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TRUNG TAM DIEU DO CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA Doc ip - Ty do - Hanh phic TRUNG TAM DIEU DO as HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG ee Da Nang, nga thang 12 nam 2022 S86: 3/.06/DMT-PT ‘Viv Phiéu chinh dinh role bao vé NMTD Son Giang Kinh gir: Céng ty Cé phan dién Son Giang Dé ba sung chite ning bao vé khoang cach (21) trén role bio vé so Iéch Nari PCS-931 xudt tuyén 171, 172 theo dé nghj cia Quy céng ty tai edng van s6 176/SGPC ngay 13/12/2022. Trung tam Diéu 4 HTD mién Trung (BPMT) gtri dén quy Céng ty cdc tri s6 chinh dinh role bao vé va ty dng NMTD Son Giang. Kem theo céng van li 09 phiéu chinh dinh role bao vé: 1. Phiéu A3-01-2022/SOG110 bao vé so léch xudt tuyén 171 di Tuy Hoa (PCS931). 2. Phiéu A3-02-2022/SOG110 bao vé khoang céch xudt tuyén 171 di Tuy Hoa (PRS711). 3. Phiéu A3-03-2022/SOG110 bao vé qua dong xuat tuyén 171 di Tuy Hoa (NF831). 4, Phiéu A3-04-2022/SOGI10 kiém tra hoa déng b6 xuat tuyén 171 di Tuy Hoa (NFTQ 200). 5. Phiéu A3-05-2022/SOG110 bao vé so léch xudt tuyén 172 di NMTD Séng Hinh (PCS931). 6. Phiéu A3-06-2022/SOGI10 bao vé khoang cach xudt tuyén 172 di NMTD Song Hinh (PRS711). 7. Phiéu A3-07-2022/SOG110 bao vé qué dong xuat tuyén 172 di NMTD Séng Hinh (NF831). 8. Phiéu A3-08-2022/SOG110 kidm tra hoa dong b6 xuat tuyén 172 di NMTD Séng Hinh (NFTQ 200). 9. Phiéu A3-09-2022/SOG110 bao vé so Ich thanh cai 87B (PCS 924). Trong dé cé cc Iuu ¥ chinh sau (cée hru ¥ chi tiét khée duge néu trong phiéu): Dé nghi quy don vi te cai dat va kiém sodt INPUT/OUTPUT ctia role nha dap img phuong thiic béo vé, diéu khién va khéng dua vao phan hdi. Kiém tra ddu néi cue tinh TI dé dam bao chite ning bio vé tée ding ding Ineéng. Khi nh§n duge van ban nay, dé nghi quy Céng ty phdi hop dang ky va thyc hién chinh dinh toan bd cdc néi dung dugc néu & phiéu role theo ding “Quy dinh kiém soat céng tac trang bi, chinh dinh va thi nghiém ro-le bao vé trong Tap doan dign lye Quéc gia Vigt Nam” ban hanh kém theo Quyét dinh sé 851/QD-EVN, ngay 25/06/2020. Sau khi hoan thanh cai 4&t gid tri chinh dinh role bao vé, Céng ty Co phan dign Son Giang c6 van ban xdc nhan viée hoan tat thye hign chinh dinh (kém theo ban sao céc trang bia cé cht ky xc nhan da chinh dinh) vé BDMT theo dia chi (Fax: 0236.3.630.338 va ca hai dja chi E-mail: & Tran trong/. He | . Noi nhin: KT. GIAM BOC = Nhur trén; 10 GIAM BOC - NMTD Son Giang; a - BD: few > Luu: VT, PT. fal weet ‘ ee ‘a Phrée Khanh 4 A. a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA. S6 phiéu: A3-01-2022/SOG110 vuninc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 1/9 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG M6 ta chung Thiét bj urge bao vee Xuit tuyén di Tuy Hoa Kiéu bao vg: Bao vé so lech duong day May eit: m1 Ten rote: PCS931 | Phién ban ro-le: So dé danh sé: 1264/QD-DPMT, 17/07/2018 86 higu role: Ty sb dang dign: ji danh bién 800/14 - T1171 Nha san xudt: Nari ‘Ty sb - chi dan big 115/0.11 (TU DZ, TC) Nam lip dgt: 09/2018 dign 4p: _ 'S6 higu ban vé mét soi: Phin mém: Phién ban phin mem: Ti bao vé: RP+RW2 Mach bao vg: Nguyén tic hoat dng ciia céc chire ning bao vé chinh trong ro-le 7 ‘Nguong chinh dinh The dong ons | ole = (can bdo hoge eft MC ming | biove Gi tei ‘Thi gian tré tpiché, lign dong...) 87 iff = 0.70 A 0.005 i Z1= 10750 0.005 ain [2 22= 16.108 0305 3 73= 24.150 2.70 a L = 108A 3.008 cit MC 2 >= 220A 0.60 s 1 10> = 0.68 A 3.008 oN 2 105= 210A 0.608 85 Option of pilot scheme = POTT wr T110 Tuy POTT Hoa Te= 020A 0205 (Cit MC ign quan chinh di van 36 176/SGI = BO sung chife nding bio vé Khang eich D1/21N theo dé nghi tai cong PC ngay 13/12/2022 cua Cong ty Cé phan dign Son Giang. Pham vi thay dai: TO che nang DX] Neuong chinh dinh OO Tin higu OF Tac ang dung diy. ‘Yeu clu ciia Trung tim Di - Phiéu nay sir dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-01-2021/SOG 110, ngay 26/11/2021. Phin danh ddu (*) e6 thay di = BE nghj don vj céu hinh va thi nghigm chite ning 21/21N_ dim bao huéng tic dOng cia bio vé la hung ra phia fu a9: = F79 duoc khdi tao tir bao vé F87, F85, F21 ving Z1 & Z2. Cho phép déng lp Iai khi thoa man digu kin; ign-DD khong dign”/ “BD cd dign-TC khdre di TC 06 Gab A LOC ga marge dh ft PHO GIAM DOC Nguoi lp phiéu MU ‘Trinh Nege Vin Dign thoai/ Fax’ | 0236.3,630341/0236.3.630338 SEZ) MA PHUGC KHANH Eeanall pharhoirole Y Neiy lip phiéu | Ngiy/gié'chinh dink | Nguoi chinh dinh FNeurbi glim sat QNhan vién VH tram/ (ho tén) han vign tryc thao tée Iuu dong) (hy, ho tén) ol n22022 ngudi chinh dinh: [7 Posing theo phigu Kong theo phiéw iS) TRUNG TAM DIEU DQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA. 86 phiéu : A3-01-2022/SOG110 TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang : 2/9 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién cita Ngwoi chinh vé cae gid tri khong cai dit theo phiéu Dja chi Gid tr] chinh djnh theo phiéu Gia trj cdi dit trén ro-le a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA. ‘S6 phiéu : A3-01-2022/SOG110 evumioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 3/9 TRI SO CHINH BINH CHI TIET Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) System parameter Active setting group 1_| Active Grp 8 | £High FregAim Primary rated value of VT (phase to phase) ee Secondary rated value of VT (phase to Primary calculation base rated current of CT, and generally set as same as [CBI.t1n} oe Secondary calculation base rated current of CT _ Frequency upper limit setting. The device will issue an alarm [Alm_Freq], when system frequency is higher than the setting - 9 | flow FreqAim Frequency lower limit setting. The device will issue an alarm [Alm_Freq], when system frequency is lower than the setting, 51.00 Hz 49.00 Hz Line Parameters Settings 1 {xu Line mutual zero-sequence reactance Phase angle of Positive sequence resista ze Zero-sequence resistance of the line reactance of the line Line mutual zero-sequence resistance Total length of the lin Phase angle of line zero-sequence Resistive component of zero-sequence compensation cocfficient Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation .48 ohm 4.89 ohm Sy AsiGhii2| 9.a3ohm | 0,00 ohm Cy Fl Set FD.ROC3I0 Set FD.NOC.En, Enable negative-sequence current fault detector element Current Differe Protection Settings (87) 3. | 87LA_Pkp_CTS 4__| s7Lxcit 1 | 87L1_Pkp Minimum pickup current setting of current differential | protection factor of CT 0.70 667 “Current seting of differential protection when CT circuit Positive-sequence capacitive impedance ofthe line 250A 4182.00 ohm. is) TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-01-2022/S0G110 evuncoc_ TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 4/9 | Value No. Item Remark (Second value) s__| s7L.xco. Zero-sequence capacitive impedance ofthe line 6 | 87L.z LocReac Impedance setting of reactor of local line 7_| 87L.Z LocGndReac __| Impedance setting of ground reactor of local line 8__| 871.2 RmtReae Impedance setting of reactor of remote line al 9 _| Impedance setting 0 | $7LE 1 L_| 871.€n_pprct Enable stage | of DPFC current differential element Lo 12_| 87L.En_pprc2 Enable stage 2 of DPFC current differential element |___ 13__| 87L.En Biased! re 15 16 | 87L.