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The Scarlet Letter

Questions for Chapters 7-10

Chapter 7

1. What was the acceptable reason Hester visited Governor Bellingham’s mansion?

2. What did she want to talk to him about that was “another and far more important reason”?

3. What did she do with Pearl while she went to see the governor?

4. What does the way Hester dresses Pearl “irresistibly and inevitably” remind everyone of?

5. At the end of the chapter, for what thing does Pearl start crying to get?

Chapter 8

1. Besides the governor and Mr. Wilson, what two supporting characters are walking in the garden?

2. When Pearl tells Mr. Wilson that her name is Pearl. He suggests several items that would suit her
better for a name. What color are the other objects he suggests would be a better name?

3. Why does Reverend Wilson say is the reason that Pearl should not be raised by Hester?

4. What is Pearl’s reply when asked who made her?

5. Who comes to Hester’s aide concerning the custody of Pearl?

Chapter 9

1. Who is the leech of this chapter?

2. What appears to be happening with Reverend Dimmesdale?

3. Why has Chillingworth taken up with Reverend Dimmesdale?

4. What does Dimmesdale mean when he says to Chillingworth, “I could be well content that my
labors, my sorrows, and my sins, and my pains, should shortly end with me, and what is earthly of
them be buried in my grave…”

5. At the end of the chapter, Chillingworth is compared to whom in regard to his relationship with

Chapter 10

1. How did Mr. Chillingworth use to be?

2. What did Chillingworth search for in Dimmesdale?

3. What did Dimmesdale find growing on a tombstone?

4. Who does the minister see when he looks out of his window?

5. What does Chillingworth do to Dimmesdale while Dimmesdale is asleep?

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