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Rules to be applied in Summarize Written Text

1. Pick up the first sentence from the paragraph, (your choice should not be those
sentences that include the question mark ‘?’ and those with abbreviations i.e. (U.S,
C.E.O) and you should not include numbers that have point ‘.’ in it i.e. (12.5, 1.5).
2. Remember to use commas instead of full stops while joining sentences, and use
conjunction i.e. (though, as well as; moreover, although) and so on.
3. You must not include a full stop in between sentences; it may interrupt the whole
paragraph and that may reduce your score.
4. At last, join the last sentence of the paragraph. (using conjunction)
5. Do not forget to add a full stop after summarizing the paragraph.
6. You are recommended to summarize the paragraph between 30 - 50 words, which
means words should not be less than 30 words, similarly, it should not exceed
more than 50 words.

Sample Question
The English have the reputation of being a nation of tea drinkers, but this wasn’t always the case. By
the end of the 17th century, the English were the biggest coffee drinkers in the Western world, and
coffee houses became the places to be seen. For gossip also, one could pick up talk of the latest
intellectual developments in the field of science, politics, and so on, in this age of scientific discovery
and research. Coffee houses were very simple and basic at first; one can say a room with a bar at one
corner and a few plain tables and chairs at the other end. Customers paid a penny for a bowl – not a
cup – of coffee. At that time, it was thought that the customers didn’t use bad language just because
of the presence of a polite young woman. An added attraction was that coffee houses provided free
newspapers and journals.

But people didn’t go to the coffee houses just to drink coffee. They went to talk. Simple cafes were
converted and developed into clubs, where one with a penny could go for a drink and a chat. Most of
them started to go to coffee houses to find other people with the same job or of the same interest to
talk and conduct business.

Sample Answer
The English have the reputation of being a nation of tea drinkers, but this wasn’t always the case, as
well as; most of them started to go to coffee houses to find other people with the same job or of the
same interest to talk and conduct business.

Word Count: 48

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