£En_InterTrp Enable local independent current differenti protection 1 Locbi (independent current differential protection means local 12 | SIGE Loedieh current differential protection can operate without ° / permissive signal from r ‘current compensation 0 Enable current differential protection blocked during CT : \ circuit failure Phase Overcurrent Protection Settings (S0/SIP) 19 | 87L.En_CTS_Bik SOT Ae Sering of seondhamone component fo losking phase 1.00 SO/SIPILI Set Current setting for stage | of phase overcurrent protection | _1.08xin A_| _! 1 2 3 _| soisiPi.c op ciumc | 4 SO/SIPILEn SOSIPLE BAR | [eure ott 6 | SuISIPILEa VTS Bik | Enable sage 1 of phase overcurrent protection is blocked | 7 es a | by Virb fairs oe |__ 7 | S0VS1PL.Opt_Dir Direction option for stage 1 of phase overcurrent protection | Forward | Huréng ra BZ “yim? pie | Entble second harmonic blocking for stage 1 of phase 8 | sostLen vim2_pk | Seroument provetion 7 ° | 9 | s0/51P1.Opt.Curve Option of characteristic curve for stage 1 of phase | pefTime aa overcurrent protection 220xInA_| Current setting for stage 2 of phase overcurrent prot Time delay for stage 2 of phase overcurrent protection 0.60 s 12_| sosstp2stn Enable stage 2 of phase overcurrent protection 5 | soistp2ee BuAR | Enable autoreclsing blocked when stage 2 of phase : Je 2 overcurrent protection operates _ a. | sosipzen_vrs.pik | Esable stage 2 of phase overcurrent protection is blocked ; 15 | 50/S1P2.0pt_Dir Direction option for stage 2 of phase overcurrent protection | Forward | Huéng ra DZ 16 | S0/S1P2.En_Hm2_Bik | Enable second hary - ‘overcurrent protection ad TRUNG TAM DIEU BOQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA 86 phieu: A3-01-2022/SOG110 evinioe TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) v7 | s0siP20m Cure | Orton of charts care for sige 2 of pase | peftine nt ae a 1s | 50/51P3En | Enable stage 3 of phase overourent protection 19 _| 50S1P4.En Enable stage 4 of phase overcurrent protection sarth Fault Protection Settings (50/51G) 1 | sosicx_Hm2 Sent of second harmonic component for blocking earth 1005 2_| 50/51G1.310_Set Current setting for stage 1 of ear It protection 3__| soS1G1.t Op. ii tage | of earth fault protection CitMC 4__| s0/s1GI.En Enable stage 1 of earth fault protection Enable auto-reclosing blocked when stage | of earth fault 5 | SOSIGLEn BIKAR | ection operates Direction option for stage 1 of earth fault protection Forward | Huéng ra BZ Enable second harmonic blocking for stage | of earth fault protection a Enable blocking for stage 1 of earth fault protection under _abnormal conditions 7 | S0/S1G1.En_Hm2_Bik 8 | S0/S1G1.En_Abnor_Blk S0/S1G1.En CTS Bik | Enable blocking fr stage 1 of earth fault protection under Option of characteristic curve for stage 1 of earth fault protection 10 | S0/S1G1.Opt_Curve u1_| sorsi¢2, nt setting for stage 2 of earth fault protection Enable short time dela for stag 2 of earth fault protection 0 15 | 50/S1G2.E_ BIKAR Enable auto-teclosing blocked when stage 2 of earth fault, a protection operates - 16 | S0/S1G2.0pt_Dir Direction option for stage 2 of earth fault protection Enable second harmonic blocking for stage 2 of earth fault protection = 7 Enable blocking for stage 2 of earth fault protection under abnormal conditions 17 | 50/51G2.En_tim2_BIk 18 | 50/S1G2.En_Abnor_Blk Enable blocking for stage 2 of earth faulty protection under CT failure conditions 19 | $0/S1G2.En_CTS_Blk Option of characteristic curve for stage 2 of earth fault | DefTime 20 | $085162.0pt Curve ection, 0 S051G4.En Enable stage 4 of earth fault protection of distance protection 21/21N (Quad) © 2IQAng Alpha __| Theangle of directional line 30° _ BUT Real KD Real component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient for zone | ye Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient for zone | a 21-1.tmag_KO 2 __09° phil Reach __| Phase angle of Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 1 of phase-to-pround distance protection 5 | 21012G.RCA 128 a TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu : A3-01-2022/SOG110 evuwioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG ] Value No. | Item Remark (Second Note | value) 6 | ateiz0z,se Impedance setting of zone | of phaseto-ground distance | 19 5 7 | 21Q1.2G.R set 30.002 8 | 21Q1.26..0p __| Timedelay of zone 1 of phase-to-ground distance protection | 0.00 & | aieitzetan Enabling/disabling zone 1 of phase-to-ground distance 1 protection Enabling/disabling phase-to-ground zone | of distance _| protection operation to block AR Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone | of _phase-to-phase distance protection 10 | 21Q1.2G.En_BIkAR 1 | 21Q1.2P-RCA Impedance setting of zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance protection - - Resistance setting of zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance | protection Time delay of zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance protection Enabling/disabling zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance protect — Enabling‘disabling phase-to-phase zone 1 of distance _ protection operation to block AR 12 | 21Q1.2P.2 set 13 | 21Q1.2P.R set 14_| 219127. 15 | 21Q1.2P.En 16 | 21Q1.2P-En_BIkAR 17_| 21-2.DirMode Direction option for zone 2 of distance protection _ Real component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient for zone 2 18 | 21-2.Real_Ko Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation iz coerficient for zone 2 : 19 | 21-24mag_ko 20 | 21-2phit Reach nce impedance for 20n€ 2 : Downsvard oftet angle ofthe reactance line for zone 2 of . a a round distance protection pe} Impedance setting of zone 2 of phasesto-groune distance 22_| 2102262. set_ —— 16.108 i | aeRO Sen Rese sting of one 2 ‘of phase-to-ground distance | 49 99 24_| 2192.26. op | Time delay of zone? of phase-to-ground distance protection | 0.608 Short time delay of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance protection Enabling/disabling zone 2 of phase-to-round distance i __| protection Enabling/disabling phaseo-ground zone 2 of distance a protection op. Downward offset angle ofthe reactance line for zone 2 of ze _phase-to-phase distance protection tapchoce setting of zone 2 of phase-to-phase distance | 16 19 ¢ Resistance setting of zone 2 of phase-to-phase distance | protection 25 | 21Q2.2G.t ShortDly 26 | 21Q2.2G.En 27 | 21Q2.2G.En_BIkAR 28 | 2102.2P.RCA 29 | 21Q2.2P.2 Set 30 | 21Q2.2PR | si_| 2192.21 Op Shor time delay of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance | iain pro Enabling/disabling zone 2 of phase-to-phase distance . me protection 33 34_| 2102.ZP-En BIKAR _| Enabling/disabling _phase-tophase zone 2 of distance 0 32 | 21Q2.2P.t_shonDly 21Q2.2P-En 6 TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA $6 phiéu: A3-01-2022/SOG110 evancoc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 7/9 Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) protection operation to block AR 21Q2.En_ShortDly 21-3.DirMode 21-3.Real_KO 21-3dmag_K0 21-3, 21Q3.2G.RCA, 21Q3ZG.Z_Set AQVLGR Set _|_protection Enabling/disabling fixed accelerate zone 2 of distance Direction option for zone 3 of distance protection Real component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient for zone 3 Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient for zone 3 _| Phase angle of positive-sequ Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 3 of are Impedance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance