a lot of studying
and preparation, but also full concentration. With that being said, children who would attend school
would ought to stretch their weekly schedules and pay more attention to school than any other
activities. For instance, someone who would particularly adore foreign languages or athletic activities,
such as football or volleyball, would have very limited time so as to do both or even one out of those
two activities. In essence, pupils would have no other choice than to zero in on school more than on the
activities they would have a soft spot for.

On the other hand, attending school up until Saturday would prove to be partly beneficial. Assuredly,
there would be increased knowledge acquisition, and the search for a decent occupation would be
alleviated. Example given, a group of pupils that would have school for six-days weekly would ostensibly
have better results at the end of a single school season than of those who would rest on the weekends.
Furthermore, school would deem as a far more significant destination, and it would definitely be
encountered with an enhanced seriousness.

All in all, I am strongly in favour of school lasting for five days, as it is of critical importance for students
to be more relaxed and have more time to spend with their families, or for activities.

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