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When God blesses a man another man is in trouble that is why God

confirmed that he is the God that removes kings and put kings so the
putting of kings is the removal of kings for this child was born for the
rising and falling of many. Anytime a man is rising it is at the same time
that a man is going down. .But I am not among the generation that go
down. How you make your life work, how you make your business work
is by what you tell it. Every system created by God is a force; they can
only carry words.
My marriage is successful,
My ministry is successful
I am living an excellent life
There is excess health in my body
I am prosperous in all I do
Whatever I lay my hands to do they prosper
I am above only and never beneath
I am the first I am not the last
I shall not borrow I am lending to many nations
Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world
No weapon formed against me, No weapon formed against my family,
No weapon formed against my money, No weapon formed against my
iinvestment, No weapon formed against my business, No weapon
formed against my marriage shall prosper
I win, I succeed, I grow, I increase, I advance,
I grow in statue and in favour before God and before men
I have grace
I am favoured
I have mercy.
Do you know what we just did what did we just do we entered the faith
realm and generated force do you understand we entered the realms of
faith and generated force that's what we did. do you understand it is in
the realms of faith that you walk in and say every system that has been
set in motion against me, against my prayer life, against my holiness,
against my Bible study life, against my business, against my finances, I
command you system crash by fire; when you say that you release a
different sentence ignoring the devil does not make him flee, it is
resisting him did you hear me ignoring the devil doesn't make him flee
everytime time Jesus saw devils when he was alive he never ignored
anyone he resists them he Said to some don't talk, he said to some get
out of here, he never casted any demon by ignoring them; the one he
ignored kept following him. The disciples also ignored one that one was
following them. They live by command where you generate the energy If
your business will move if the things you do will move you will go to the
faith realm am I preaching? you will go to what the faith realm and
generate energy the effectual, feverent prayer of the righteous man
availeth much. It makes tremendous power available. Where you
release power generated it is in that realm of faith that is why there is
faith and there is work it is in the faith section that you empower the
work. people don't bring result because they are doing something people
bring result because they are backing up what they are doing that is
what creates results it is the spiritual that calls customers the idea of how
to run your business comes from spiritual do you know if you go to the
occultic sector people are imparted with business knowledge you don't
know they impart them with business plans that one will come out and
create one thing and people will be following it. Am I communicating it is
in the faith sector that you generate energy.

lift up your heads oh you gates ye everlasting power the king of
glory is about to walk into my life walk into my finances walk, into
my marriage, walk into the Wordforce Church the king of glory is
coming in. Lift up your hands (Tongues)

One of the reasons you must pray and generate energy from the place
of faith the sector of faith is that 1 Peter 2:9 ye are a chosen generation
royal priest hood a holy nation a peculiar people it said you are called
forth to show something the excellencies, the praises, the good things
that surround the personality of him that has called you out of darkness
into his marvelous light annoiting with result can produce annoyance
Christianity without evidence can produce doubt. Am I communicating
once in a while God will do film for you so that you will know that he that
kepeth Isreal does not sleep nor slumber lift up your hands and demand
for evidence,
show your self alive in my life, manifest yourself, show yourself in
my character, come and kill everything that does not look like you,
show yourself in my behavior, show yourself in my prayer life,
show yourself in my Bible study life, show yourself in my faith
life,Show yourself in my finances, show yourself in my business.

Lay your hand on your head; the Bible said that the hand of the lord
came upon me and the lord took me the hand of the lord came on me
and the lord took me listen, some of you when you pray this prayer now
you will feel an obvious opening of a door, you will feel an obvious
breakage of a chain you will feel an obvious energy that came on you for
advancement another thing that will happen is that when we begin to
pray, someone that has been at peace, an anointing will come on
your leg you either start running or you start walking fast, it is the
confirmation of the annoiting for progression.