Resistance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance | protection _ ‘Time delay of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance protection 2103.26.En 21Q3.2G-En BIKAR 2193.2P.RCA 21Q3.ZPZ_ Set 21Q3.2P.R Set 21Q3.2P.4 Op 21Q3.2P.t Shortly 21Q3.2P.En | protection Short time delay of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance Enabling/disabling zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance 43_| 2193.26. Op 44 | 2103264 shonDly | Pection - 45 Enabling/disabling phase-to-ground zone 3 of distance "protection operation to block AR Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 3 of pase-to-phase distance protection Impedance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-phase protection Resistance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-phase distance zone 3 of phase-to-phase distan Short time delay of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance protection Enabling/disabling zone 3 of phase-to-phase distance protection Enabling/disabling phase-to-phase zone 3 of distance ce protection 33__| 2103.2P.En_BIKAR | protectin operation o block AR _ - ! on . Enabling/disabling fixed accelerate zone 3 of distance 54 | 21Q3.En_ShorDly poeEat ‘tere | - ss | 2108262 Easbliaealing zone 4 of phase-to-ground distance Enabling/disabling zone 4 of phase-to-phase distance 56 | 21Q42P.En protection 0 Settings ment - 1 | LoadEnch phi Angle setting of load trapezoid characteristic | 2 | LoadEnch.R set Resistance setting of load trapezoid characteristic - Enabling/disabling load trapezoid characteristic 21Q1.En_PSBR 21Q2.En_ PSBR Blocking Releasin is 68_(PSBR) _ Enable zone | of distance protection controlled by PSBR (Qua cha Enable zone 2 of distance protection controlled by PSBR (Quad characteristic) 4 TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu : A3-01-2022/SOG110 evunioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 8/9 Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) Enable zone 3 of distance protection controlled by PSBR (Quad characteristic) Enable zone 4 of distance protection controlled by PSBR _| (Quad characteristic) 3 | 2193.8n_PsBR 4 | 21Q4.En_PSBR a Enable pilot distance zone controlled by PSBR (Quad 5 | 21QPilo.En PSBR | Characteristic i" fee 1 6 | 211 PsBR Current setting for power swing blocking lot Seheme Settings (85) (Si dung cho rate bdo vé Khodng edch PRS71 lotMode Option of pilot scheme _ PORE - 2 | ss.opt.ch_Pnseg Option of phase-segregated signal scheme or a three-phase signal scheme _ 3 [asen Wi 4_| 85.u_Uv_ wi nd s_ | 852.0 Enable pilot distance protection 6 | 85.en_Unblockingi | Enable unblocking scheme 7 | 854.DPU_Blockingi | Time delay for blocking scheme of _| operation Time delay pick |h Enable zone extension protection reversal logi Gropoff for current reversal logic _ | 9.08 s 1 [854 DPU_zx Pickup time delay for zone extension protection operation 00s Tripping Lope Settings 1 | ear x ak | Hie eosin ket wen matin fT g | 2 [emaer an an | fe sry Hs i eee fm |g 3 emma au an | Beles: Hd nso of ty | g CBx.En_Tip3P | Enable three-phase J The dwell 5 | Dwell trp Ln Breaker Failure Protection Settings (SOBF) CBI.SOBF.L Set ‘Current setting of phase current criterio CBI SOBF.3I 3 | cBL.sopr.i2 set 0.20%In A 1 [eeisercRenp | tne dey ote “010s | _eknime 5 | CBI.S0BF:1 Op | Time delay ofstae I for BFP _ - 0205 [cit nén quan 6__| CBLSOBF.2_Op Time delay of stage 2 for BEP - o20s | 7_| CBISOBF-En Enable breaker failure protect _ 1 _ 8 Enable re-trp function for B | oo _ Enable zero-sequence current criterion for BFP initiated by Co soBF.En sop | Enable sroscgenee cure cron at | 5 Enable zerosequence current criterion for BFP initted by 19 _| SBIR SF three-phase tripping contact & TRUNG TAM BIEU BQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA 'S6 phiéu: A3-01-2022/SOG110 evumtoc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 9/9 Value No. Ttem Remark (Second Note value) 11 | cB1.s0BF.En_12.3P | Enablenegative-sequencecurent criterion for BFP initiated ° — | by three-phase tripping contact : 12 |cB1soBF.En cB cul | Enable breaker failure protection can be ° = normally closed contact of circuit breaker Wy a evanioe TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang: 1/4 a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phiéu: A3-02-2022/S0G110 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG Mo ta chung. Thiét bj dure bio ve: Xudt tuyén di Tuy Hoa Kiéu bio vé: Bao vé khoang céich May cit: uw Ténro-le: PRS711___|Phién ban ro-le: So dé danh sé: 1264/QD-DDMT, 17/07/2018 | Sé higu ro-le: pao dank bién soorta—T117 Nha sn xudt: Nari ee _ chidanh bien 11549 11 (TUDZ,TC) Nam Lip axt: 09/2018 Sé higu bin vé mot sgi: Phin mem Phitn bin phin mém: Ta bio ve: RP-RWI Mach bao vé: Nguyén tic hoat dong cita cic chite ning bao vé chinh trong ro-le 4 Newong chink dink ee Tike dng fing | baove a | Tinpttvatia | cari mo noge et Mc zt tri Teel gas ‘2 taichd, lién dong...) L Zi= 10750 0.00 s _| 20 2= ‘ 2u2in [1 Z2= 16.102 030s cite 3 B= WAS 2.708 | ‘orn 59 U>=B.51V 2.405 * 27 US=54.60V 9.005 ‘Bao tin higu 9 The Dong lap aiMC | sn AngTQ = 30.0 de x Luu ¥ 23 7 A ‘Myc dich ban hanh phiéu chinh Higu chinh phi hgp véi su thay di cha hé théng. y Pham vithay déi: | [7] Chie nang Newéng chinh din = (7) Tin higu OO Tac dong ‘Yéu clu cua Trung tam Diéu 49: ~ Phigu nay sir dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-02-2021/SOGI10, ngay 26/11/2021. Phin danh du (*) €6 thay dé ~F79 duge khéi tao tir bio vg F87, F85, F21 ving Z1 & Z2. Cho phép déng Igp Iai khi thoa man diéu kign: “TC 06 dign-BD Khdng dign”/ “DD o6 dign-TC khong dign’/ “TC c6 dign/DD c6 dign’va théa man digu kign hoa. Ngwai tip phiéu du’ Z KT. GAMDOC Trinh Nege Van ‘Bign thoai/ Fax/ | 0236.3.630341/0236.3.630338 x dis = Neay lip phiéu | Ngay/giv chinh dinh | Nguoi chinh dinh = 0.68 A s Ls 2 >> =2.10A 0.60 Luuy 3 Mye dich ban han phiéu chinh djnh: — Higu chinh phii hop v6i su thay d6i etia hg thong, a Pham vithay déi: [7] Chie nang {KX Neguong chinh dinh O Tinhigu CO Tie dong U | Yeu cdu ciia Trung tam Didu di 2 = Phigu nay sir dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-03-2021/SOG110, ngay 26/11/2021, Phan dant 3 th r Ngudi lap phiéu Md P.Giim Trinh Ngoc Van TTDD HT Dign thogi/ Fax/ | 236,3.630341/0236.3.630338, E-mail Nagay Hip phigu | Ngay/gid chinh dink | Ngudi chink dint fob gfam sit (Nhan vign VE tram (8, ig tn) it vien trye thao téc liu dong) (Bj, ho ten) 6/12/2022 [J ing theo phiéu Khéng theo phigu a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA S6 phiéw: A3-03-2022/SOG110 TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 2/4 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién ciia Nguoi chinh dinh vé cae gid tri khong cai dt theo phiéu Dja chi Gia tri chinh djnh theo phiéu Gia tri cdi ajt trén ro-le © TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-03-2022/SOG110 evuncoc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 3/4 TRI SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET Value No. | Item Remark (Second Note value) L VISD_ Instantaneous Overcurrent 99.99 A, 2 | VUSDBS | Voltage Block 70.0V a VSDCYCLE | Delay Time of Cycles 1 4 vil Overcurrent I1 setting 108A x VTII ‘Overcurrent I] time-delay TI 3.00 s Clit MC 6 v2 Overcurrent 12 setting 2.20 A(*) 7 vriz Overcurrent 12 time-delay T2 