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HAND, WRIST AND ARM ACTION Alter the student has learned to hold the sticks correctly, the next important procedure is to learn the correct movements of the hands, wrists and arms during actual playing. Before striking the drum, the sticks are held with the points upward, as shown in illustrations 3and 4, It will be noticed that the sticks are held in relative positions, with the hands raised slightly higher than the elbows. The wrists are not bent, and the arms, from the elbows to the hands, are straight, The elbows are close to the bedy, while the hands and forearms are away from the body. In starting the exercises and rudiments, the position of the stick varies; sometimes the stick is held up and, at other times it is held down, In any case, the movements of the hands, wrists and arms are always the same. Taking each hand separately, the following instructions are given the student, in order to acquaint him with the correct method of manipulating the sticks. The Right Hand Start with the stick held as shown in Illustration 3, Turn the wrist, while gradually bringing the forearm toward the drum. Upon striking the drum, see that the elbow is away from the body and that the hand is the same height as that of the elbow. (See III. 5, p. 9.) After striking the drum, return the hand immediately to its original position. The Left Hand Start with the stick held as shown in illustration 3. Turn the wrist, while gradually bringing the forearm toward the drum. Upon striking the drum, see that the elbow is away from the body and that the hand is the same height as that of the elbow. (See Ill. 6, p. 9.) After striking the drum, return the hand immediately to its original position. All of the exercises and rudiments in this book call for the same hand, wrist and arm move- meats; the only variation is in,the position of the stick when starting and ending an exercise or rudiment, Illustration 3 Illustration 4

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