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James 2vs20-27

The Faith Equation!

Faith without works is dead. If you read alittle bit before here in
the same chapter, you’re going to see where the bible was
saying “you believe there’s one God and the devil also believe
there’s one God”. One of the make up of man is that man foes
not apologize. Man doesn’t know how to say sorry, that is the
reason why when Adam ate the fruit, God asked him why he
did so and he blamed on the woman. He brought the wife in
the equation, God did not even ask Eve Anything. Eve brought
the thing…Because is the one that gives command, so when
God came and they have destroyed what God say they
shouldn’t destroy, God will look for the class prefect. God is a
covenant keeping God, not a covenant breaking God. If God
keeps you in charge of his system, he will never do anything in
that system without involving you. Keep to principles; of
doesn’t keep to principles, he’s enemies will judge him. God is
just, when you hear that God is just, it means that he follows
due process, do you know God would have done, “receive it”,
and the whole world will be born again, God can do it. But if
your relationship with him or the devil is dependent on faith,
then the devil will accuse God if tour relationship with God is
not based on faith. The devil will tell God “there’s cheating
somewhere, God allow me to also come to the earth and do
receive it so everybody will become an unbeliever”. So since
God will not let the devil do that, for will base it on faith, so
your choice is not God’s fault. What you decided to choose is
not God’s fault. What would be would be might be trueif you
be it. One of the first things God set up man to do which man
failed before Jesus came to restore man was what is called
responsibility. God created Adam, created man and gave him
an assignment, something to do; Adam, dress the garden. Man
has an assignment. When God creates a man, the first things he
gives him is an assignment. God doesn’t create people and say
“go and be playing first”. Its our parents that do that, we break
a glass and they say “allow him he’s a small boy”. God doesn’t
have small boy. God came to Jeremiah when he was in his
mother’s womb and said, I’ve ordained you to be a prophet an
he said, do not say you’re a child, do not let any man despise
your youth. When he begins to use his purpose, whether a
youth or adult or old man,he will still use him. That’s the first
thing you will have to remove from your mind: the mentality
that I am a child, as long as the purpose of God and the calling
of God for your life is concerned, you’re not a child, you’ve not
been a child, cannot be a child, will not be a child. God told me
one day as I was complaining of my calling, how can you call me
and said I should I carry this kind of calling that he gave to
fathers , he said “ if I’ve called you to do what Fathers are
doing, it means I’ve given you a grace that I gave them”. God
does not send you to a job unprepared. So one of the first
things he thought Adam was responsibility. “Adam take care of
the garden not Adam take care of your wife. Adam was the one
that confirmed the names of the animals and he also named his
wife. Responsibility, am using Adam, on this basis of being born
again, it comprises of everybody. Responsibility,(you must be
responsible). God has called us onto responsibility. So when
you become a Christian this is one of the things I’ve seen,
there’s an error and it has to be corrected. When you become a
Christian, know that Christianity is partitioned into two (2) we
have the faith sector or equation and the work sector or
equation. It is the faith equation that energizes the work
equation and it is the work equation that confirms the faith
equation. The faith equation provides the energy for the work
equation, no man will pray if he doesn’t believe, doesn’t make
declarations, I told you that if you don’t decree what you want
in your world, your world will give you what give you another
man’s decree. The world works with decrees! When God
created the earth, God said let there be , anything that will be
on this earth, somebody will say it. Its possible the poverty
you’re experiencing is as a result of what someone said. The
person may not use voodoo to say it, its possible that person
said the whole money belonging to this country, he will pocket
it him and his children and he enters politics, he has made a
sentence, if you don’t change it, you won’t collect it. The Bible
says where the word of a king is there’s power, so there’s no
power in the action of a king, there’s power in the word of a
king. Where we release power for an activity is not in the work
equation but the faith equation. So the believer energizes his
business not by going to business but by speaking to the
business. The believer energizes his marriage not by getting
married but by speaking to the marriage. A believer makes the
life of his children work, jot be investing in them, but by
speaking to them.” Speaking to yourselves in hymns and
spiritual songs”, remember when god was done making man,
God called man and blessed man he mad a pronouncement on
them. Speaking to. You have to be careful, the first thing you
should be careful about is what you say to yourself. The second
thing you must watch out for is what is said in the environment
which you live. The things you must watch out for is who is
speaking into your life. Because who you follow determines
what follows you, you have to be careful about it. That's the
reason why it is risky in Christendom to have multiple mouth in
the name of men of God speaking to you. If God has said go
here, go there sit down and keep quiet, because bless me papa,
bless me papa, that's how some stars were missing, some
people that are papa ate not actually Papa, they’re wicked. So
because you don't Know who is who, Stay with who God told
you(Slight Diversion). So in the faith equation is where we
generate energy, You shall receive power, ability to do work bit
that is the literal meaning, but the power that was used there is
actually, Dunamis, God’s kind of power, not just that you’ll
receive, ability to do work, bit there’s a kind of ability God uses
to do work. It means we have power and God’s type of
power.we have capacity and God’s type of capacity. So in the
literal term, if you advertise for your business, people will buy
it, but God can give a man an idea, I hope you know in the
realms of the spirit, ideas are powers. God can give a man an
idea, the man applies it and people are looking for him and he
does not have a page online and you’re trying to understand,
how are you selling, he’s selling by the Holy Ghost.

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