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Yield Test

Yield Test

Name of Student: ________________________ Date Tested:

Name of Product:
AP Cost of Product:

Step 1: Weigh product before trimming (Ounces) APW =

Step 2: Trim and prepare product for use. Save and - Trim =
weigh trimmings (Ounces).

Step 3: Subtract Trim weight from APW. This will EPW =

determine the usable product weight (EPW or

Step 4: Divide the EPW by the APW Y% =

Y% = EPW

Step 5: Divide the AP Cost by the Y% EP Cost =

EP Cost = AP Cost

AP = As Purchased
APW = As Purchased Weight
EPW or Yield = Edible Portion Weight
Y% = Yield Percentage
EP = Edible Portion
Trim = Unusable Product

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