0.60 s Cit MC a | _Vl01 | Zero-sequence Over Current 1 0.68 A 9 VTIOL Zero-sequence Over Current Time-Delay TI 3.00 s Cait MC 10_| Vier | Zero-sequence Over Current 2 210A) 1 ‘VTI02 | Zero-sequence Over Current Time-Delay T2 0.605 Cit MC 2 | vert PT Ratio 1045 13 ver CT Ratio 800 4 vocT Zero Sequence CT Ratio 800 15_|_KWO.0 _ | Instantaneous Trip Enable ° 16_|_KW0.1 _ | Instantaneous Trip Block by Voltage ° fa KW0.2 _ | Instantaneous Trip with Directional 0 1g_| _KWO3 | instantaneous Trip Block Reclosing 0 19_| KWo | Instantaneous Trip with Short Delay Time ° 20_| _KWO.15 | Low Voltage Block PT Break 1 21 KW0.5 _ | Instantaneous Start SOE o 22 | _KWLO | Over Current TI Enable 1 23_|__KWI1 | Over Current TI Block by Voltage ° 24_|_KWI2 | Over Current TI Block by Directional 1 Hinongra dung dty 26 | _KWia | Over Current TI Post Accelerating Enable 1 27_|__KW1S _ | OverCument TI Start SOE 0 28_| _kWw2.0 | Over Curent T2 Enable 1 29 KW2.1 Over Current T2 Block by Voltage 0 30_|__KW22 _ | Over Current T2 Block by Directional 1 Hiring ra dune dy 32_| _KW24 | Over Current T2 Post-Accelerating Enable ° 33_|_KWw25 | Over Current 72 Suni ° 34_| _KW3.0 | Zero-Over Curent TI Enable 1 35 |__KW32 _ | Zero-Over Curent TI with Directional 1 Hiring ra dung day 37_|__KW3.1__ | Zero-Over Curent TI Trip/Atarm Enable 0 38 |_KW3.15 | System is Big Current Ground System 1 39_| _KW35 | Zero-Over Current TI Stat SOE 0 40_| _KW4.0 | Zero-Over Current T2 Enable 1 ‘41_|__KWw42 _ | Zero-Over Current T2 with Directional 1 Hung a dung diy 43_|__KW41 _ | Zero-Over Current T2 Trip/Alarm Enable ° 44_|_KW45 | Zoro-Over Current T2 Stat SOE a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-03-2022/SOG110 evunioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 4/4 Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) 45 | KW48 | Zero-Over Current T3 Enable 0 46_| _KW410 | Zero-Over Current T3 with Directional 0 47_|_KWA11 | Zero-Over Current T3 Block Reclosing 0 4s_|__KW49 _| Zero-Over Current T3 Trip/Alarm Enable ° 49 | KW413 _ | Zero-Over Current T3 Start SOE ° 50 | _KW610 | Low Frequency Enable o si_|_KW6.11 | Low Frequency Block by Voltage 0 52_| _KW6.12 | Low Frequency Block by Current 0 53_| _KW6.13 | Low Frequency Block by Slip Frequency 0 4 | KWIS | Lost Voltage Enable 0 55 | _KWL9 _| Lost Voltage Block by Current Enable 0 56 | KWI10 | Lost Voltage Start SOE 0 s7_|_KWIA1 | Over Voltage Enable 7 0 8 | KWII2 | Over Voltage Start SOE 0 so_| _KWw50 | Reclosing Enable 0 60 | _KWS.1_| Reclosing Ist Enable ° 61_| _KW52 _| Reclosing 2RD Enable 0 62_| _KWS53__| Relosing 3TH Enable 0 63_| KW _| Relosing Synchronism Check-Volage Enable 0 64_| _KW55 _| Relosing Synchronism Cheek-non Volage Enable 0 65 | KW0.13 | Instantaneous Element Start SOE 0 66 | _KWO.14 | OverLoad Start SOE 0 67_| _KW7.12 | Power Factor Angle is 30° 0 68_| _KW713 | Power Factor Angle is 45° 1 69 | _KW7.14 | Power Factor Angle is 60° 0 70_| _KWS.10__| Pick Up Volatage is UA 0 t1_|_KWS.11__| Pick Up Volatage is UB 0 m2_|_KWw5.12 _| Pick Up Volatage is UC 0 73_|_KW5.13 _| Pick Up Volatage is UAB 0 74_|_KWS5.14 _| Pick Up Volatage is UBC 0 75_|_KWS5.15 _| Pick Up Volatage is UCA 0 76_| KWo. _| Trip Stan SOE 0 z7_|_KW0.12 | Close Start SOE 0 a TRUNG TAM BIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA nine TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG M6 ta chung _ Thibt bi duge bio ve: Xudt tuyén di Tuy Hod Kidu bao vé:_Kiém tra dong b0 dong bing tay May 171 Ten ro-le: _NFTQ200_[Phién ban ro-le: ‘| So dé danh sé: 1264/QD-DDMT, 17/07/2018 | $6 higu ro-le: 1 ci dani ia bast sult Nai ~ chi dank bia 7 a Gita ips 1150.11 (TU BZ, TC) Nam kip dgt: 09/2018 Sb higu ban ve mot sgt: YOTUS Phin mém: ban phin mém: DNH_SONGIANG ee : ‘Ta bio ve: RP+RW2 Mach bao vé: ning bao vé chinh trong ro-le Nguyén tie hogt dng cia cic ay KT. Newai lip phiéu bi I é Ngwong chinh dink a Tae dng Gi; | Cle. — ———| Tn niga aie | (can bo hoge cit MC a ove Gis tri ‘This gian tré én ngoai | ai cho. lien dong...) DU=10%Un “i Cho phép déng bing aaM Of=0.20 Hz tay MC 171, 172 De = 30.00 deg_ Luu y : a Mye dich ban hanh phiéu chink dink: Higu chinh phit hyp voi sir thay d6i cua he théng sa iss Pham vithay di: (7) Chire nang Q Neutng chinh dinh OO Tinhigu DO Tic dong. sa Yéu ciu ciia Trung tam Digu dg: waa - Phiéu nay sir dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-08-2021/SOG110, ngay 26/11/2021. Phan danh dau (*) ¢6 hath aa cD | 0 Trinh Ngoe Van Dign thoai/ Fax/ | 0236.3.630341/0236,3.630338 APHU N E-mail MA PHUGC KHANH Naay lip phigu | Ngay/gidrchinh dinh ah jiim sit (Nhan vién VE tram! Neath vign truc thao téc liu dng) (by, ho ten) 6/12/2022 Xie man ca . ees Ding theo phiéu hing theo phiéu B TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 'S6 phiéu: A3-04-2022/S0G110 ‘TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang: 2/3 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién etia Ngudi chinh djnh vé cde gid tri khong cai dit theo phiéu “Dia chi Gid tri chinh dinh theo phiéu | __Gi tr] cai dye trén ro-le a TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phiéu : A3-04-2022/SOG110 evunioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang : 3/3 TRI SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET No. Item mae Note (Second value) 1 Sampling voltage 400V/100V/58V selection 100 V 2__| Pre-tead time setting, setting range is 0.028-1.00S 0.07s 3 The allowable voltage difference setting 10% Un. 4 _| ‘The frequency difference setting is allowed 0.20 Hz 5__| The allowable power angle (phase angle) setting 30.0 deg 6 _| Voltage regulation pulse setting ee 0.40s 1_| Speed pulse width senting 1.008 8 Speed adjustment interval setting 5.005 9 _| Closing width setting 080s 10 _| Grid undervoltage value setting 70% Un 11_| The overvoltage value setting 125% Un 12__| Device address 1 4 TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phieu: A3-05-2022/SOG110 evuwioc_TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang: 1/9 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG Mo ti chung Thiét bj duge bao vg: Xudt wyén di TD Song Hinh | Kiéu bio vg: Bao vé so léch dng day ] May eft: 172 Ténro-le: PCS931__[Phién ban ro-te: So di danh 6: 1264/QD-DDMT, 17/07/2018 u ro-le: Ree el bigs goova T1172 Nha sn xudit: Nari tip ne tisi0.11 (TU BZ, TC) Nam kip agt: 09/2018 $6 higu bin vé m@t sgi: YOT-I1GDNH_SONGIANG | Phin mém: Phién ban phiin mam: Ta bio ve: RPRW2 Mach bio vé: ‘Nguyen te hogt dng cila che chire ning bio vé chinh trong ro-le Chie | chp, Nevinghit = 108A 2.708 Cit MC 7 [2 PS =2.60A 0.605 on 1 10> = 075A 2.708 2 10>>= 1.08 A 0.605 z Option of pilot scheme = | POTT ti TD Song POTT inh _ SOBF I<= 020A 0205 (Cit MC fién quan Laru ¥ = BO sung chife nang bao vé khoang cach 21/2N theo dé nghi tai cone van s6 176/SGPC ngay 13/12/2022 cita Cong ty C6 phan dign Son Giang. Pham vithay adi: Chie ning | Newong chin din C] Tin higu LO tec dong ‘Yéu cdu ctia Trung tim Digu 46: - Phiu ny sit dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-04-2021/S0G1 10, ngay 26/11/2021. Phin anh du (*)e6 thay dBi. 8 nghi don vi cfu hinh va thi nghigm chite nang 21/21N dim bao hudng tée dng cia bio vé 1a huéng ra pia duong day. ae mit Muc dich ban hanh phiéu chinh djnh: = F79 duge khdi tao tr bao vé F87, F8S, F21 ving Z1 & Z2. Cho phép dng dign-DD khéng dign”/ “DD c6 dign-TC hang dign’/ “TC c6 dig]. didn” 6 