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finish the sentence without thinking

The best way to

relax after a long
day is
finish the sentence without thinking

The most interesting

place I've ever visited is
__________ because
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could invent
something, it would be
__________ to
finish the sentence without thinking

The most challenging

thing about learning a
new skill is
finish the sentence without thinking

The most adventurous

thing I've ever done is
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could live in any era

of history, I would
choose __________
because __________.
finish the sentence without thinking

The most frustrating

thing about
technology is
finish the sentence without thinking

My favorite childhood
memory is
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could be a
professional athlete, I
would choose
__________ sport
because __________.
finish the sentence without thinking

The most annoying

thing about social
media is __________.
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could have any job

in the world, I would be
a __________ because
finish the sentence without thinking

My favorite thing
about my
hometown/country is
finish the sentence without thinking

If I had one million

dollars, I would
finish the sentence without thinking

The most exciting thing

about the future is
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could be any
fictional character for
a day, I would choose
__________ because
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could visit any

country in the world, I
would choose
__________ because
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could have a
superpower, I would
choose __________
because __________.
finish the sentence without thinking

The most amazing

thing about nature is
finish the sentence without thinking

The most challenging

aspect of learning a
new language is
finish the sentence without thinking

If I could travel back in

time, I would go to
__________ because

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