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Theoretical Framework

According to Allport (1954), the nature of prejudice developed a systematic and more

articulated of bias and its associated phenomena. He articulated the sequential step of

discrimination by which an individual behaves negatively toward the members of another racial

group is through verbal antagonism, avoidance, segregation and physical attack. Discrimination

can occur toward a specific number of group or a group as a whole.

It has been further articulated the sequential step of discrimination that through this we

could identify the behavior of a certain individual that behaves negatively towards others.

Verbal antagonism is all about the racial insults and disparaging of the racial comments.

According to Essed (1997) and Feagin (1991) that together with the nonverbal expressions of

antagonism, it can create a negative type of environment and it does not take attention to it as a

serious one which balances it to the concerns about the freedom of speech.

Avoidance includes the choosing of the comfort of an individual on its own racial group,

whether in a group in which there is an interaction with another racial group. According to

Johnson and Stafford (1998) that people may self-segregate along the racial lines which means

that it would be undermine to the exclusion of a specific group.

Segregation occurs when people are actively excluding members of a disadvantage racial

group from the allocation of the sources and from the access to institutions. This includes the

denial of the equal education of a certain place. Whether it inhabit likely the intentional or may

the explicit discrimination.

Physical attacks according to Green et al. (1999) is about racial out-groups that have

frequently been perpetrated by proponents of segregation and are correlated with other forms of
discrimination, Schneider et al. (2000) also stated that these are correlated with other overt forms

of discrimination.

This theory will help us researcher to know the percentage of the senior high school

students who experience discrimination using the Allport’s (1954) articulated sequential steps of

discrimination. The theory will be the guideline for us to know the different discriminations

experienced by the senior high school students.

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