poc Nguoi lip phiéu ly 0 PHO GIAM Trinh Neoe Van Dién thoai/ Fax/ | 0236.3.630341/0236.3.630338 3 E-mail MA PHUGC KHANH ip phigw | Neay/gid chink djuh | Ngudi chink djnh crag NguO gidm sat (Nhan vign VH tram! (kj, ho tén) “Nin vién tryc thao tac ltru dong) (By, ho tén) AG 12/2022 Xie nbn cia ‘ i eT aii dik oO ‘Bing theo phiéu Khong theo phiéu co) TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-05-2022/S0G110 TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 2/9 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién cia Ngwoi chinh dinh vé cic gid tr] khong cai dt theo phiéu Dia chi Gi trj chinh djnh theo phiéu Gi tr] edi dgt trén ro-le dD TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phiéu: A3-05-2022/SOG110 eo: TRUNG TAM DIEU DQ HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 3/9 TRI SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) System parameter 1_| Active Grp Active setting group 2__| Opt SysFreq System frequency | 3 ayEquip_N: 2 a 4 fun a ‘ i s | uan Secondary rated value of VT (phase to phase) _ - - Primary calculation base rated current of 6 | Un Base CT, and generally set as same as 800.4 {CBL.IIn} a Secondary calculation base rated 7 | Bn Base caneat FE _ 1A Frequency upper limit setting. The device will issue an 8 | EHigh FreqAim alarm [Aim_Freq], when system frequency is higher than | 51.00 Hz ~ _{ the setting. a - | Frequency lower limit setting. The device will issue an 9 | €Low_Freqalm alarm [Alm_Freq], when system frequency is lower than | 49.00 Hz the settin Line Parameters Settings XL. | Positive sequence reactance of the line Positive sequence resistance of the | Zero-sequence reactance of the line Zero-sequence resistance ofthe line aoe ) @) Line mutual zero-sequence reactance Line mutual zero-sequence resistance LineLength Total length ofthe line il_Reach Phase angle of line po —_ 4.30 km uence impedance 69.00 deg 9. | phiO_Reach Phase angle of line zero-sequence impedance _ 76.0 dew 10 | Real Ko Resistive component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient pg oO Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation M1 | Imag_Ko coefficient 0.12 oO Fault Detector Settings (FD) 1 2 Current setting of DPFC current ‘or element 3__| FD.NOC.En Enable negative-sequence current fault detector element o Current Differential Protection Settings (87) Minimum pickup current setting of current differential LS: protection urrent 2__| 87L.K Cr cr 3 | si pp_crs Current setting of differential protection when CT circuit 250A failure a 4 | s7LxciL Positive-sequence capacitive impedance of the line 24947.00 ob. a6 TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-05-2022/S0G110 evamioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 4/9 Value No. Item Remark (Second Note — value) s_| 87L.XcoL Zero-sequence capacitive impedance of the line 1m 6 | sn | impedance setting of reactor of local ine __—_—_|_ $8000.00 ohm - 1 | s7.z_LocGnaReac | impedance sewing of ground reactor of local line 8000.00 ohm | - 8_| 87L.Z_RmtReae Impedance setting of reactor of remote line _ | 8000.00 ohm 9 | 871.2 RmiGndReac {8000.00 ohm Enable stage z Enable stage 2 of DPFC current differential element 1 | Enable stage | of steady-state current differential element 1 | Enable stage 2 of steady-state current differenti element 1 Enable neutral current differential element 1 16_| 87L-En_InterTrp Enable inter-ripping element - 1 Enable local independent current differential protection (independent current differential protection means local current differential protection can operate without permissive signal from remote end) ypCurrComp | Enable capacitive current compensation 17 | 87L-En_LocDitt Enable current differential protection blocked during CT circuit failure Phase Overcurrent Protection Settings (S0/S1P) Setting of second harmonic component for blocking phase overcurrent elements 2 | sosipii set __| Current setting for stage | of phase overcurrent protection | 1,08xIn A 19 | 87L.En_CTS_BIk 1 | sorsip.K_Hm2 1.00 SO/SIPLt Op ___| Time delay for stage 1 of phase ove 4 _| sors1PL.En E: age | of phase overcurrent protection 1 5 | sosiPt.en BuAR Enable auto-reclosing blocked when stage 1 of phase i ‘overcurrent protection operates Enable stage | of phase overcurrent protection is blocked 6 | sosiPienvTs Bik | fy failure 7 | so/siPL.opt_t Direction option for stage | of phase overcurrent protection | Forward | Huéng ra BZ Enable second harmonic blocking for stage 1 of phase overcurrent protection _ 4 | sosiPi.opt Cure | Ontion of characteristic curve for stage 1 of phase | DefTime 2 overcurrent protection 8 | SOSIPL.En_Hm2_Bik 10 _[s0r51P2.1 set _| Current setting for stage 2 of phase overcurrent prote _| 11_ ost op Time delay for stage 2of phase overcurrent protection 060s cite 12 50SIP2En Enable sage 2 of phase overcurrent protection | 1 - 5. (wsrez aan Enable auto-eclosing blocked when stage 2 of phase overcurrent protecti ‘oper: 14 BovSiP2en vts.pik | Endble stage 2 of phase overcurent protection is blocked _by VT circuit failure - i 15 S0/S1P2.0pt_Dir Direction option for stage 2 of phase overcurrent protection Forward Huéng ra DZ 16 (0/81P2.En.1im2 pik | Enable second harmonic blocking for stage 2 of phase a overcurrent protection oe TRUNG TAM DIEU DQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA Sé6 phiéu: A3-05-2022/SOG110 evinioe TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HIE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 5/9 | Value No. Item Remark | Second Note value) Gf iesiezopi ave Option of characteristic curve for stage 2 of phase | —DefTime = _| overcurrent protection lso/siP3.E [s0/stP4.En Enable stage 4 of phase overcurrent protection 0 lEarth Fault Protection Settings (50/S1G) > Setting of second harmonic component for blocking earth 1 | s0isiG.K_Him2 | fautt cements nen 1.000 - 2_| 50/51G1.310, set Current seting for stage | of earth fault protection | 0.75xinA | _ 3__| sosiGn — lay for stage | of earth fault protection _| 270 came 4 | sosiGien Enable stage 1 of earth fault protection fa 5 | sosicien Bikar | Enable auto-reclosing blocked when stage 1 of earth fault A 6 ion for stage I of earth fault protection : 2 | sosonen_Hmo-ole Ent second harmon blocking for stage 1 of ear fa é Enable blocking for stage 1 of earth fault protect abnormal conditions 7 Enable blocking for stage 1 of earth fault protection under CT failure conditions - Option of characteristic curve for stage 1 of carth fault protection 8 | S0/SIGL.En_Abnor_BIk 9 | S0/s1GL.En_CTS_BIk 10 | 50/S1G1.0pt_Curve 50/51G2.310 Set Current setting for stage 2 of earth fault protection for stage 2 of earth fault pr SOSIG2En Pp = 50/51G2.En_ShortDly | Enable short time delay for stage 2 of earth fault protection | __0 Enable auto-reclosing blocked when stage 2 of earth fault i protection operates, le stage 15 | 50/S1G2.En_BIKAR 16_ | 50/51G2.0pt_Di Direction option for stage 2 of earth fault Enable second harmonic blocking for stage 2 of earth fault or = es - Enable blocking for stage 2 of earth fault protection under 1 abnormal conditions _ ene Enable blocking for stage 2 of earth faulty protection under 1 CT failure conditions — Option of characteristic curve for stage 2 of earth fault _| protection _ 17 | S0/S1G2.En_Hm2_Bik 18 | 50/51G2.En_Abnor_BIk is | si /51G2.En_CTS_BIk 20 | 50/51G2,0pt_Curve stage: x 22_| soisiGazn Enable stage 4 of earth fault protection im ‘Settings of distance protection_21/21N (Quad) © 1_| 21Q.Ang_Alpha | ‘the angle of directional line _ 30° Real component of zero-sequence compensation coefficient, Oxi 2 | 21-1Real_Ko pees 21-1.1mag_Ko _| Phase angle of positive-sequence impedance f 4 | 2t-tphit_t a Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone | of 5 mio FoR phase-to-ground distance protection a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-05-2022/SOG110 evunioe TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 6/9 Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) 6 | nerze2se Tapgiece setting of zone 1 of phase-to-ground distance 7 | s101z0R se Sedo setting of zone I of phase-to-zround distance 8 | 2101-261 Op ‘Time delay of zone | of phase-to-ground distance protection 9 | 21012080 Eabingdibling zone ¥ of phase-to-ground distance 10 | 210126.EnBmAR | Ensblineldsabling phaseo-sround zone | of distance protection operation to block AR _ 21Q1.ZP.RCA 21Q1.