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What is time?

Wikipedia says that time “Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that
occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the
future.” That definition took humans 155,000 years to make from their modern day
existence. But why? Distance is the measurement of the length between point A and B, but
time is something that cannot be seen yet is measured. Religions have a vastly different
viewpoints of time, Islam views time as something created by God whole Hinduism believes
that time goes in cycles. Physicists on the other hand believe that time is an illusion and
construct because time behaves differently in different places.

Time is created by god. Many theist religions relate to god creating time. For example in
Islam the belief is that god was there before time and created time. In the 103 rd chapter of
the Qu’ran, it states “Wal ‘asr” or essentially, I swear by time. Here God is swearing on time
that mankind will eventually fall and return to god. In the bible for Christianity it says, “ With
the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day” (2 Peter 3:8).
The concept of time was already established during the times of God revealing that god
exists while time simultaneously did.

In Hinduism however the belief is very different, Hindus believe that time is a loop and after
a period of time , time restarts. Hindus believe that a god, Kali is responsible for the cration
of time and death. Time is described as eternal and they do not believe that time as time
that a clock believes, in Hinduism time is viewed as fragments, ranging from hundreds of
millions to micro-seconds. 360 years of human life is 3.6 ms of time for the creator god
Brahma. This supports their belief of reincarnation and how humans are reborn into a
different form.

In the world of science however the belief is that time has always existed and will forever
exist even if humans will not. After extensive research by The Colombian University they
concluded that “time exists differently in the quantum world” and NASA has established that
1 minute at the edge of a black hole is roughly 700 years on earth. How can time be different
in certain areas if it is not constant. And if time can travel in both directions it isn’t
irreversible then it has no beginning and end which further supports the view that there is no
end or beginning.

Another belief if that time exists in 3 forms. This is a belief that most philosophers believe.
The past, the present and the future. Only one of those you can experience and when
something has happened it no longer exists and the only reality of the present. The future is
uncertain as no one knows what is going to happen. Philoshipers such as Aristotle and Leibni
strongly believe in this theory.

In conclusion, there are many ways to perceive time, for example in the time I took to write
this essay, Islam would believe that Allah has pre-planned this time and the future as well,
philoshipers would believe that since it was in the past, it we can no longer experience it the
same and the future is uncertain. Each religion has a common belief that time does exist but
different views on its existence and it’s fall. Overall, time is viewed differently by different
people, there will never be a single definition for time as it can never be truly measured.

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