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Gonzaga, Reinalene V. Sept.

2, 2023
SBIE – 3C Mam Amalia Lasquite

I chose theater as one architectural structure that I am familiar with. Theater uses live
performers to present accounts of imaginary events before a live audience. Theater art
performances usually follow a script. Much like in filmmaking, theaters also consider
several elements such as acting, gesture, lighting, sound effects, musical scores,
scenery, and props. Some genres of theater include drama, musicals, tragedy, comedy,
and improvisation. It's applied to arts by Industrial design, interior design, and graphic
design are considered applied arts. Applied is often compared to fine arts, where the
latter is chiefly concerned with aesthetic value. Theater helps us to see a different
perspective from our own. We’re shown humanity, psychology, motivations, conflict, and
resolution. We as the audience get to witness the trajectory of persons other than
ourselves. Musicals are a form of art. They require skill and imagination to put a show
on and to keep it running. While to some it may not seem interesting or like it should be
a form of art, musicals combine many forms of art, music, dance, and acting, into one
solid form. Theater is different from other arts because it is movement and voice and
telling a story. It is bringing words from a page to life. But it is so much more than that. It
incorporates many different art forms into one piece of art. Theater is a collaborative art
form that combines words, voice, movement, and visual elements to express meaning.
Theatre doesn’t only act as entertainment; it holds up a mirror to society and influences
introspection. You can discover something new about yourself and the world you live in
by watching what unfolds in front of you. Theatre is an intriguing discipline of the fine
arts, and it is unique and important in the school curriculum.

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