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Present Simple Worksheet

A. Choose the correct answers:

1. I (read – reads – reading) books in my free time.

2. A: Does Julie study on Saturdays? B: No, she (doesn’t – does – isn’t).

3. I don’t (having – have – has) a pen.

4. My dad (drinks – drinking – drink) tea in the afternoon.

5. A: (Does – Is – Do) your cousin have a job? B: Yes, she does.

6. My mother (teach – teaches – teaching) English at a high school.

7. A: Do you always eat breakfast? B: Yes, (you do – I do – he does).

8. He (don’t – doesn’t – isn’t) play tennis.

9. My sister’s name (is – does – are) Susan.

10. Does John (have – having – has) enough money?

11. A: (Does – Is – Do) you like to study English? B: Yes, I do.

12. A: Do they live in Canada? B: Yes, (she – they – we) do.

B. Re-arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences:

1. you – TV – Do – watch?
2. dinner – my – I – for – cook - family.
3. you – do – Where – live?
4. have – a – He – brother – doesn’t.
5. speaks – She – French.
6. snow – It – July – doesn’t – in.


C. Put the verb in the correct form:

1. He ------------- (go) to bed very early.

2. Jenny -------------------- (not work) at a restaurant.

3. Sophie ---------------- (brush) her teeth every night.

4. Sue and Sam ------------------- (not study) German at school.

5. My brother -------------- (cry) when he is scared.

6. Do you --------------------- (watch) TV after school?

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