Dê HSG Anh 8. 2018.ly Nhat Quang

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Question 1 ( 7 points): Listen to the dialogue and decide if the statements below are true or
false. Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
Water polo club
1. There are four different age groups that play water polo.
2. Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club.
3. The under 16s water polo team train three times a week.
4. The under 16s train on Monday and Thursday.
5. Training for the water polo team starts this week
6. You have to pay to join the water polo classes for under 18s.
7. You need to bring a photo to register at the swimming pool.
Question 2 (6 points): You will hear an interview with a woman called Amy Rowntree,
who works as a fashion designer. For each question, choose the best answer A, B, or C.
Write it in ‘Your answers’ part.
1. Amy decided to become a fashion designer while
A. she was still at school
B. she was working in a shop.
C. she was helping run a fashion show.
2. Amy says the most important skill for a designer is
A. remaining patient in difficult situations.
B. knowing about different materials.
C. understanding how clothes are made.
3. What does Amy particularly like about her work?
A. being able to sell her designs.
B. seeing her clothes on display.
C. having her name recognised.
4. How does Amy feel about today’s fashion?
A. she would like clothes to be more practical.
B. she feels clothes should be more attractive.
C. she’s pleased sports clothes are popular.
5. What helps Amy find new ideas for designs?
A. seeing things around her.
B. going to visit museums.
C. looking at photos of clothes.
6. What project is Amy working on at the moment?
A. a collection of clothes for a film.
B. a fashion show in New York.
C. a new range for a London store.
Question 3 (6 points): You will hear a student called Steve talking about working in a
forest in New Zealand. For each question, fill in the missing information . Write it in ‘Your
answers’ part.
Working in a forest in New Zealand.
Steve had acommodation in a shared (1)......................................

Steve says it was important to have good (2)................................. at the end of each day.

Steve worked with a team that made a (3).............................................through the forest.

Steve also collected information needed for a (4)............................of the forest area.
In the morning Steve was surprised to hear the sound of (5)...........................in the forest.

When he did the trip, Steve only had to pay for his (6).......................................
Question I. Pick out the word (A, B, C or D) whose underlined parts are pronounced
differently from those of the other words.
1. A. thermal B. telepathy C. ethnic D. therefore
2. A. generous B. language C. gentle D. gather
3. A. wicked B. liked C. stopped D. promised
Question II. Identify the word whose stressed pattern is different from that of the others.
4. A. museum B. scenery C. preserve D. relax
5. A. majority B. generation C. contaminate D. evacuate
Question I: Choose the best option(A, B, C, or D) to complete the sentence.
1. Seldom _________ art critics consider movies to be a form of fine art.
A. are B. that C. do D. the
2. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no alternative
but to _____ her.
A. export B. deport C. eject D. expel
3. We _______ at about seven o’clock this morning and we eventually arrived at half past four.
A. set in B. set to C. set up D. set out
4. The air-sea search operation is continuing although hopes of finding survivors are
A. dimming B. fading C. dissolving D. reducing
5. She was singing to herself all the way home. She _________ very happy about something.
A. should have been B. will be C. would have been D. must have been
6. It was ________ serious accident that he was kept in hospital for a month.
A. such B. such a C. so D. so a
7. .....................nice the weather is today!
A. What B. That C. Which D. How
8. The flight number 671 to Paris....................at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.
A. arrives B. is arriving C. has arrived D. will arrive
9. On leaving prison, Vic decided to turn over a new _________ and to give up his old life of
A. book B. page C. chapter D. leaf
10. No ________ how hard he tries, he always seems to make the same grammatical mistakes.
A. importance B.effect C. matter D. question
11. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one _________ the most.

A. it influences farmers B. that influences farmers
C. farmers that it influences D. why farmers influences it
12. The magician had a brother, who was even more................, and he wanted to kill Aladdin.
A. wicked B. fierce C. ugly D. mean
13. To save money, we should _________ the amount of energy used in your homes.
A. increase B. leave C. reduce D. stop
14. “Thank you very much” ~ “________.”
A. Good idea B. Not all C. You’re welcome D. Nothing
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Question II: Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Example: 0. confusion
Culture shock is a feeling of (0)_________experienced by someone CONFUSE
visiting a new country and being confronted with an FAMILIAR
(1)_________culture. It is experienced by many of the thousands of the
students who leave home to study English in an English- speaking
country. These students have to cope with changes in weather, food, RESEARCH
language and behavior. (2)_________have found that there are several
stages of culture shock and that adjusting to life in a new country is an
ongoing and gradual process. EXCITE
Initially, students may feel (3)_________about the new culture. They
take to their language studies with enthusiasm and make significant NOVEL
progress. Once the (4)___________of being in a foreign place wears off, ANXIOUS
feelings of (5)_________, depression and homesickness may arise, and COMMUNICATE
homesick students may call home repeatedly. (6)_________problems,
due to the local speaking too quickly and using strange idioms and slang,
are also very common. ADDITION
(7)_________, stress may be caused by racial discrimination, FINANCE
(8)_________problems or safety concerns. REAL
During the next stage, the student is more (9)_________and begins to
accept the positive and negative aspects of both cultures. They begin to LEARN
feel at home and realize that problems are also

Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question III: There are five mistakes in the following paragraph. Find and correct them.
There is an example which has been done.
Language is considered a significant means for communication in international relations. People
in modern world have not longer been bound to their own countries. Moreover, in order to keep
informed with speedy scientific developments nowadays, they must widen them cooperative
relations with those highly developing nations in other parts of the world. Due to the fact that no
one is able to communicate with any natives in the world, it is necessary for people to choose to
learn a foreign language as a worldwide common means of communication. That is why English
has being chosen to be a foreign language to master. More and more people use English and the
number of those who learns English as a foreign language has been increasing so rapidly that it
is the highest nowadays.
Example: 0. Line 1: for  of
1. ……………………………………..
2. ……………………………………..
3. ……………………………………
4. …………………………………….
5. …………………………………….

Question I: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question.
The Timber rattlesnake, once widespread throughout the eastern United States, is now on the
endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once thrived. Compared
to its western cousins, the Timber rattlesnake may be especially vulnerable because of certain
behaviors adapted for coping with the cold climate in which it lives.
Rattlesnakes are generally found in warm climates because, like all reptiles, they cannot
generate or regulate their own body temperature internally, and must rely on the sun’s warmth
for heat. But Timber rattlesnakes migrated into colder northern areas about 8000 years ago
when glaciers retreated. In order to survive in these northern regions, these snakes developed a
number of adaptive strategies, but ultimately, these behaviors make them more vulnerable to
human predation, their main threat.
One survival strategy the snakes have developed is hibernation. For approximately eight months
of the year, the rattlers remain motionless in deep frost-free crevices, with their body
temperature dropping as low as 40 degrees. In the spring when they emerge, they must warm
their chilled bodies by sunning for three or four days on rocks in the open. This behavior
coupled with the fact that Timber rattlesnakes tend to concentrate in large numbers at their
wintering sites, makes them easy prey. Gestating females are particularly vulnerable because
they spend much of their time basking in the sun in order to produce live young from eggs. In
addition, females have very long interbirth intervals, producing live young only every three to
five years. If a frost or cold spell comes late in the year, the entire litter of 6 to 12 young may
Efforts are underway to protect the Timber rattlesnake and its habitat from further human
depredation, but in many states it is already too late.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Why Timber rattlesnakes hibernate.
B. How Timber rattlesnakes are surviving.
C. How Timber rattlesnakes adapted to northern climates.
D. Why Timber rattlesnakes are endangered.
2. Which of the following isTRUE about Timber rattlesnake migration?
A. They migrated to eastern states.
B. They migrated northward during a warming period.
C. They migrated to escape a cold climate.
D. They migrated to the south to seek a warmer climate.
3. The word “crevices” in paragraph 3 could be replaced by which of the following?
A. Tombs B. Rocks C. Cracks D. Tunnels
4. What is the author’s tone in this passage?
A. Accusative B. Nostalgic C. Informative D. Humorous
5. Which of the following could best replace the phrase “coupled with” in paragraph 3?
A. compared with B. combined with C. controlled with D. supported with
Question II: Read the text. Six sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences
A- G the one that fits each gap (0- 5). There is one extra sentence that you do not need.
There is an example at the beginning (number 0).


