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Currently, language policies have had a political connotation as in Colombia we are moving under

the ‘Plan Nacional de Bilinguismo’ it mainly focuses on two main aspects such as evaluating

teachers for competence and didactics and keeping teachers under training programs to overcome

possible situations presented on the performance. (Castañeda. A, Miranda, I. 2018) and it is due to

the fact that language policies are focusing on keeping a power status to consider part of the

globalization process we are having at the current time.

Therefore, it is known that Colombia is considered a multicultural place where we citizens live

along different indigenous tribes in different parts of our country and from the government they

have been depicted and left aside as they do not care on preserving their languages as these are

considered minorities and do not provide any kind of status to our country as it is not a ‘named

language’ (García León & García León, 2012; Mackenzie, 2020; Torres-Martínez, 2009; Usma

Wilches, 2009) Due to the fact we are having this situation with the ‘Plan Nacional de Bilinguismo’

if it happens to be restructured with the Government and by listening teachers and educative

communicative who have a first-hand approach to the real-scenarios of teaching a foreign language

as English, cultural aspects may be considered and new policies may help to revitalize the minority

languages by giving them a status just as it is expected in an ideal language policy as decision

makers select which language issues are accurate in a rational, comprehensive and balanced way.

(Carson, 1990)

Bastidas Muñoz, J. G., & Jiménez-Salcedo, J. (2021). La política lingüística educativa en Colombia:

análisis de la literatura académica sobre el Plan Nacional de Bilingüismo. Tonos Digital, 41, 1–31.

Carson, L(1990). Cooperative learning in the home economics classroom. Journal of Home

Economics, 82 (4), 37-41

FAJARDO CASTAÑEDA, A., & MIRANDA M., I. R. (2018). In-Service Language Teachers’

Perceptions on the National Bilingualism Program Implementation: A Case Study. Cuadernos de

Lingüística Hispánica, 32, 195–215.

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