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Subject: History-I: Ancient and Medieval India

UNIT-I: History and Law (Lectures-08)

a. Interdisciplinary Approach in Law and History and its relevance

b. History, Debates in History and Historical Method

c. Sources of Ancient Indian History and Historiography: A Sense of History in Ancient India, Vedas,

and Itihasa-Puranas, Jain and Buddhist Traditions and Sangam Literature, Banabhatta and Kalahan

d. Sources of Medieval Indian History: Al-biruni, Minhaj, Amir Khusrau, ZiauddinBarani, Baburnama,

AbulFazl,Badauni, Time in Medieval period and Communal Reading of History

UNIT-II: Ancient India (Lectures-10)

a. State, Polity and Governance in Vedic Age, Age of Mauryas and Guptas

b. Theories of Kingship: Brahminic and Buddhist, Critical Study of Kautilya’sArthashastra and


c. Social Differentiation: Varnashrama dharma (Varna, Jati, Gotra, Pravara,Family Slavery and


d. Women and Society: Education, Marriage, Property

UNIT-III: Medieval India (Lectures-10)

a. Cholas Administration and the Local Self-Government

b. Delhi Sultanate: Administrative System, Iqtadari System, The Vijayanagara State

c. The Mughal Empire: Revenue System,Mansabdari System and Mughal Administration

d. Theory of Kingship under the Sultanate and Mughals, Influence of the Bhakti-Sufi Tradition on

state polity

UNIT-IV: The Concept of Justice and Judicial Institutions in Ancient and Medieval India


a. Sources of Law in Ancient India: Concept and Sources of Dharma, Vedas, Dharmasutra, Dharma

Shastra, Types of Courts and Procedures

b. Smritis and Smritikaras of Ancient India: Manu and Manusmriti and Yajnavalkya

c. Sources of Law in Medieval India (with special reference to Quran, Hadis, Ijma, Qiyas) andIslamic

Schools of Jurisprudence

d. Law and Justice under the Delhi Sultanate and Mughals

Subject: Law of Contract-I
Unit-I: Formation of Contract (Lectures-10)

a. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Contract

b. Offer / Proposal: Definition, Communication, Revocation, General/ Specific Offer

c. Invitation to Treat

d. Acceptance: Definition, Communication, Revocation, Tenders /Auctions

e. Effect of Void, Voidable, Valid, Illegal, Unlawful Agreements

f. Standard Form of Contract

g. Online Contracts

Unit-II: Consideration and Capacity (Lectures-10)

a. Consideration- Definition, Kinds, Essentials, Privity of Contract

b. Capacity to Enter into a Contract

c. Minor’s Position

d. Nature/ Effect of Minor’s Agreements

Unit-III: Validity, Discharge and Performance of Contract (Lectures-10)

a. Free Consent

b. Coercion, Undue Influence, Misrepresentation, Fraud, Mistake

c. Unlawful Consideration and Object

d. Discharge of Contracts

e. Performance, Impossibility of Performance and Frustration

f. Breach: Anticipatory and Present

Unit-IV: Remedies and Quasi-Contracts (Lectures-10)

a. Breach

b. Remedies:

i. Damages: Kinds

ii. Quantum Merit

c. Quasi Contracts

Subject: Sociology-I: Introduction to Sociology

Unit-I: Field of Study and Basic Concepts (Lectures-10)
a. Definition, aim and scope of Sociology, and its application

b. Relation with other social sciences

c. Basic concepts- society, community, association, social groups, status and role

Unit-II: Social Stratification (Lectures-10)

a. Key factors of stratification

b. Conceptual understanding of differences and inequality, natural and social inequality,

rise of meritocracy

c. Perspectives of Parsons, Karl Marx and Max Weber

d. Basis of stratification- class, race and gender

e. Stratification in capitalist and socialist societies

Unit- III: Social Change (Lectures-10)

a. Causes and features of change

b. Liberalization and privatization, globalization

c. Urbanization, exurbanization and suburbanization

d. Modernization and post modernization

e. Changes introduced in society due to these processes

f. Development, planning and change

g. Social movements and change

Unit- IV: Environment and Society (Lectures-10)

a. Inter relationship between society and environment- Nature- Man- Spirit Complex

b. Culture as adaptive Screen

c. Community participation and environment management

d. Environmental movements- forest based, water based and land-based movements

e. Indigenous knowledge and conservation

Subject: Political Science – I: Introduction to Political


Unit-1: Understanding the Concepts (Lectures-10)

a. What is Politics: Theorizing the ‘Political’

b. Approaches to Political Theoryi. Normative,

ii. Institutional,

iii. Behavioural

c. What is Political Science- definition, aims and scope.

