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Science facts: The wacky, the wild, and the weird

Even if you weren’t someone who got excited about science class in school, now—as
an adult—it’s hard not to be amazed by science facts. Seriously, just stop for a
minute and think about what both the natural world and technology are capable of.
It’s truly impressive, and chances are you only know a small fraction of the
interesting facts and completely weird facts that scientists have uncovered so far.

After all, scientists are learning new things all the time. Something we don’t know
today could be discovered tomorrow, so we can always expand our knowledge—and our
reserve of random trivia to impress our friends. Just beware of the science “facts”
that are actually false, unlike the 25 on this list. And remember, a little humor
is just as important as a little knowledge, which is why you’ll also want to check
out these hilarious science jokes, chemistry jokes, and biology jokes that are so
funny, they cell themselves. (Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves.)

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