If the hand of the lord comes on you where ever you are supposed to be
he will take you to that place. Put your hands on your head and shout

Oh God lay your hand on me, move my life forward lay your hand
on me Holy Ghost, lay your hand on me come upon me in a mighty

Lay your hand on your stomach, the Bible said out of the belly shall flow
rivers of living water let me tell you what rivers of living water does;
when rivers are flowing, what people do, even you what you have done
or some of you here is that, you carry your waste product and go to the
river and throw it no matter how rough you throw it, the water Will carry
it. When the Bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water it
told you that a time will come when you will introduce into your life the
water that will wash out every system that does not represent God.
There is a river that will begin to flow in your life that will carry addictions
will carry hungers out evil thirsts he will carry it out am I communicating
put your right hand on Your stomach lift your other hand up

Father as I pray now let the rivers of living waters flow from my
belly let it flow as its flowing let it carry away addictions, evil
hungers, evil thirsts Failures retrogression everything that is not of
God, let the rivers of living waters carry them away out of my life,
out of my ministry, out of my calling, out my…… Out of my
finances, out of my business, out of my marriage out of my
relationships with people in the name of Jesus, Pray!

Let the waters of God carry away every seed that the heavenly father as
not planted let the waters of God uproot every seed that my heavenly
father has not planted. Some of you will lose addictions, evil hungers
hungers that drag you to the wrong place, hungers that drag you to the
wrong people, hungers that drag you to the wrong environment, hungers
that drag you to the wrong events, you will loose it now!

Lift up your right hand of power I contend against every system of the
enemy that has been made organized against me and against what God
has called me to do, against who God has called me to be and against
what God has released for me I contend against that system, I declare
that the source of energy to that system is cursed. They should know
you in the realms of the spirit as very wicked “don't touch that guy he
does not have human sympathy” they should know you like that in the
realms of the spirit because if you pet a demon away he will come back.

The Bible says but we wrestle against principalities; principalities are

systems and government when you hear the vices of the enemy they
can look at what God has planned for you and set up a long lasting
system that will follow you till five years learning that thing, discovering it
discovering you so that they can know when to strike you.