d. Relationship between Political Science and Law

Unit II: Political Theory (Lectures-10)

a. What is State? Concept, Evolution, Development and Elements

b. State, government and law

c. Theories of State:

i. Divine and Force Theory

ii. Organic Theory

iii. Idealist and Individualist Theory

iv. Theory of Social Contract

v. Kautilya’sSaptang theory

vi. Islamic concept of state

Unit III: Organs of Government (Lectures-10)

a. Legislature: Concept, Functions and Types

b. Executive: Concept, Functions and Types

c. Judiciary: Concept, Functions,

d. Independence of Judiciary

e. Judicial Review and Judicial Activism (Overview)

Unit IV: Institutional Functioning (Lectures-10)

a. Parliamentary Form of Government

b. Presidential Form of Government

c. Political Processi. Political Parties and Pressure Groups

ii. Changing Trends and Party System

Subject: Economics-I: Micro Economic Analysis
Unit-I:Introduction to Economics (Lectures-10)

a. Definition, methodology and scope of economics

b. Forms of economic analysis – Micro vs. macro, partial vs. general, static vs. dynamic, positive vs.

normative, short run vs. long run

c. Basic concepts and precepts – economic problems, economic rationality, optimality

d. Economic organization – market, command and mixed economy

e. Relation between economics and law – various dimensions.

Unit-II:Demand and Supply (Lectures-10)

a. Theories of demand - demand function, law of demand Concept of utility and utility theory-utility

approach, indifference curve approach

b. Law of supply, supply function

c. Price determination; shift of demand and supply

d. Elasticity of demand and supply; consumer surplus

e. Applications of demand and supply –tax floor and ceilings; applications of indifference curves-tax,

Unit III:Production Analysis, costs and market structure (Lectures-10)

a. Concepts of Production- production isoquants, returns, returns to factor, returns to scale

b. Cost and revenue concepts

c. Classification of markets-pure & perfect competition; monopolistic and imperfect competition;

monopoly, duopoly and oligopoly; cartels; Concept of Dumping

Unit IV:Theory of determination of factor prices, rent, interest, wages and profit


a. Labour supply and wage determination

b. Role of trade unions and collective bargaining in wage determination; minimum wage legislation

c. Exploitation of Labour

Subject: Legal Method

Unit-I: Introduction to Law (Lectures-10)
a. Definition of Law by various thinkers: John Austin, Bentham, H.L. A Hart, Savigny, Sir Henry Maine,

Roscoe Pound, Ehrlich, L.L.Fuller

b. Concept of law under Article 13 of the Constitution of India

c. Functions of Law

d. Law, Justice and Morality

i. Concept of Justice and its kind

ii. Concept of Morality: Social Morality and Constitutional morality

iii. Nexus between law and morality

e. Classification of Laws:

i. Municipal and International Law

ii. Public and Private Law

iii. Substantive and Procedural Law

iv. Civil Law and Criminal Law

v. Common law and Civil Law

Unit-II: Sources of Law (Lectures-10)

a. Custom

i. What is custom? Kinds of customs

ii. Essentials of a valid Custom to become a law

b. Precedent

i. Concept of Precedents

ii. Types - a)Authoritative and Persuasive

b)Original and Declaratory

iii. Difference between Custom, Precedent and Legislation

c. Legislation

i. Legislation and kinds of legislation

ii. Delegated legislation and its Kinds

iii. Reasons for growth of Delegated

iv. Legislation and its permissible limits in India

Unit III: Basic Principles of Law and Indian Legal System (Lectures-10)

a. Principle of Natural Justice and Rule of equity

b. Rule of Law:
i. Dicey’s Rule of Law

ii. Application of Rule of Law in India

c. Separation of Powers:

i. Montesquieu’s Doctrine of separation of power

ii. Position in India

d. Indian Constitution: Salient Features

e. Judicial System in India:

i. Hierarchy of Courts


ii. Jurisdiction of the Courts

Unit IV: Legal Writing and Research (Lectures-10)

a. Legal Research and Kinds of Legal Research

i. Doctrinal Research

ii. Non-Doctrinal Research

b. Importance of Legal Research

c. Sources of Legal Research

d. Techniques of Legal Research

e. Citations, Bibliography and footnoting

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