-2P.Z_Set 2IQLZPR Set 21Q1.2P. Op 21Q1.2P.En 16 | 21Q1.ZP.En_BIkAR 17_| 21-2.DirMode _ 18 | 21-2.Real KO 19 | 21-2.1mag_ Ko 20 21 | 21Q2.2G.RCA 22 | 2192.2G.2_ set 23 | 21@2.2GR set 24 | 2192.26. op 25 | 2192.26 Shonbly 26 | 21Q2.26.En 27 | 21Q2.2G.En_BIKAR 28 | 21Q22P.RCA 29 | 21Q2.2P.2 Set 21Q2ZPR set “2102.2. Op 21Q2.2P.t_ Shortly 21Q2.2P.En | protection operation to block _| coefficient for zone 2 _| protection Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone | of phase-to-phase distance protection Impedance setting of zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance protection Resistance setting of zone 1 of phase-to-phase distance protection (o-phase distance protection of phase-to-phase distance Enabling/disabling phase-to-phase zone 1 of distance protection operation to block AR Direction option for zone 2 of distance protection _ Real component of zero-sequence compensation coeffi for zone 2 Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 2 of phaset-ground Forward 061 Resistance setting of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance ect Time delay of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance protection | Short time delay of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance Enabling/disabling zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance protection Enabling/disabling,phase-to-ground zone 2 of distance Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 2 of ph Impedance setting of zone 2 of phase-o-phase distance protection Resistance setting of zone 2 of phase-to-phase distance prot - Time delay of zone 2 of phase-to-phase distance protection Short time delay of zone 2 of phase-to-ground distance protection Enabling/disabling zone 2 of phase-to-phase distance protection @ TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-05-2022/SOG110 ‘evunioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 7/9 Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) ule Enabling/disabling phase-to-phase zone 2 of distance 34 | 21Q2.2P-En BIKAR | protection operation to block AR oe} 25 | muqren stnoty | Exbinetibing ad asclete ame 2 of distance ° 36 | 21-3.DirMode Direction option for zone 3 of distance protection Forward af | sepa Real component fer sauence compensation oeffiient | gg, in Imaginary component of zero-sequence compensation 3 | HS lo RO coefficient forzone3 ba 39__| 21-3.phit_Reach Phase angle of positive-sequence impedance for zone 3 98 nos Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 3 of | 40 | QBZG.RCA pphase-to-ground distance protection Be - a1 | 2103202, Impedance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance | 41 gy. > Tacagam ea | Ressance sing fame >of phaoswanend dimes |g 2 | rieszorse | Meco " 50.000 43 | 21Q3.26..0p __| Timedetay of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance protection |_2.40's 21Q3.2G.En_BIkAR 2103.2P, 21Q3.2G. Shortly 21Q3.2G.En 21Q3.2P RCA 21Q3.2P.Z, Set 21Q3.ZP.R Set 21Q3.2P4. ShonDly Short time delay of zone 3 of phase-to-ground distance protection | Enabling/disabling zone 3 of phase-o-ground distance protec - - Enabling/disabling phase-to-ground zone 3 of distance ‘protection operation to block AR Downward offset angle of the reactance line for zone 3 of | _phase-to-phase distance protection Impedance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-phase distance protection - - Resistance setting of zone 3 of phase-to-phase distance protection Enabling/disabling phase-o-phase zone 3 of distance protection operation to block AR 52 | 2103.2P.En 53 | 21Q3.2P.En_ BIKAR 86 | 21Q8n-shonbly | tection 35 21Q4.2G.En 2194.2P.En Enabling/disabling fixed accelerate zone 3 of Enabling/disabling zone 4 of phase-to-ground distance protection Enabling/disabling zone 4 of phase-to-phase distance protection | LoadEnch.R_ Set LoadEneh.En Angle setting of load trapezoid characteristic Resistance setting of load trapezoid characteristic Enabling/disabling load trapezoid characteristic Power Swing Blocking Releasing Settings 68_(PSBR) 21Q1.En_PSBR 2102.En PSBR Enable zone I of distance protection controlled by PSBR | (Qui teristic) Enable zone 2 of distance protection controlled by PSBR. ® EVNNLDC No. TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG Sé pl Item Remark + A3-05-2022/S0G110 Trang: 8/9 (Quad characteristic) 21Q3.En_PSBR Enable zone 3 of distance protection controlled by PSBR (Quad characteristic) Enable zone 4 of distance protection controlled by PSBR 85.0pt_Ch_PhSeg 85.En_WI 85.U_UV_WI 85.2.En 85,En_Unblockingl 851_DPU_Blocking! three-phase signal scheme Enable wea —- Undervoltage setting of weak infeed logic Enable pilot distance protection Enable unblocking scheme Time delay for blocking scheme of pilot distance protection, operation ime d feed sche | | OMe Pen (Quad eh | 5 | arepiotee psa | Eble pl dite cone conte by PSER (Quad 1 6 | 211 PSBR Current setting for power swing blocking 030 _— \Pilot Scheme Settings (85) (Siz dung cho role bao vé khoang cach PRS7/1) Ol port ; son fsa sgl ceo ; 0.04 9 | 8s pp0 cri Time delay dropoft for cument reversal logic 10 | 852x.En Enable zoe extension protection _ | #54 DPU_Zx Pickup time delay for zone extension protection operation Tripping Logie Settings 1 | en MPr pic AR | Enable auio-eclosing blocked when muli-phase faut 0 | PPAMPRBICAR | tappens _— 2 | Pee BAR Eble snoveling Wosked when Ureplae fit | 9 | rt ee i 4 | CBxEntep3P | Enable threesphase tripping mode for any fault conditions 1 - 5 | coven tip The dwell time of tipping command, empirical vale i= | gop 5 Breaker Failure Protection Setting s (SOBF) CBI.SOBF.L Set Current setting of phase current criterion for BFP CBISOBF.310_Set CBISOBF.I2_Set CBI SOBF_ReTrp CBISOBF.t1_Op Current Current setting of negative-sequence current criterion for BFP Time delay of re-tripping for BFP ‘Time delay of stage 1 for BFP cl CBISOBF.En_ReTrp CBISOBF.En_310_1P CBLSOBF.En_310_3P_ ble breaker failure protection _ Enable re-trip function for BFP Enable zero-sequence current criterion for BFP initiated by single-phase tripping contact, 0.20x1n A 0.20010 A Enable zero-sequence current criterion for BFP initiated by Cit lai MC [Cit MC Hién quan Q TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA evumioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) Three-phase ripping contact 11 | cBrsoBF.En 