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Module 4 reflection


The topic of this week started with how trauma forms and how we can deal with
trauma. Just like depression, trauma is often thought of as not curable, following
with lots of criticisms saying that the patient isn’t grateful enough. Now, it is clear
that trauma has clear treatments and can be further explained scientifically.
People diagnosed of PTSD are not criminals. Instead, there must have been some
unavoidable and unforgettable incidents happening to them. To relieve the mental
stress, I believe doing yoga, meditation and get enough quality sleep are helpful to
them. We should not tell them to calm themselves down or just let go of those
worries. Giving them support when they are in need and let them know that we will
wait for them can make them feel secured and blessed.
Another topic I want to further discuss is the science of breathing. Following with
the Yin yoga we did this week, I think breathing plays an important role during every
posture, and breathing can lessen the stress in our body. Just as what is described in
the video given this week, breathing is the foundation of yoga. Increasing the volume
of breathing and the intervals between two inspirations contribute to improving the
relaxation state of reducing stress and manifestation of stress. I am now spending
more time on looking at how I breathe and control the pace I breathe when I do
meditation and yoga. Memories and images fly into my brain when I can slow myself
down. I can also focus on how these pieces work and mind the details of them.
If we can notice the details and functions of these mental health treatments, stress
and burdens of daily tasks will then be better faced. This is a lifelong lesson, and
yoga, meditation, quality sleep are the main particles of a joyful living.

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