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I chose this role because I have always been fascinated by history and its influence on

society. Exploring the impact of disease outbreaks in the past allows us to gain valuable
insights into how societies respond, adapt, and recover from such crises. Moreover,
studying the Black Death offers a unique opportunity to understand the profound
consequences it had on various aspects of life, including economy, religion, art, medicine,
To gather information about the Black Death, I consulted several reputable sources. One
essential resource was the book "The Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350" by
John Aberth. This book provided me with in-depth knowledge about the causes, spread,
and consequences of the plague during that time period. I also referred to academic articles
published in renowned journals, such as the Journal of Medieval History and the Journal
of Social History, to ensure accuracy and credibility.
In summary, my role in the plague pandemic  involves researching and presenting the
historical and societal impact of the Black Death. By gathering information on reliable
sources, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of this devastating epidemic and
its lasting influence on human civilization.

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