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for a percussion ensemble of four players

Lucas Sherman
BREAKING NEWS is intended for four percussionists, each of which following two parts: one vocal, the other instrumental. This idea correlates
directly to Timothy Seelig’s “Geographical Fugue,” a wonderful work of vocal percussion.

The piece reflects my past and current experiences with the COVID-19 outbreak and its subsequent effects on society. The music and text are
intended to reflect confusion, isolation, frustration, and eventually inspiration.

Some quotations in the piece are left unsourced for a reason. Rather than making the piece more politically satirical, I would like the music to be
interpretable by all around the world, not just in the United States where these quotes would seemingly come from.

Never forget that you are so loved. Never forget that you are not alone. The virus can divide governments, halt economic production, and cause
global paranoia. But no pandemic will cease the creation of art. Art transcends!

Text that is not coded by rhythm should be spoken naturally out of time. Please take liberty in the theatricality of the work. The “Newscaster”
and “Politician” are characters, so use your imagination and have fun with making the words sound like a news broadcast or briefing, respectively.
This text should also always be loud, especially when unmarked by a dynamic. Rhythmic text that is left uncharacterized should be characterized
by the performer. Each word group or sentence that seems to go together should be one distinctive character. The vamped measures should be led
out of by the marimba player. A head nod signaling to move on will do. In measure 53, all speaking parts are indicated as “Speaker X,” meaning
that this should be seemingly an authentic representation of your own natural voices. This is the most important message of the piece so that is
why it should seem authentic rather than characterized. Please breathe when necessary!

Thank you for reading about the piece. I hope you enjoy performing it!

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