Every system that has been set on any altar against my business,
against my life, against my family, against my marriage, against my
calling, my gifts, the purpose of God for my life, every voice saying he
will not fulfill it, every voice saying it shall not come to pass, every voice
saying it shall, not stand I stand as an oracle of God I stand in my
priesthood to declare that the mouth of God has not spoken therefore let
them expire under pressure if you decree it it shall come to pass that is
the scripture decree a thing it will not happen next week it will happen
lift up your right hand say my father my God km the name of Jesus I
decree and I declare that because I am victorious through christ Jesus I
decree that every system that the enemy has made against me against
my prayer life against my spiritual life to bring me down to nothing
against my business against my finances against my marriage against
this church to bring us down to nothing today in the name of Jesus we
overcome it we rebuke it we frustrate it we cast we uproot it we terminate
it we declare it expired now in the name of Jesus my God freedom is
coming freedom is here the devil has lied again freedom is here the theif
is got….. Seven times of what he has stolen every system of the enemy
set up against me to ensure failure in my life i rebuke you system i…. I
over come you i command you return back to your sender return back to
your sender you don't know I have a platform in me you don't know i
have a style in me……….. It shall not stand it shall not come to pass in
the name of Jesus lift up your right hand of power my father my God
every satanic pronouncements made over my life backfire the Bible said
balam hired balak not to war against Israel to curse them listen to me
sentences are more powerful than bullets a man can shoot you a gun
and you will die now but it cannot kill your son it is only with words that
you can kill somebody's nine generations only with words some people
words are following them from villages some people words are following
them from there work place I hope you know that when a witch sees you
you don't have to be related…………. Some people wake up they start
behaving the way they don't like they don't like it but they cannot help it
and they don't know why and they don't know it is a pronouncement
somebody can see the way you serve God and say you will serve God
till you die but you will not touch money you will not touch anything he
said since you want to be you will be a Recherd Christian and this word
will stand as soldier because ezikel said I prophesied as I was
demanded and bones became soldiers a prophecy can convert a bone
to a soldier for we know that the whole world was framed by the word of
God so if you speak you can create from nothing something by talking a
good man can become a bad man by a pronouncement some of you
watch Nigerian movies and you don't know that some of those things are
real and you don't know that they don't just copy they are in the
environment and they know what goes on there I watched a movie it
wasn't really that I watched it fully but you know when a movie is going
on as you walked in then you glanced a little bit at the screen the theme
is i met the place the movie was taken back to what happened that is
why he is being like that that's how I understood it the guy was a very
intelligent boy the whole village loved him some of you might have even
watched it everybody was talking good about him and the…. Man didn't
like the way he was moving forward among the council of elders so the
good report of the guy is always happening among the elders so the
man went into his shrine took up whatever he took up and then and said
that this young man will continue to be a thief taking what does not
belong to him you think it was you that liked what you were doing
somebody must have spoken your mind into it this war is spiritual and
he just said it and the thing entered the young man this young man will
see somebody's shirt pick it and he also prounced that as you steal they
will be catching you so character assassination is not only done by
bloggers people can use prouncements to put a wrong behavior in you
they are correcting you you don't want to listen and your mother is telling
you this was not you before they saw his star and they followed it, it's not
everybody that follows star that comes to give gift some people followed
star to give gift but hands will join with hands and the wicked shall not go
unpunished lift up your right hand my father my God every satanic
demonic occultic pronouncement every witchcraft prouncement made
over my life over my destiny in the name of Jesus I over ride them I
command them overcome overpower overturn return back to your
sender the Bible said who has believed our report so the strength of
report is in who has believed it the strength of every report is in the faith
that backs it up when a man tenders a report and nobody believes him
the report is useless that is why the native doctor first believes what he
says so that if you don't believe he has his own faith but you don't
believe by just not believing by your words you can show your disbelief
who has believed our report every prouncement made against me I
refuse it i reject it I return it to the sender there is no ground in me for the
germination of that seed the Bible said that the sower soweth a word
what people sow in people's lives are words and he was explaining the
parable and he said some seeds that fell on Rocky ground are these
ones the ones that the thorns choked are these ones and the ones that
fell on good soil so which means soil also helps the growth of seeds
Sowers sow words a man can send a word into your life and you say
that the soil where this one lies is no longer good for the word it is good
for every other thing God has said but for this word it is incondusive if the
Can sow his seed as a word it means my soil i can make it as a word
Lift your hand my father my God every demonic pronuncement every
satanic pronouncements every declaration of failure every prophecy of
failure backwardness retrogression diminishion today i declare that seed
cannot find a good soil that seed backfires returns back to sender seed
return back to your sender failure return back to your sender
retrogression return back to your sender in the name of Jesus every man
every woman every wizard every witch every occultic grand Master
every demonic man every satanic servant that made declarations over
my life I command you in the name of Jesus take you declarations back i
refuse it i reject it I reject it for my family take your declaration back put
