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10/3/22, 3:38 PM The Outsiders Chapter 7 & 8 Quiz#4

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Term1_C2_ The Outsiders Quiz# 4 (Chap7 & 8)

1. What parenting mistake did Randy feel Bob's parents made?

They never told him no. They were too strict with him.

They did not love him enough.

2. What item do the Curtis brothers always have in the ice box for breakfast in the morning?

Chocolate cake. Brownies. C Cupcakes.

3. When asked by a reporter about what he wished to do when he got home, Pony said,

"Visit my parents' grave." "Sleep."

"Take a bath" "Eat chocolate cake"

4. What is Johnny's charge?

Second degree murder First degree murder

Manslaughter drug dealing

5. What is Pony's fear in this chapter?

that they will be killed by the socs that Cherry will betray them

that he and his brothers will be put in a

that he will be haunted by Bob
boys home
6. Because of his injuries during the fire,
who was in the hospital with a broken
back and third degree burns?

Johnny B Pony

Dally D Soda

10/3/22, 3:38 PM The Outsiders Chapter 7 & 8 Quiz

7. Because of his injuries during the fire, who was in the hospital with a broken back and third
degree burns?

Johnny Pony

Dally Soda

8. Pony learns that Randy is not going to fight in the rumble between the Greasers and the
Socs that night.

True False

9. What did Dally ask Two-Bit to give when they visited him in the hospital?

Alchohol A switchblade

Cigarettes A gun

10. How did Johnny react when his mother came to visit him in the hospital?

He became angry and refused to see her. He hit her.

He threw something at her. He gave her a hug and said he missed her.

11. What did Johnny ask Ponyboy to bring to him at the hospital?

A comb Cigarettes

Gone With the Wind A chocolate candy bar

12. When the doctor said the boys could go in to see Johnny, what did Ponyboy fear?

Johnny had left the hospital. Johnny was going to die.

C Johnny didn't want to see him.

13. After Ponyboy and Johnny saved the children from the fire they were considered

Heros Runaways

Hoodlums Juvenile delinquents

10/3/22, 3:38 PM The Outsiders Chapter 7 & 8 Quiz

14. True or False: Cherry informs Ponyboy that the Socs are planning to bring weapons despite
the agreement not to do so

True False

15. Who does Johnny's mother blame for everything wrong in Johnny's life?

Greasers Johnny

Socs Johnny's Father

16. Why does the doctor finally allow Ponyboy and Two-Bit to visit Johnny?

Ponyboy has something to give to Johnny. Johnny is dying.

To cheer Johnny up. The doctor is tired of arguing.

17. What does Ponyboy ask Two-Bit to promise?

To take him to the rumble Not to tell anyone that Ponyboy is sick

Not to tell anyone about the going to the

To give Ponyboy a gun

18. If you lone it, what did you do?

Understand Go with friend

Like Go alone

19. If you have a heater, what do you have?

a promise a knife

a gun cuss words

20. What's a rumble?

a blade a job

a big fight a problem

Zetchi ESL_2022-2023

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