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Theories of Origin of State :

Theory of Divine Origin :

 It will show us how despotic kingship was justified.

It’s History:

The theory Explanation:

The theory of divine origin can be summed up in three basic ideas:

- The state is created by God

- The kings are divinely appointed
- They are answerable to God alone for their rule and to no any human
authority. In other words
The Divine Rights of King :

The theory is refuted on these grounds:

3. It is dangerous because it justifies not only misrule and tyranny of the kings but
also engenders the passivism and conservatism among the people. In short , it
ignores human effort and reason to develop and perfect the state and other
political institution.

4. The theory explains only monarchical form of government.


It had some value in the past, it secured peace

The Theory of force:

Purpose of theory:

The theory of force has been advanced for two purposes:

- To explain how the state originated

- And, how it was maintained afterwards.
The state was born , he says,

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