12 3p | Enablenegative-sequence current criterion for BFP initiated i uN — by three-phase tripping contact 12 | cBIsoBF.en_cB_cut | Enable breaker failure protection can be initiated by é = normally closed eontactof circuit breaker ® TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA ‘TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG Xult tuyén dV TD Song Hinh Kiéu bio vé: Bao vé khodng cach duvmg day 12 Ténro-le: PRS 711 |[Phién ban ro-te: So dé danh sé: 1264/QD-DDMT, 17/07/2018 | $6 higu ro-le: Ty s6- chi danh bien 800/1A — T1172 Nha sin xudt: Nari "Ty 86 - chi dank bign dign ap: Sé higu ban vé mot soi 1150.11 (TUBZ,TC) | Nam tip age: 0972018 Phan mém: Phién ban phin mém: Tui bao vé RP+RW2 Mach bao vé: Nguyén tie hogt dng ciia céc chire ning bao vé chinh trong ro-le 4 Newéng chinh dinh Tae dmg ee | wnete —— (canh bao hode cat MC id This gian tré tai chd, Hien dong...) 1 0.008 avan [1 0305 choose 3 Z3= 11.800 240s = Ey w= BSLV 2.108 $907 ar UE=$4.60V 9.008 _ Bao tin higu ‘THiCCH = 1.208 79 Dang lp lai MC | AnsTQ = 300 deg Luu y Mc dich ban hamh phiéw chink dink; Higu chinh phi hop v6i sr thay di cba he thOng Pham vithayadi [) Chienine OX) Newong chink dint C] Tinhigu (Tie dong ‘Yéu clu cia Trung tim: a Phigu nay sir dyng thay thé cho phiéu A3-05-2021/SOG110, ngaty 26/11/2021. Phin dnh déu (+) 6 thay di. = F79 duge khéi tgo tt bao vg F87, F8S, F21 viing ZI & Z2. Cho phép dng l8p lai khi théa man digu kign: “TC 6 dign-DD Khong dign'/ “DD c6 dign-TC king ign" “TC 6 digw/D e6 den” va thoa mang ienpreadc T Jt ; ae Trinh Nage Van ign thogi/ Fax) | 0236.3.630341/0236.3.630338 mnt i E-mail MA PHUGC KHANH Negay lip phiéu | Ngay/gidchinh dink | Ngwdi chinh dinh jidm sat (Nhan vin VH tram/ iho ten) in vign tye thao tée lu ng) (ts, ho tn) 6112/2022 Xie nhin cia 7 gui chinh dink: Daing theo phiéu oO Khong theo pl @ TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA. 6 phiéu ; A3-06-2022/SOG110 evnxioe TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 2/4 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién cata Nguoi chinh dinh vé cac gia tri khong cdi dat theo phiéu Dia chi | _Gi tri chinh djnh theo phiéu Gi trj cai dat trén ro-le a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-06-2022/SOG110 evanioc TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 3/4 TRI SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET Value prea: | Newbee Name of Set Value (cond Note pean porns as10___| ooo Line Length 430km au _| ooo zu 146004 a2 | ooost AngZL1 69.00 deg) 1s___| ooosn zo 42000) 314 o00SH, AngZL0 76.00 deg (+) Phase-phase distance 10 | ooosn | zpizd Los came sai | oooon Zoe 22000) 342, O00AH. ‘TZp2zd 0.305 Cat MC ass | oooBt 2p 18020 345 ooocH TZp3ed 2.705 cit MC 4398 000FH Rload 60.00 2 (*) sor | o201H Ezpl L sesor | 02008 222 \ ron | 02034 23 1 vaso | on04h zp 0 vaso | 20st EZload 1 Sriunstapaiccs e320 oi | ko 0163+ an oon | zetnd Los ciume 24 ooh | 22rd 2200) as eos | 12s22a 0308 ciemc a2 aos | ze3ed 8000 28 ois | T2e3ad 2408) cite ast cost | Ange 300 dex 1301 exon | ezet é e323 oom | zen 1 326 nos | ezes 1 Awtrreloong 007 cer —_| rmiccu 120s or ors | Angra 30 deg sags crn | econ 1 @ TRUNG TAM BIEU BQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phiéw: A3-06-2022/SOG110 evunzoc_TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang : 4/4 TSA | eebrotecel Name of Set Value u = Note protocol | Number on +4016 02204 EBdyCCH 1 4106 o221H ECtgCCH 1 +6319 0222H EcxwmyCCH 1 4339 022311 ECmuxCCH. 1 94352 02241 ECxwmwCCH o aaa 02251 ECnCCH o 76353 0226H ECUCCH o 74937 o227H ETVdxBsCCH 1 74767 o228H___| B1020e22BsCCH 1 74936 02291 EZ224BsCCH o 4443 o22AH. EZ3BsCCH 1 4738 022BH EMulfBsCCH o [Overvoltage protection EOvervol | 1 L — : E0vervol Lout3 1 E0vervolUpp L Overvol TRSIV (+) 1.21xUn Tovervol 2.108 (*) cit Mc [Undervoltage protection EUndervol 1 1 | eundervot 0 . EUndervol lou 1 EUndervolUpp _ 1 Undervol | | sa.6ov ¢) 09xUn TUndervol | 9.005 Bao tin higu 4 TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA 86 phiéu: A3-07-2022/SOG110 evunioc TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 1/4 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG M6 ta chun; [Whit bi duge bio v8: Xudttuyén di TD Song Hinh | Kigu bio vé:_Bio vé qui dong dung diy. | May edt: 172 Ténro-le: NF 831 Phién bin ro-le: | So dé danh sé: 1264/QD-BPMT, 17/07/2018 | $6 higu ro-le: Ty 96- chi damk BIEN goq14 11172 Nha sn xuit: Nari ding ai z Tj sb - chi dan bign Fans scape 115/0.11 (TU BZ, TC) Nam hip at: 09/2018 6 higu ban ve mot sqi: Phin mem: Phién ban phin mém: Tai bao vge RPHRWI Mgch bao vé: Nguyén tic hoat dng ctia cac chite nding bao vé chinh trong ro-le cae | cép Ngxtag chin dah Tin gad | cy pa ee et MC ning | bio vg Gia tri ‘Thoi gian tré Khim ngoai tai chd, ign déng...) T P= 108A 2.708 7 = - oe cise >= 0.75 70s oN 2 10>>= 108A 0.608 Laru ¥ Mye dich ban hanh phiéu chinh dink: — Higu chinh phi hyp voi sy thay di cia hé thing. Pham vithay adi: [] Chie nang Nguong chinh dink] Tinhieu OO Tic ding ‘Yéu cu ctia Trung tim Didu dd: ~ Phiu nay sir dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-06-2021/S0G110, ngay 26/11/2021, Phin di a di (8 Nai tp phiéw a/ 4 _ ‘Trinh Nage Van 108) Dign thogi/ Fax/ | 0236.3.630341/0236.3.630338 fr E-mail phanhoirole \ Nedy Hip phigu | Nedy/eltrehinh dia | Ngudi chink djah (3; ho ten) 6/12/2022 Xée nhgn eda , pandenpas oO ‘Ding theo phiéu Ol Khong theo phiéw a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA. TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG S6 phiéu: A3-07-2022/S0G110 Trang: 2/4 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién ctia Nguii chinh dinh vé cae gia tri khdng cai dit theo phiéu Dia chi inh djnh theo phiéu Gia trj cai dit trén ro-le is) TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phiéu: A3-07-2022/SOG110 evuxioe TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 3/4 TRI SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET | ] Value No. | Item | Remark (Second Note | value) i VISD___| Instantaneous Overcurrent 99.99. 2 VUSDBS | Voltage Block 70.0 3_| VSDCYCLE | Delay Time of Cyeles 1 4 vi Overcurrent I setting 108A 5 VTIi___| Overcurrent It time-delay TI 2708 Ciuc 6 v2 Overcurrent 12 setting - 2.600) 7 vri2___ | Overcurrent 2 time-delay T2 0.608 cite 8 ‘Vioi___ | Zero-sequence Over Current 1 O75A 9 VTI0I | Zero-sequence Over Current Time-Delay TI 2708 ciemc. 