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Chapter 2: Linear programming concepts:

- The management of any organization regularly must make decisions about

how to allocate its resource to various activities to best meet organizational
- Quản lý của bất kỳ tổ chức nào cũng phải thường xuyên phải đưa ra quyết
định về cách phân bổ nguồn lực của mình cho các hoạt động khác nhau để
đáp ứng tốt nhất các mục tiêu của tổ chức.
- Linear programming is a powerful problem- solving tool that aids
management in making such decisions.
- The resource being allocated to activities can, for example, money, different
kinds of personnel, and different kinds of machinery and equipment.
- The activities needing these resources might be production, marketing,
financial, or some other activities. They are competing for the same
- The basic approach for linear programming is to formulate a mathematical
model called the linear programming model to represent the problem and
then to analyze this model.
- Linear programming model includes:
Decision variables to represent the decisions to be made
Constrains to represent the restrictions on the feasible of these decision
Objective function that expresses the overall measure of performance for the
Management’s Discussion of the issues
- Having received Jim Baker’s memorandum describing the two products,
Join Hill now has called a meeting to discuss the current issues. In addition
to John and Jim, the meeting includes Bill Tasto, vice president for
manufacturing, and Ann Lester, vice president for marketing.
- Let’s eavesdrop on the meeting.
- John Hill( president): Bill, we will want to rev up to start production off
these product as soon as we can, About how much production output do you
think we can achieve?
- Bill Tasto( vice president for manufacturing): We do have a little available
production capacity, because of the product we are discontinuing, but not a
lot. We should be able to achieve a production rate of a few units per week
for each of these two products.
- John: Is that all?
- Bill: Yes. These are complicated products requiring careful crafting. And as
I said, we don’t have much production capacity available
- John: Ann, will we be able to sell several of each per week?
- Ann Lester( Vice president for marketing): Easily
- John: good. Now there’s one more issue to resolve. With this limited
production capacity, need to decide how to split it between the two products.
Do we want to produce the same number of both products? Or mostly one of
them? Or even just produce as much as we can of one and postpone
launching the other one for a little while?
- Jim baker(manager of new product development ): It would be dangerous to
hold one of products back and give our competition a chance to scoop us.
- Ann: I agree. Furthermore, launching them together has some advantages
from a marketing standpoint. Since the share a lot of the same special
features, we can combine the advertising for the two products. This is going
to make a big splash.
- John: Ok. But which mixture of the two product is going to be most
profitable for the company?
- Bill: I have a suggestion
- John: What’s that?
- Bill: A couple times in the past, our management science group has helped
us with these same kinds of product- mix decisions, and they’re done a good
job. They ferret out all the relevant data and then dig into some detailed
analysis of the issue. I’ve their input very helpful. And this is right down
their alley.
- John: Yes, you’re right. That is a good idea. Let’s get our Management
Science group working on this issue. Bill, will you coordinate with them?
- The meeting ends.
II. Case study: WYNDOR GLASS CO.
- The Wyndor Glass Co.Produces high- quality products, including windows
and glass doors.
- The company has three plants that simultaneously produce the components
of its products:
- Plant 1 produces aluminum frames and hardware( san xuat khung nhom va
cac khung cung)
- Plant 2 produces wood frames
- Plant 3 produces the glass and assembles the windows and doors( sản xuất
kính và lắp ráp)
Các bước làm bài:
B1: đặt biến( đặt biến cửa sổ và cửa lớn)
D: số cửa lớn cần sx
W: số cửa sổ
B2: xác định nhiệm vụ viết ra phương trình nhiệm vụ
Max profit=300xD+500xW
B3: xem xét các ràng buộc
D, W lớn hơn hoặc bằng không( d và w không âm)
Ràng buộc ở nhà máy số 1: 1D+ 0W<=4
Ràng buộc ở nhà máy số 2:0D+ 2W<=12
Ràng buộc ở nahf máy số 3:3D+2W<=18
Kết luận: để đạt được lợi nhuận tối đa là 3600$ công ty sẽ sản xuất 2 doors
và 6 windows mỗi tuần

Kiểm tra đã nhập số hay text, không gõ trực tiếp $ mà dùng phím tắt, màu vàng là màu của biến, nhiệm vụ
là màu cam, tính tổng phép nhân dùng sum product, array 1 là doors và windows , array 2 là b9:c9), cố
định số lượng nhấn f4, nếu không bấm f4 được thì bấm fn xong rồi chọn f4 để cố định, màu xanh dường là
đề bài.

Top management has decided to discontinue unprofitable product and

releasing production capacity to launch the two new products:
- Door: requires production capacity in Plant 1 and 3
- Window: require production capacity in plant 2 and 3
Management now needs to address two products?
- Should the company launching these two new products?
- If so, what should be the product mix- the number of units of each produced
per week- for the two new products?
III. Identify the problem
- The company wanted to know: which combination of production rates( the
number of units produced per week) for the two new product would
maximize the total profit ?
- Three question need to be answered to begin the process of using the
spreadsheet to formulate a mathematical model:
What are the decision to be made?
What are the constrains on these decision?
What is the overall measure of performance for these decision?
- Base on the three question, identifies the information it needs to gather to
conduct is study:
Available production capacity in each of the plants.
How much of the production capacity in each plant would be needed by each
Profitability of each product.
Table 2.1: Summary of the information obtained as follows.

Bài toán cho biết giá thành mà không cho biết chi phí=> Tối đa lợi nhuận=>
max profit
Bài toán cho biết cost thì max/ min cost
Cột thứ 4: là thời gian tối đa dành cho sản xuất


- Based n the information obtained, formulating linear programming model to
represent the problem and solve the model, it will give to the company in
which combination of production rates for two new products would
maximize the total profit.
- Spreadsheet provide a powerful and intuitive tool for displaying and
analyzing the problem. Therefore it will be applied in the process of
formulating and solving the linear programming model for Wyndor Glass

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