Acid rain is now a familiar problem in the industrialized countries in Europe. Gases like
sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are produced by power stations and cars. …(0)… Acid rain
is also capable of dissolving some rocks, and buildings made of soft rocks, such as limestone,
are particularly badly affected. The acid rain attacks the rocks, and so carvings and statues are
eroded more quickly.
…..(1)….. . According to a report in the New Scientist, acid rain is being blamed for the rapid
decay of ancient ruins in Mexico. The old limestone buildings in places like Chichen Itza,
Tulum and Palenque are wearing away very quickly indeed. These sites are the remains of the
buildings built by the Mayas between 250BC and AD900, and the spectacular ruins of Mayan
civilization are visited by thousands of tourists every year.
But those ruins are in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution. At many sites the stone
has been covered with a layer of black substance like tar. …(2)…. . Scientists estimate that
about one millimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years. ….(3)…. . The acid rain is said
to be caused by pollution from oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. Car exhaust gases are also a
problem. Local volcanic eruptions make the problem even worse. Nevertheless, with enough
money and effort, researchers say that many of the problems could be solved and the rate of
erosion reduced. ….(4)…..
Mexico’s current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil fields and a few
years ago, when oil was expensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USA and
earning a lot of money. ….(5)….. . However, the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has
been left owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay
back the loans. So unless the price of oil rises, it is unlikely that Mexico will be able to afford to
clean up the pollution and save its Mayan ruins from destruction.
A. At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is
beingeaten away.
B. That is enough to have caused some of the ancient carvings to become seriously damaged
C. These measures would reduce the pollution, but would not stop it completely.
D. The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks around the
world, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.
E. The problem, however, is not just a European one.
F. They dissolve in rainwater and this makes acid rain, which damages trees, rivers and streams.
G. However, the Mexican government does not have enough money to do the work, and needs
to spend what money it has on the Mexican people.

Your answers:
0. F 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Question III: Insert a suitable word in each of the blanks to complete the following
New Orleans, in Louisiana, is (1) _________ as the most unique city in the United States with
distinctive architecture, cross-cultural heritage and annual music festivals.
However, due to its location along the Mississippi River with lakes on the other side, and nearly
half of the city below sea (2) _________, the city faces the danger of flooding. So, a levee
system and drainage canals were built to protect the city.
Early in (3) _________ morning of August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina, the most destructive
(4) _________ disaster in the history of New Orleans, struck the city. The storm brought (5)
_________ winds and heavy rains for several days. (6) _________ a result, water from the river
and lakes rose, breaking the levees and poured directly (7) _________ the city. Soon 80 percent
of the city was under the water. People scrambled to rooftops for safety, desperate for food and
drinking water. The winds were (8) _________ strong that even beds in Hyatt Hotel were seen
flying out of the hotel windows. The loss was tremendous. Most (9) _________ the major roads
and bridges were destroyed, and houses collapsed. Nearly 2,000 people (10) _________ killed.
After the storm, several natural grounds for the breeding and migrating of different species of
animals and birds were permanently lost.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Question I: Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that
their meanings remain unchanged
1. Last summer our class visited The Temple of Literature.
Last summer our class paid…………………………………………….........…………………
2. Although Mary was given lots of nice gifts on her last birthday , she wasn’t happy.
In spite of
3. Anna and her mother are very similar, aren’t they?
Anna and her mother take…………………………………………………………..
4. I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s wrong
5. Emma came first because she worked hard. (result)
 …………………………….
Question II: Write an essay of around 150-180 words on the following topic.
Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit
museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
Tổng điểm: 100 điểm – Sau đó quy ra thang điểm 10

Question 1 ( 7 points): Listen to the dialogue and decide if the statements below are true or false.
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T 7. F

Question 2 (6 points): You will hear an interview with a woman called Amy Rowntree.......
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A

Question 3 (6 points): You will hear a student called Steve talking about working ...........
1. tent 2. meals 3. path 4. map 5. rabbits 6. flight

Question I (QI) (3 điểm): 1. D 2. D 3. A
QII (2 điểm): 4. B 5. B


QI (14 điểm): 1. C 4. B 7. D 10. C 13. C
2. D 5. D 8. A 11. B 14. C
3. D 6. B 9. C 12. A
QII (10 điểm): 1. unfamiliar 5. anxiety 9. realistic
2. Researchers 6. Communication 10. learning
3. excited 7. Additionally
4. novelty 8. financial
QIII (5 điểm): 1. Line 2: not  no 4. Line 6: being  been
2. Line 3: them  their 5. Line 7: learns  learn
3. Line 4: developing  developed

QI (5x2=10 điểm): 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B
QII (5x2=10 điểm): 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. G 5. D
QIII (10 điểm): 1. known/regarded 4. natural 7. into
2. level 5. severe /strong 8. so
3. the 6. as 9. of 10. were

PART E: WRITING (17 điểm)

QI (5 điểm): 1. Last summer our class paid a visit to The Temple of Literature
2. In spite of being given lots of nice gifts on her last birthday, Mary wasn’t
3. Anna and her mother take after, don’t they?
4. If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I can’t help you
5. Emma came first as a result of her hard work.
QII (12 điểm): The candidate’s essay should include the following points:



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