0 vio2 | Zero-sequence Over Current 2 108A) | 0 vrio2 Zero-sequence Over Current Time-Delay T2 060s | citme 2 ver | PTRatio 1085 1b ver CE Ratio 800 4 VOCT _| Zero Sequence CT Ratio 800 1s KW00 | Instantaneous Trip Enable 0 is KWO.1 | Instantaneous Trip Block by Voltage 0 i" KWO2 __| Instantaneous Trip with Directional ° is KWO3 __| Instantaneous Trip Block Reclosing ° 9 KW04 | Instantaneous Trip with Short Delay Time oi 20 KWO.15 | Low Voltage Block PT Break 1 21 KWOS _| Instantaneous Stan SOE ° 2 KWLO | Over Curent TI Enable 1 za KWLI (Over Current TI Block by Voltage 0 24 KW12 __| Over Current T1 Block by Directional 1 Hiudng ra dime di 6 KWia | OverCurrent TI Post-Accelerating Enable 1 2 KWLS | Over Current TI Start SOE 0 28 KW20 | Over Current T2 Enable 1 29 KW21 | Over Current T2 Block by Vollage ° : 30 KW22 | Over Current T2 Block by Directional 1 Hiuéng ra dung diy 2 KW24 | Over Current T2 Post-Acceleraing Enable 0 33 KW25 | Over Current T2 Stat SOE 0 34 KW3.0__ | Zero-Over Current TI Enable 1 35 KW32 __| Zero-Over Current TI with Directional 1 Hiuéng ra ding diy 37 KWS.1__ | Zero-Over Current TI Trip/Alarm Enable 0 ag KWS.15 | System is Big Curent Ground System 1 39 KW35 | Zero-Over Current TI Start SOE 0 40 KW40 | Zero-Over Curent T2 Enable 1 41 KWwa2 | Zero-Over Current T2 with Directional 1 Hung ra drome diy 8 KW4.1 | Zero-Over Current T2 Trip/Alarm Enable 4 KWwas | Zero-Over Current T2 Start SOE a TRUNG TAM DIEU DQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA S6 phiéu: A3-07-2022/S0G110 evinioc TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang: 4/4 No. Item Remark (Second Note value) 45 Kwa | Zero-Over Current T3 Enable 0 46 KW4.10 | Zero-Over Current T3 with Directional 0 a KW4.11 | Zero-Over Current T3 Block Reclosing 0 48 KWw49 | Zero-Over Current T3 Trip/Alarm Enable ° 49 KW4.13 | Zero-Over Current T3 Start SOE o 30 KW6.10 | Low Frequency Enable 0 St KW6.11 | Low Frequency Block by Voltage 0 32 KW6.12__| Low Frequency Block by Current 0 33 KW6.13 | Low Frequency Block by Slip Frequency 0 54 KWI8 | Lost Voltage Enable 0 35 KW19 | Lost Voltage Block by Current Enable 0 56 KWI10 | Lost Voltage Start SOE 0 57 KWLIL | Over Voltage Enable ° 58 KWILI2__| Over Voltage Start SOE 0 59 KWS.0 | Reclosing Enable 0 0 KW5.1 | Reclosing Ist Enable 0 < 61 KW52 Reclosing 2RD Enable 0 iru 0 KWS3 | Relosing 3TH Enable 0 is 6 KWS54 | Relosing Synchronism Cheek-Volage Enable ° aN a KW55___| Relosing Synchronism Check-non Volage Enable 0 we 65 KWO0.13 | Instantaneous Element Start SOE © S 66. KWO.14 | Over Load Start SOE 0 61 KW7.12 | Power Factor Angle is 30° 0 a KW7.13 | Power Factor Angle is 45° a a KW7.14 | Power Factor Angle is 60° o 1 KWS5.10 | Pick Up Volatage is UA 0 1 KWS.11__| Pick Up Volatage is UB ° R KW5.12_| Pick Up Volataze is UC 0 2 KWS.13 | Pick Up Volatage is UAB 0 m KWS.14 | Pick Up Volataze is UBC o 7 KWS.15 | Pick Up Volatage is UCA 0 6 KWO.11 | Trip Sart SOE 0 7 KW0.12__| Close Start SOE o TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG. & Sé phiéu: A3-08-2022/SOG110 Trang: 1/3 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO V! NMTD SON GIANG M6 ta chung _ Thiét bj duge bao ve: Must wen SENMTD Soo8 | Kiéy pao véz_Kidm tra ddng b6 dong bing tay May cit: 172 Ten ro-le: NFTQ200_|Phién ban ro-le: So dé danh sé: 1264/QD-DBMT, 17/07/2018 | $6 higu ro-le: Ty s6- chi danh bien ‘ dang at Nha sin suit: Nari 6 higu ban v8 mgt soi: MO Giang Phign ban phan mém: Tibiove —_RP+RW2 Nguyén tic hoat déng cia cde chire nding bio vé chinh trong ro-le Nguéng chinh dinh a ‘Tac dong Gute ist, ETE = We gia aie | (can bao hoge cét MC ning | biové Git tr) ‘Thai gian tré én ngoai | Sei cho, lien dong...) = 10%Un | Cho phép déng bing 25M Of=0.20H2 | tay MC 171, 172 Do = 30.00 de; Lamu ¥ - Myc dich ban hinh phiéu chinh dink: Higu chinh phi: hgp véi sy thay di eta hg thong, Pham vithay ddi: | [_] Chire nang Ngudng chinh dink =) Tinhhigu D Tie dong Yeu cau ciia Trung tam Dieu dj: - Phigu nay sir dung thay thé cho phiéu A3-08-2021/SOG110, ngay 26/11/2024=PI Ngudi lip phigu o/t P. nbs TTDD ‘Trinh Ngoc Van ign thogi/ Fax’ | 0236.3.630341/0236.3.630338, tenre E-mail J Nely Hip phitu | Ngliy/gitchinh djah | Neu chink doh (i, ho ten) of i122022 | han vign tryc thao tac luu Ong) (ij, ho tén) Xe nhgn cia ngurbi chinh dinh: ‘Ding theo phiéu Khong theo phiéu & TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA 86 phieu: A3-08-2022/SOG110 evuxioe TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang, PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién cita Nguii chinh dinh vé cic gid tri khong cai dit theo phiéu Dia chi Gia tri chinh dinh theo phiéu Gid trj cdi dat trén ro-le a TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA S6 phiéu: A3-08-2022/SOG110 evnmioc TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG Trang : 3/3 TRI SO CHINH BINH CHI TIET No. Ttem — Note : (Second value) 1 Sampling voltage 400V/100V/58V selection 100 V_ 2 | Pre-lead time setting, setting range is 0.028-1.00S 0.075 3_| The allowable voltage difference setting 10% Un 4 __| ‘The frequency difference setting is allowed 0.20 Hz 5 | The allowable power angle (phase angle) setting 30.0 deg 6 _| Voltage regulation pulse setting 0.40's 7_| Speed pulse width setting 1.005 8 __| Speed adjustment interval setting 5.005 9 | Closing width setting 0.805 10 | Grid undervoltage value setting 70% Un 11_| ‘The overvoltage value setting 125% Un 12 Device address L is] TRUNG TAM DIEU BQ HE THONG BIEN QUOC GIA. 'S6 phiéu: A3-09-2022/SOG110 evunioc TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG BIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang: 1/3 PHIEU CHINH DINH RO-LE BAO VE NMTD SON GIANG M6 ta chung: ‘Thidt bj duge bio vé: Thanh cai |1OkV | Kigu bao vé:_ Bao ve so léch thanh cai OKV Miy cat: 171, 172, 131 ‘Tén ro-le: PCS 924 Phién ban ro-le: ‘So a8 danh sb: 1264/QB-BBMT, 17/07/2018 | Sé higu ro-te: ~ Ty s8-chidank bign SODTACHIMCITILI) [a dong 200/14 (TI CSI10kV MBA) veh chi dank big 115.11 (TU DZ, TC) Nam lip dgt: 092018 S bits Ganveadews: SOLUS mba a : S6 higu ban ve mdt sg: Ny SONGIANG Phan mém: Phién ban phan mém: Ta bio vé: RP+RW2 Mach bio vé: 4 Nguyén tic hoat dong ea cée chite ning bio vg chinh trong ro-le Ngwéng chinh dink etl Tie dong, Chie | cép_ Tin bigu iéu | (inh bio hoge edt MC ning | bio ve Gis tri Thai gian tre | —_Khién ago eine 878 =050A 0.00 ct MC 171, 172, 131 dons Luu § Myc dich ban hanh phiéu chinh dinh; — Higu chinh phi hop véi su thay di eta hé thing. Pham vithay 46: [1] Chire nang Neuongchinh dink =] Tin higu CO Tie dong ‘Yeu elu cia Trung tim Digu dQ: = Phi ny it ung thay thé cho phigu A3-07-2021/50G110, ney 2611/2021. Phin dn du eh thay Sie 6 GAM BOC eet tp pide die PHO GIAM Trinh Nage Van ign thogi/ Fax! | 0236,3.630341/0236.3.630338 E-mail Neay lp phigu | Neay/gitrehinh djnh | Newoi chinh dink (Who ten) | tho tén) lGni22022 Xacnhin cia a id Sing theo ph ce Ding theo phiéu oO Khong theo phiéu a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA ‘S6 phieu: A3-09-2022/SOG110 ‘TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang: 2/3 PHIEU CHINH BINH RO-LE BAO VE Y kién cia Ngwoi chinh dinh vé céc gid tri khong cai dit theo phiéu Dia chi Gi tri chinh dinh theo phiéu Gis tr] cai dgt trén ro-le a TRUNG TAM DIEU BO HE THONG DIEN QUOC GIA ‘86 phiéu: A3-09-2022/SOG110 evunioe TRUNG TAM DIEU DO HE THONG DIEN MIEN TRUNG ‘Trang : 3/3 TR] SO CHINH DINH CHI TIET Value No. Item Remark (Second Note value) System parameter 1 Active Grp__| Active setting group 1 2 Opt_SysFreq _| System frequency S0Hz 3 _| PrimaryEquip Name | The name of primary equipment TC HOKV 4 CTLIIn Primary rated current of CTI 800A crim S CT2.1n Primary rated current of CT2 800A cri 6 CU.tin___| Primary rated curent of CTS 200 A crust 7 in_Base | Primary caleuation base current of CT 800A 8 an Base | Secondary calculation base rated current of CT ra | Current Differential Protection Settings (87S) 1 878.1 Biased | Curent setting of current differential protection 0.504 “cit MC 2 8751_Alm | Curent seting of current differential CT alarm element | 0.30 A | (pac WANE NS 3 87SSlope | Slope of current differential protection 0.50 4 878.En Enabling or disabling current differential protection; 1 5 87S.En_CTS Blk ae or disabling CTS blocking current protection i

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