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Esta es la librería externa que inserta el html dentro del div id= effec�veAppsLowInStockAlert

Este es un ejemplo de como hacer in listener a ese div y cada que cambie hacer algo, como revisar lo que tenga dentro y
volverlo a cambiar.
You can create a listener in JavaScript to detect when the content or `innerHTML` of a specific `<div>` element with the
ID "effec�veAppsLowInStockAlert" changes. Here's an example:

<div id="effec�veAppsLowInStockAlert">

Ini�al content


// Get the target element

const targetElement = document.getElementById('effec�veAppsLowInStockAlert');

// Create a Muta�onObserver to listen for changes

const observer = new Muta�onObserver(func�on(muta�ons) {

muta�ons.forEach(func�on(muta�on) {

if (muta�on.type === 'childList' || muta�on.type === 'characterData') {

// Content or innerHTML has changed

console.log('Content changed:', targetElement.innerHTML);

// Perform addi�onal ac�ons as needed



// Configure and start observing changes

const config = { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true };

observer.observe(targetElement, config);

// Simulate a content change a�er 2 seconds (for demonstra�on)

setTimeout(func�on() {

targetElement.innerHTML = 'New content';

}, 2000);

In this example, we use the `Muta�onObserver` API to observe changes in the target `<div>` element. The
`Muta�onObserver` callback func�on is triggered when there are changes in the child nodes or character data of the
observed element.

We configure the `Muta�onObserver` to watch for changes to `childList` (child nodes), `subtree` (nested elements), and
`characterData` (character content like `innerHTML`). When a change is detected, the callback func�on is executed, and
we log the updated content of the target element.
In the example, we simulate a content change a�er 2 seconds using `setTimeout()` for demonstra�on purposes. You can
modify the content of the target element programma�cally, and the listener will trigger accordingly.

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