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A. This SOP standardizes procedures followed when a resident dies at SNSVH

II. Overview

A. When a resident dies at our facility, those of our staff and residents who are able and desire
to, gather in the lobby as the deceased resident is taken to the hearse. The resident’s body is
covered, first by the mortuary and then draped – with an interment US flag for veteran residents
and a purpose made quilt for non-veteran residents. Staff and residents salute the flag by placing
their hand over their heart. Veterans may render the hand salute at their option. Music is
played; ‘Taps’ for veteran residents and ‘Amazing Grace’ for non-veteran residents.

III. Responsibilities:

A. House Supervisor – At the beginning of each shift, selects personnel to serve as an Honors
Team. After being informed of a death, verifies that next of kin have been notified. Contacts
appropriate mortuary to schedule body removal. Coordinates with front desk and Safety
personnel for ceremony. Ensures the Honors Team has the appropriate Interment Flag (for
veterans) or quilt (for non-veterans) to drape the body with. Notifies the resident who will serve
as Master of Ceremonies Unit Charge Nurse – Confirms the resident has expired and then
notifies House Supervisor of death. Assigns personnel to perform postmortem care. Contacts
next of kin and performs notificat

B. Unit Charge Nurse – Confirms the resident has expired and then notifies House Supervisor of
death. Assigns personnel to perform postmortem care. Contacts next of kin and performs

C. House Supervisor – At the beginning of each shift, selects personnel to serve as an Honors
Team. After being informed of a death, verifies that next of kin have been notified. Contacts
appropriate mortuary to schedule body removal. Coordinates with front desk and Safety
personnel for ceremony. Ensures the Honors Team has the appropriate Interment Flag (for
veterans) or quilt (for non-veterans) to drape the body with. Notifies the resident who will serve
as Master of Ceremonies.

D. Honors Team – Briefs the mortuary technician on the ceremony. Coordinates with front desk
staff for notification and music. Escorts the body to the lobby and (for a veteran) folds the flag
and presents it to next of kin, if present. For a non-veteran, folds the quilt and retains it. Asks
the mortuary personnel to take charge of the decedent.

E. Front Desk Staff – Announces over the PA system that a resident is being brought out and
invites residents and staff to gather in the lobby. On signal, plays appropriate music. Ensures
that a staff member posts outside the front door during the ceremony so it is not interrupted.

F. Resident Master of ceremonies – Observes ceremony. If the deceased is a veteran, calls the
lobby to attention, then commands “PRESENT, ARMS” when the flag draped body is 6 paces
from the lobby. Renders the hand salute and holds it until the flag has been folded. Commands
“ORDER, ARMS” once the flag has been folded.

G. Staff and residents attending the ceremony – salute the flag when appropriate by placing their
hand over their heart. Veterans may render the hand salute at their option. When the decedent
is non-veteran, attendees are not required to salute. They may sing with the music at their option.

H. Mortuary personnel – reports to the front desk and is directed to the decedent’s room.
Verifies that post-mortem care has been performed, wraps the body in a shroud as per protocol,
places a mortuary cover over the body, and prepares for transport. Coordinates with the House
Supervisor and the Honors Team for removal.

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