your hands on your head and say only the council of the lord prevails in
my life lift your hands i am blessed succeful in all I do i bear the fruits of
righteousness blessed is the fruit of my burden i am blessed when I go
out and when I come in I am blessed when I sleep and when I wake up I
have life in abundance I don't die I live in health divine health is mine
prosperity is mine success is mine I am the glory of God I am the
excellence of God I show forth the praises of him he has called me out of
darkness into his marvelous light i don't borrow i lend to many nations I
am blessed and not cursed I am blessed cannot be cursed I am blessed
will never be cursed I am accepted in the beloved Jesus is my lord and
my saviour I am a member of the family of God I belong to God I belong
to Jesus I belong to christ greater is he that is in me than he that is in
the world I do not care who rises against me no weapon formed against
me shall prosper a thousand shall fall at my side ten thousand at my
right hand it shall not come near me only with my eyes shall I see and
behold the reward of the wicked every system every demon that rises
against me in the name of Jesus that collapse for my sake this is the
word of the lord lift your hands God has not given me don't murmur this
thing you are leaving an instruction in the realm of the spirit lift your
hands up all things that partain to life and to godliness…. I Am a light of
this world i am a city I am set on a hill I can not be hid not by the devil
not by the government not by the policies not by curses my business
cannot be hid my marriage cannot be hid greater is he that is in me than
he that is in the world I have God in my life i have Jesus in my life i live in
christ and christ in God every mouth and every tinugye that rises against
me in judgement hear he the world of the lord in the name of Jesus I
condem you speak no more talk no more prophecy no more in the name
of Jesus I override I overcome every system every government every
placed by the enemy instustitued by the enemy constituted by the
enemy to ensure retrogression in my life failure in my life because I
cannot fail because I cannot retrogression because I live foward
because I cannot be cursed because the sacrifice of Jesus is superior to
every other sacrifice because the altar of Abba father Is superior to
anyother altar because the blood of Jesus speaker better things than
every other blood every curse Set against my life you cannot work back
to your sender i am curseless i receive forgiveness of sin I receive
deliverance from the kingdom of darkness………………….. And of the
gift of righteousness I receive more grace when the apostles finished
writing the epistle they will say the grace of our lord Jesus christ be
multipled to you i receive multipled grace for my life for my calling for my
glory for my business for my marriage for this church we receive
multipled grace we cannot fail we shall not fail we will not fail we have
never failed we can never fail I am not poor i am rich in things that eyes
can see and things that eyes cannot see I prosper above all things my
spirit prospers my soul prospers and my body is in health prospering
succeeding I cannot be stopped i cannot go back i am moving foward
from glory to glory from grace to grace from more to more from
abundance to abundance from nobody to somebody
I am moving from no where to now here the glory of God radiates from
me the glory of God manifests upon me the glory of God is upon me
spirit soul and body I am full of the holy ghost the Bible says be not filled
with one wherein there is excess but be full of the spirit I am full of the
spirit of God wisdom is mine because my father is not an author of
confusion I can never be confused not a day in my life do you know what
your doing your instructing your words mine is the kingdom mine is the
money mine is the kingdom mine is the power mine is the glory I take
over the nations of the earth with the gospel of Jesus alleluia some
people are taking over the nation with bitcoin some people are taking
over the nations with ethereum some people are taking over the nation
with football some people are taking over the nation with music I am
taking over the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ and what did the
Bible say about it…… How beautiful is the feet of them that preach the
gospel my feet is beautiful my goodness what does it mean for your feet
to be beautiful you cannot walk into the wrong place Jesus was
travelleing he said my peace i live with you i have peace i take peace i
receive peace for my life for my finances for my family there is peace for
me there is miracle for me in the name of Jesus there is peace for my
family there are four families the lord is saying the peace is going there
there is peace for my family there is peace upon my mother peace upon
my father in the name of Jesus every arrow of division fired at your
family that arrow is returned back to the sender this is the instruction you
give you generate strength from the place of prayer i cannot be cursed i
am soaring on wings like the eagle I do not get weary I do not get tired i
do not get weary……… I do not lose my reward the lord is my God the
God of Jacob is my defense by my God I run over a troop by my God I
leap over a wall nothing absolutely nothing is impossible with me I am
anointed the Bible said the anointing of the lord is upon me the spirit of
the lord is upon me for the lord has anointed me to which means
everything a man is to do his needs annoiting to it is the annoiting that
energizes I am anointed to produce results to produce excellencies to
produce praises everywhere I go in everything I do therefore in the name
of Jesus every system that speaks otherwise in my life stop speaking
forever in the name of Jesus I have victory i have go ahead and bless
the lord and thank him my business is prospering now my finances are
released from the delay of the enemy from the hands of the enemy am
walking in divine provision and divine abundance oh nothing is too hard
for me I carry in me the God of all flesh my God has supplied all my
needs…….. By christ jesus he has supplied it glory be to God what a
might God thank him what a might God thank you lord join your hands
together lift it up in the name of Jesus we collectively rebuke every
assignment of the spirit of death upon this church upon anyone in this
church or their family members or their relatives close or distant death is
banished nobody will die for anyone that the enemy has distributed
death for has prounced death for we give you 120 years thank you lord.

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